How to turn a girlfriend into a girl

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 7 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Turn A Friend Into A Girlfriend
Video: How To Turn A Friend Into A Girlfriend


At some point, you suddenly realize that your girlfriend is more than a friend to you, and you see her as a girl. You start to look at her as a girl and want to bond with her romantically. This is a tricky situation because you need to figure out how she feels about you without jeopardizing your friendship. But if you do everything right, she will soon turn from a friend into your girlfriend. Follow step 1 to get started.


Method 1 of 4: Understanding the Situation

  1. 1 Try to figure out how she feels about you. Your heightened feelings can be an echo of her feelings for you over the years. After all, yesterday you were friends, and today one of you has discovered new horizons for himself. Did she give you a hint that she might be interested in more than just being friends with you? Have you seen signs of flirting or that she wants to be with you all the time? Or is she always attentive, friendly and affectionate with you, but only as a friend? Paying attention to these things will make it easier for you to understand the situation.
    • Watch her actions when she speaks to you. Is she the same as usual, or is she more shy? If she's nervous, it could mean that she wants more from you.
    • However, just because she behaves normally doesn't mean she doesn't want more than just friendship. However, it will help you understand and appreciate her feelings for you before you proceed.
    • She always easily told you about her boyfriends, and now she suddenly stopped? This may indicate that you are the guy she likes.
  2. 2 Ask your friends what they think about it. You can become so fixated on this situation that you cannot objectively assess what is happening. If you have trusted friends who have spent time with both of you and have seen how you behave, do not hesitate to ask their opinion about your chances. A true friend will honestly tell you his opinion about whether he thinks that your friend is in love with you or that she only sees you as a friend.
    • Of course, your friends can tell you what you want to hear. But if you are looking for the truth, ask for an honest answer and you may be lucky.
    • This does not mean that friends can understand the situation better than you. But asking them is really helpful - either your suspicions will be confirmed, or your friend is in love with someone else.
  3. 3 Avoid the friend zone. Be clear. The problem is often that people continue to be nice and friendly. Civility is a wonderful quality in friendship, but it gets in the way when it comes to love and passion. Being cute instead of flirty will let her know that you are a good friend, not a good guy. If you continue to act like a friend, you will stay in the friend zone. How to be? You need to be more determined and flirt more! If you think you are not very good at flirting, don't worry, flirting should be playful and fun.
    • Don't let her do the usual "friendly" things. Don't let her see you as a "friend" and talk about her boyfriends. Make sure she sees more in you.
  4. 4 Make sure it's worth it. Before asking your girlfriend out on a date, make sure you are willing to take the risk.If she is one of your best friends, or even your best friend, make sure your feelings are real, that you are ready to take the plunge, and willing to risk your friendship. After all, your friendship can be much more important than your relationship.
    • The truth is that not all relationships end in marriage, and after breaking up, you won't be able to return to friendships.

Method 2 of 4: Make her look at you as a guy

  1. 1 Pay attention to your appearance. Make sure you look great. If you haven't cared about your appearance before, this will be a great call to action. Either way, it's always nice to look good as it boosts your self-confidence. You don't have to suddenly start using tons of hair gel or wearing a suit, but by putting extra effort into your appearance, you will help your girlfriend to look at you in a new way.
    • Try to dress well when you are going to spend time with her, shower regularly, shave, and do whatever is necessary to look good. This does not mean that you have to wear a tuxedo or doused with cologne from head to toe. Dress appropriately, and if you smell of perfume a mile away, it repels, not attracts. When it comes to scent, less is more. If you look good, you will feel good. Taking care of your appearance, you say, “Look, I tried to look better. I am ready to dress well especially for you, because you are important to me. "
  2. 2 Be more playful. If you're already having fun in a relationship, humor can be the way to win. Try to joke more in her presence, flirt with her. Tell her really funny things and make it clear that having a guy like you is really fun. Take a look at her, then smile as soon as she looks at you (do not cross the line so as not to seem odd).
    • Find a way to compare your relationship with those of other gay people in real life. It will be even better if these people are in a romantic relationship. Examples of some famous couples who have bonded over humor include Amy Poehler and Will Arnett, Anna Faris and Chris Pratt, Judd Apatow and Leslie Mann.
    • Tickling can sometimes work, but be careful. Everything is lost if you are looked at with a suspicious look. Not all girls love being tickled. Take her responsiveness as an example and don't overdo it, even if she loves being tickled. Be prepared to be tickled back.
    • You can tease the girl a little if you want to flirt with her. Just make sure you don't accidentally hurt her.
  3. 3 Increase physical contact. You may already be affectionate with each other. However, it's time to increase your physical contact a little to show that you are flirting. For example, set a goal for yourself to touch her at least three times during your meeting. Touch her for two to three seconds (this is enough for her to feel it) in a place where it will not cause awkwardness, such as an arm, shoulders or neck.
    • Share food. Sharing food with each other is very intimate and can increase your chances of intimacy.
    • Hugs are good. They express friendship, but they can also help you bond and become more than friends.
  4. 4 Be helpful. Do useful things for her. Help when she needs it. This can be anything from housework and tech repairs to homework and interview preparation. When you help, you show the girl your attention, which is very sexy. She will see that you care about her and want to help. Just make sure you don’t do all the work for her and she doesn’t treat you like a puppy. She should do nice things for you too.
    • Being helpful and helping does not mean being overbearing. If she can do something on her own, admire her skills openly, rather than say that you could do it better. Nothing is more repulsive than arrogance or humiliation.
  5. 5 Listen to her carefully. Don't just sit and nod, pretending to listen. Girls like it when they are listened to and tried to understand. That's not all, but listening skills will greatly benefit potential future relationships as well as strengthen your friendship. Show that you can be her boyfriend, be a gentleman.
    • When she talks to you, make eye contact and hide your phone and other distractions. Let her see that you are truly listening to her every word.
    • Don't interrupt her. Wait for her to finish before saying what you want.
  6. 6 Remember important information about her. Remember her birthday, brothers and sisters, phone number, what is her favorite food, favorite color, hobbies, ambitions, as well as everything that she tells you about. If you don't have a very good memory, write this data down, it will help you remember important events. She will see that you really care about her.

Method 3 of 4: Hint that you like her

  1. 1 Invite her to parties. If you both love dancing and having fun, invite her as your partner. This can be beneficial for her as she goes with someone she knows well and the atmosphere of the evening can lead you to your goal. You can take your relationship to the next level by partying together.
  2. 2 Get closer to her. Use your body language to get closer to her, and soon you will receive clear signals that she is interested in you. Touch her shoulders very gently, look at her, and touch her often. Hugs are always good. Pay attention to how she reacts to these touches. If she welcomes your closeness and is comfortable with it, then you are on the right track.
    • Be careful not to lean on it, grab or squeeze too hard.
    • Flirt. This should happen when you are confident that she has begun to reciprocate your feelings. It's exciting, thrilling and fun when done at the right moment.
  3. 3 Make her want to see you more often. Don't spend too much time with her. Instead, spend some time with her, then disappear, and then flirt with her again. Rest assured that when you are not around, she thinks of you. Thus, you play with her, achieving her disposition. She will lose interest in you if you are always at her disposal.
    • Spend more time with her when she is happy and pull back when she is sad. This will help her associate happiness with you. You will support her in difficult times, when she becomes your girlfriend and will need it.
  4. 4 Be flirty. Gradually increase the intensity of your flirtation if you feel reciprocated by your friend. Let everything happen naturally. Tease her a little, be playful, touch her casually and treat her differently than other girls. Let her see that you are not just flirting, and that your actions come precisely because of the romantic feelings in her.
  5. 5 Watch for signs of her interest in you. As you get closer to her and perhaps feel that your interest may be mutual, watch out for signs that confirm this.
    • Yesterday she had one color varnish on her nails, and today, on the day you met, it was a different color. She tries to get your attention with little things.
    • The skirts are getting shorter and the neckline is getting deeper. She sees you from a new perspective and wants you to see her too ... or parts of it ... in a new way. She shows what she can be sexy.
    • She looks at you a lot and claps her eyelashes.
    • Her movements become softer.
    • She starts to speak more slowly and lowers her voice a little.

Method 4 of 4: Ask her out on a date

  1. 1 Take a step forward. Go with her alone to the cinema or to the mall. Perhaps we should invite her in the evening. When she appears (try to meet in private, so that no curious ears are nearby), say something like: “Wow.How beautiful you are! ”And smile.
  2. 2 Choose the right time and place. If you want to ask your friend out on a date, choose a secluded place and a suitable time when she will not think about everyday worries. You don't have to wait forever to suggest this, but you must find a quiet place and choose a moment when she is in a good mood. For example, don't pull her around the corner in front of a math test, or she'll be constantly distracted instead of listening to you.
    • Be casual at the right time. If her friends are one and a half meters away from you, you will not be able to talk normally.
  3. 3 Tell her why you like her. Don't put too much emphasis on it. Just give her a few compliments and tell her how you enjoy spending time with her. Let her know why she is special to you and that you pay attention to all the details that make her beautiful. Don't embarrass her or talk too much, just take a few minutes to make her feel special.
    • You can judge for yourself her reaction to what you say, whether she looks confused, whether she wants to run away; in that case, you shouldn't continue. But if she's excited and looks like she wants to hear more, then you're probably in luck.
  4. 4 Ask her out on a date. Don't spend too much time on your opening speech. Just tell her that you really enjoy being her friend, but want to take your relationship to the next level. Let her see that you really thought about it and that you value your relationship, but are willing to take risks so that it grows into something more. She will be flattered that you value her as a friend, and that you have thought things through well enough before you want more of her.
    • Just ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend or go on a date with you. You don't have to spend a lot of time shaping the question. When you ask about it, look her directly in the eyes, thereby showing your sincerity.
    • Or, if you're sure she's flirting with you too, or that she likes you too, move closer to her and say something like, “I have to tell you something. You are beautiful, funny, kind and honest. I don't want to ruin our friendship. But I want to ask if you have any feelings for me besides friendly ones. " Be prepared for any answer. Let's hope she smiles and says yes.
  5. 5 Don't let your friendship ruin if the girl isn't interested in you. If she wants to be your girlfriend, that's great! You can hug her and celebrate by inviting her somewhere. But if she refused you, try not to be disappointed. Remember that this is probably for the best, because you will have many years of friendship, and not a fleeting relationship, after which you will not be able to be friends again. Of course, it will take you some time to accept this, but after a few weeks, you will be able to be friends again as before.


  • Respect and trust are a must! Without them, you will not only miss the chance to be with this girl, but you can also lose a friend.
  • Be honest and make her feel special.
  • Be friendly and help her periodically.
  • Feel free to, maybe she likes you too.
  • Take her side when necessary. Stand up for her in front of others. It will make a lasting impression.
  • You may want to give her the opportunity to take the first step after flirting. It's just between the two of you.
  • Be nice and call her periodically, say 2-3 times a week. Then don't call her for 2 or 3 days. Then call or text again. Sooner or later she will miss your attention, and she will take a step. Give her some attention.
  • Try using a site like woofun to see if your sympathy is mutual.
  • Confess your love for her in a language she doesn't know, then tell her what that means.


  • It's incredibly difficult to turn a friendship with a woman into a romantic relationship. Most often, this is influenced by the fact that women can maintain exclusively platonic relationships with men in order to find out the male point of view on many things that interest them without much shame. The very fact that a man with whom she has been friends for many months or years wants more from her can shock her. Be careful and make sure you really want these changes.
  • Make sure not to overstep the line and touch the girl too often. Follow the rule of non-sexual touch, which should be short and gentle. If you touch her in a provocative manner without her consent, it could be considered sexual harassment.
  • Don't act desperately. Obviously this will not give you any points.
  • There is always a risk that you might lose your friendship in pursuit of romance. You must weigh this risk well, given the length of time you've been dating and your desire to turn your relationship into something more. Trust your instincts and watch your girlfriend's reactions closely.
  • If she is shy, be extra careful. Don't take her shyness as a fact that she likes you. Respect her choice if she tells you that you are not interesting to her as a man.
  • If you get a sign that she is not interested in you, stop for a while. You may even have to abandon your idea. Always be ready to discuss your intentions with her and be honest and open.
  • Be careful. You may be struggling to turn a friendship into a romantic relationship. However, if both of you are old enough, then the option of so-called "friend sex" may be open to you. This means that you are not romantically involved, but simply remain friends who sometimes have sex. For some it may be convenient, but for some it can be painful, especially if they have feelings. This can develop into a relationship in which it is comfortable to be with the person, but not in a relationship where people have feelings for each other.
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