How to do what you want to do

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 7 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Actually Do What You Say You’re Going To Do
Video: How To Actually Do What You Say You’re Going To Do


If a person knows who he wants to be and strives to live in accordance with this idea, he reveals his potential. Nothing beats the understanding of what you personally need and the ability to do this business. However, doing what you want doesn't mean being selfish. It is also important to understand what you can do for others. Don't seek people's approval - better understand how you can be of use to them. Only you can decide what you like and make your dream come true. To achieve your goals, get into new habits and plan for the next five years.


Method 1 of 4: How to Know You Have Nothing to Lose

  1. 1 Stop living up to the expectations of others. The meaning of your life should not be to please people who care about you. They may not get it right away, but doing what you want to do will help you live your life the way you need to. Others will have a lot of time to come to terms with this.
    • You may find it easier to do what others expect of you. However, you should make decisions without the participation of other people. Sooner or later, you will find that pursuing your own goals is the best thing you can do for yourself.
    • If you are guided by the opinions of other people, you are unlikely to be able to achieve everything that you could.
    • Think about what you can give to others. Don't confuse what other people want for you and what you yourself want. For example, when choosing a major at a university, lean toward what you like rather than what others advise you.
  2. 2 Be prepared to be held accountable for your actions. Be persistent and patient and do what you want. You will need to make sure that your actions are in line with your goals, every day, year after year.
  3. 3 Solve problems. To become the person you want to be, you need to learn how to solve problems. For example, if you dream of going to university in a specialty that will bring you closer to your goal, but you lack knowledge, spend an extra year going to university. A person who knows how to solve problems is able to come up with several options for a way out of the current situation and choose the most optimal one, and then start acting.
  4. 4 Take risks for your dreams. Follow your intuition. Think about the worst case scenario. Risk is the ability to accept the worst-case scenario. Often times, you will fail on the road to your dream. Once you learn to accept the worst, nothing can stop you.
    • If you can succeed in what you love, you will become your own boss. Since you will only obey yourself, you should learn to trust your intuition. You know everything about your job best. To succeed, you have to try and fail. Be prepared to fail if you want your intuition to work for you.
  5. 5 Learn to acknowledge your fears. Everyone has fears, and sometimes they are the ones that set the direction of our lives. If you live with your fears in mind, you will not be able to fulfill your dreams. You should just know what those fears are and try to deal with them. Fortunately, if you can look fear in the eye, it will no longer affect you so much.
    • If you are anxious about your fears, write about your negative feelings and experiences. It will be difficult at first, but over time it will begin to bear fruit. Write in your journal every day for 20 minutes, and this habit will help you deal with negative emotions and focus on what you want.

Method 2 of 4: How to Know What You Want

  1. 1 Decide which of your skills you are willing to share with others. It may not seem right that you have to give in order to receive something, but if you understand what you have to offer to others, you will figure out what you want.There are many interesting fields of activity: architecture, planning and design of climate control systems, art, education, business, communications, engineering and computer science, environmental protection, work in public services, international relations, law, non-profit activities, healthcare and pharmacology, as well as a wide variety of sciences and other areas of activity (for example, you can become an electrician or carpenter).
    • All of these areas of activity involve certain activities and study of certain materials. Knowing which one you like will make it easier for you to decide what you want.
    • Your hobby can start generating income if you become a professional in one or more areas. Everywhere there is a need for employees, and this need will continue. The demand for services, skills and abilities can change, but you too can change and adapt.
    • Don't limit yourself to just one area or one skill. Think about what areas might overlap and how you can use it.
  2. 2 Explore the areas you like actively. The more knowledge and experience you have, the easier it will be for you to make a choice. Each area has specific traditions, ideas, practices and knowledge that will help you develop. Strive to set yourself challenging intellectual challenges.
    • Get in the habit of reading literature related to the field that interests you. Start reading related books. For example, read a few cooking tutorials if you enjoy cooking. In parallel, read culinary blogs to deepen your knowledge.
  3. 3 Meet and befriend people in the fields that interest you. Each area usually has an active community of people. If you live in a large city, you can connect with people who are interested in the same pursuits as you. Getting closer to these people will make you feel like a part of the community, and this will be an additional motivating factor.
    • The people you meet will help you get a job, do an internship, find a mentor, or enroll in a program you like.
  4. 4 Talk about your dreams with others. Having a conversation is a great way to think about important decisions. Tell other people what you want and don't worry about the reaction. Talk to people you know well and who will support you. They may be able to cheer you up and push you towards your goal.
    • Don't take everything too personally. If people do not understand your aspirations, there is nothing wrong with that. Find people who strive for the same thing as you. Ask a wide variety of people to provide objective opinions. It will also be helpful for you to talk to people who already have a lot of knowledge in the area of ​​interest to you.
    • Friends and family will be eager to give you the advice they think is the best. However, this does not mean that this advice will be useful to you. Listen to the opinions of others, but follow the plan that seems best to you. People often tend to give advice to help you solve a problem faster. But more often than not, there is no quick fix to the problem.
  5. 5 Ask people to be honest about their opinions. Talk to people who have excelled at what interests you and ask them for their opinions. This should be done regularly. For example, if you are a teacher, ask other teachers to attend your lessons and comment on your work.
    • It is often difficult for a person to understand what exactly he is doing wrong. All people do something wrong from time to time, and we need to be pointed out to us.
    • Think about the progress you want to make, not about self-doubt. It’s hard not to take everything to heart, but it’s worth learning.
  6. 6 Pave the way to your goal. There will be no direct paths, since it all depends on your personality.You are unique and you are constantly changing, so remember that your path can change (and more than once).
    • For example, if you want to be a musician in a group, you should do your best to get into the group. You may need to start with weaker groups and gradually move to more experienced ones. Perhaps later you decide that you no longer want to play in a group, but want to do music therapy. You will be able to adapt to these changes as you have already done something to achieve your goal.
  7. 7 Review your goals. Sometimes a person, gaining new experience and acquiring new relationships, realizes that his interests have changed. Learn to adapt. Find a way to integrate existing skills into new hobbies in your life.
    • People often change their minds. This is a sign that a person has learned something and become deeper as a person.

Method 3 of 4: Learning to Do What You Want to Do

  1. 1 Start small. First, try doing something small to help you develop new habits. For example, if you want to do yoga every day, unroll the yoga mat at the right time every day. You will soon begin doing the exercises at this time. If you do certain things regularly, it will be easier for you to move on to something more complex.
  2. 2 Know the difference between goal pursuit and mood. What you want is more important than your mood. For example, you want to be a good musician, but you do not remember the importance of this goal when you get up early in the morning and do not want to do music before work.
    • Visualize what you want to do. In moments of laziness, imagine doing what you want to do. Think about how many steps you will need to take to get to the guitar. Consider that you can have tea or coffee to wake up. Think about the music you will be playing.
  3. 3 Get up at the appointed time. Starting your day cheerfully will make it easier for you to do what you have planned. If you get up later than necessary, you will not have time to do anything. If you often sleep late, train yourself to wake up earlier.
    • Set a second, louder alarm a few minutes after the first. In the two minutes between the first and second alarms, visualize what you need to do. When the second alarm rings, it will be easier for you to get out of bed.
  4. 4 Get up and try again. You can start all over again every day and even every hour. Sooner or later, we are all driven by feelings. However, the more useful you do, the more often your mood will be good.
  5. 5 Measure your goals. Set clear goals for yourself. Goals should be specific, measurable, action-oriented, relevant and time-bound. If you want to be the writer they want to publish, you should first set a goal for yourself to develop a 5-page story to a 20-page story each month. The next goal may be to study possible publishing options, send letters and manuscripts to at least 3 publishers.
  6. 6 Prepare for challenges. Remember that the job you choose for yourself will be more challenging than the job others are willing to give you. You will think more than once that you will never be able to achieve your goal. But remember that all your efforts will help you become a more mature and deeper person, and this is the kind of person you want to be. The more difficult the work, the more enjoyable the result.
    • Deal with unpleasant feelings and anxiety. You won't always feel good on the road to a challenging goal. Allow yourself to experience these emotions and keep working in spite of them. All this will pass, and you will be one step closer to your goal.
  7. 7 Promise yourself to do something that will bring you closer to your goal for at least 15 minutes every day. We all have certain responsibilities, and sometimes we don't have time to work on our goals.However, those 15 minutes will motivate you to pursue more meaningful activities (like the yoga mat you unfold daily will help you get started with yoga at some point). Over time, you will realize that you can move forward. Progress will motivate you to do things that will lead you to your goal.
    • For example, work towards your goal every day. Set small goals for yourself for these 15 minutes. For example, if you are a musician, practice three songs for 15 minutes. You can play two old songs and one new one.

Method 4 of 4: Solving Practical Questions

  1. 1 Find a job that allows you to support yourself. Since you will strive for your dream, you will hardly have time to work like everyone else from 9 to 5. However, you will need money. Look for a job you can do regularly while you pursue your dream. Sooner or later, with the proper education and experience, you will be able to start making money with what you like.
    • If flexibility is important to you, you can work as a freelance marketer, write copy, do graphic design, or work with social media.
    • You can also work in a restaurant, coffee shop or bar.
  2. 2 Find affordable accommodation. Try to find a room or apartment in which you can do what you love and that will allow you to save money. It will take some time to start making money with what you love. You should find a way to support yourself while you work on your dream.
    • Live with other people. Live in the same room or house with friends or family. Remember that living conditions should help you move towards your dream, not hinder it. Living with someone is useful, but only if it does not prevent you from achieving your goals.
  3. 3 Think about a plan for the next five years. This will allow you to understand what you need to do in order to achieve what you want.
    • Decide what your ultimate goal will be. What should be your lifestyle and what do you want to be doing in five years? You must have a general idea. For example, you may decide that you want to live separately and fully support yourself by selling your music and teaching music.
    • Set realistic time goals for all small goals. For example, write down how much time you need for training, internship, mentoring, job search.
    • Make a list of your goals and post it in a prominent place. For example, stick your goal sheet on the mirror or place it on your desk to remind yourself of your goals more often.
    • Track your progress. If you fail to get an internship in the place you wanted, cross out that goal and replace it with another, similar goal that will help you realize your dream.
    • Review your plan. If your goals change, there will be nothing wrong with that. Make a new plan for five years.