How to protect yourself if you are attacked

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Defend Yourself if Attacked From Behind
Video: How to Defend Yourself if Attacked From Behind


There is no need to worry about being attacked, but just in case, it is best to always be ready to fight back a potential enemy. The best tactic is to hit or scratch a person's vulnerable areas like the eyes, nose, or groin. Try to protect your head, abdomen, and groin from impacts with your hands or surrounding objects. Try to avoid collision whenever possible - be confident, try to resolve the situation with conversation, or run away.


Method 1 of 3: How to deal with a potential aggressor

  1. 1 Be confident and aware so you don't seem like an easy target. Street robbers and other criminals are always looking for an easy target: they choose people who don't know their surroundings very well and who can be easily ambushed. No need to move down the street with your head down and look at your phone. Keep your back straight, move actively, straighten your shoulders and lift your chin. Don't make eye contact with people who are stalking you (as it seems to you), but look around to understand the situation.
    • If a potential attacker finds you a difficult target, he will leave you alone.
  2. 2 Try to resolve issues with words to avoid physical collision. If the aggressor starts talking rudely to you, respond calmly to defuse the situation. Ideally, it is necessary to calm down the aggressor, or at least buy time in order to have time to hide.
    • Try saying, “I can see that you are upset, but I don’t want to get into conflict.Maybe we will just go each our own way? "," I ask you not to behave threateningly and get rid of me, or I will call the police! "," Calm down. We don't need to fight. I'll just leave. "
    • Don't go screaming even if the aggressor raises his voice or insults you. Remain calm and try to defuse the situation so that you can leave peacefully.
  3. 3 Try to get away and hide from the pursuer. If the person approaches you and acts aggressively, then try to get into the car, enter the premises, or mingle with the crowd. Every opportunity to run and hide should be used to avoid a fight. Try tossing your watch or wallet to one side and then running in the opposite direction.
    • If the attacker demands your wallet, credit cards, jacket or shoes, then you better just give it away. Your life is worth more than any money.
  4. 4 Shout at the aggressor to prevent an attack. Almost always, the attacker selects victims who can be dealt with easily and calmly. Most of the aggressors want to avoid noise and situations that might attract the attention of other people (especially the police). If an intruder approaches you, shout loudly: "Get away from me!"
    • Keep yelling if the attacker doesn't stop. For example: "Go away!" - or: "Leave me alone!"
    • You can take out your mobile phone and shout: "I'm calling the police if you don't leave me alone!"

    Dany zelig

    Self Defense Coach Dani Zelig is the founder and owner of the Tactica and Tactica Krav Maga Institute in San Francisco, California. He is the second generation instructor in Israeli Krav Maga Imi Lichtenfeld, certified directly by the oldest of Imi's students and the head of the ranks committee. Has been practicing Krav Maga and teaching it to civilians, military personnel and law enforcement officials since 1983. Received a certificate of instructor in military Krav Maga from the Wingate Institute in Israel in 1987.

    Dany zelig
    Self defense coach

    Our expert confirms: “Act with confidence and trust in your ability to fight back. Convince yourself that the attacker has no chance of winning. Thinking like this will help you motivate yourself and deal with your fear of the aggressor so you can stand up for yourself. "

  5. 5 Take a defensive stance if the person tries to attack. If it is impossible to run away or avoid a collision, then prepare for an attack. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. In this case, your non-leading leg should be located in front of the toe towards the aggressor. The weight must be evenly distributed between the two legs. Sit down a little to create a low center of gravity, and raise your arms to protect your face.
    • In this position, it will be more difficult to attack you, and you will be able to effectively defend yourself. The compact body position will make it easier for you to stay on your feet during a fight.

Method 2 of 3: How to Fight Back

  1. 1 Hit hard or scratch the eyes of the aggressor. Clench your dominant hand into a fist and aim at the attacker's eyes. If you have keys, then use them as weapons. You can also scratch the aggressor's eyes with your nails. This can scare and temporarily blind the intruder so that you can escape.

    Remember, your task is not to deprive a person of sightbut just cause damage to be able to escape.

  2. 2 Hit the aggressor in the nose with your fist or open palm. Strike the nose with a clenched fist, or aim your palm at the base of the nose. You can also hit with elbows if the enemy is within a radius of half a meter. Swing to give the shock of momentum and increase the impact.
    • The nose is a fragile and vulnerable point that can be easily injured. Punch an intruder in the nose to inflict severe pain and escape while he is at a loss.
  3. 3 Aim in the Adam's apple and the base of the throat. Clench your hand into a fist, or twist your palm into an edge. Aim for the soft area of ​​the aggressor between the collarbone and the base of the neck.Put all your strength into the blow to make the person breathless.
    • It should be borne in mind that a strong blow to the Adam's apple can destroy the trachea and kill a person. You do not need to beat the aggressor in the Adam's apple with your strength, if he is not trying to take your life.
  4. 4 Use a pepper spray. Open the can and aim at the face of the aggressor. Spray the gas on your face and eyes. As soon as the gas jet reaches the target, turn around and run as fast as you can.
    • Typically, the effect of pepper spray lasts 15–45 minutes.
    • Some people have a very high pain threshold, so the aggressor may not stop after spraying the aerosol. In this case, try to hit in the eyes and nose.
  5. 5 Beat your opponent in the groin if a man is attacking you. Deliver an aimed blow exactly between the legs of the aggressor with full force after the swing. If you manage to immobilize the enemy for a few minutes, then you will have time to escape.
    • Be aware that the person might expect a kick in the groin and step aside or block the kick.
    • If the attacker is a woman, then a kick in the groin is also a good idea, although not as effective as in the case of a man.

    Alternative: if you are very close to the enemy, then try to hit in the groin with your knee.

  6. 6 Aim for the knees with your feet or knees to restrict the aggressor's mobility. Kick the knee from the front to seriously injure you, or kick from the side to knock a person off their feet. Keep hitting until the aggressor falls to the side or back. This way he will experience severe pain and will not be able to follow you.
    • Don't give up if the enemy has already knocked you to the ground! Try to hit the knee from the side with your elbows.
    • It will be more difficult for the aggressor to grab your leg if you hit him in the knee, as this will keep him lower to the ground.
  7. 7 Run away while the enemy is immobilized. Run away immediately when the aggressor is on the ground or takes a break. Move to a safe place and call emergency services immediately. Explain the situation, and later write a statement to the police.
    • Never try to "end" a fight or delay an attacker. If your opponent is clearly in pain (after hitting his throat, eyes or groin), then you don't need to wait and check if everything is okay with him. Escape to a safe place such as a car, building or crowd of people so that an attacker cannot find you.

Method 3 of 3: How to Block and Defend

  1. 1 Headbutt if your opponent grabs you from behind. If the attacker grabs from behind, try to hit him in the nose with the back of the head. Strike your head back with all your might. The aggressor will experience pain and will be forced to loosen his grip.
    • If that doesn't work, then bend your knees so that the opponent can feel the full weight of your body. In doing so, the attacker is likely to loosen his grip. After that, try to break free, as well as swing your elbows in the direction of the opponent's face. Beat the aggressor in the nose with your elbow so that he will release you.
  2. 2 Strike the aggressor with your forehead in the nose if he tries to attack from the front. If you did not manage to escape, then there is no need to panic. Try butting the person in the center of the face. Try to hit your forehead in the nose so that the enemy will experience severe pain and let you go.
    • Try not to hit the enemy's forehead, otherwise you will be very painful. The nose is softer than the forehead, so the likelihood of injury yourself will be noticeably lower.
    • If there is no way to hit in the head, then try to hit one of the armpits. The shock of the impact will force the opponent to let go of you.
  3. 3 Protect your groin, throat, abdomen, and eyes with your palms and hands. Striking hard on any of the vulnerable areas can render you helpless, so it is important to defend yourself when attacking. Cover vulnerable areas of the body with your palms and hands to dampen a possible blow. Move your arms actively while attacking to block punches. Also twist your shoulders and lift your legs to deflect punches and spanks.
    • If you find yourself on the ground and the enemy continues to strike, then curl up into a ball and cover your head.
    • First of all, an attacker will probably aim at vulnerable points.
  4. 4 Become defensive after retaliating strikes. Don't give your opponent a chance to grab your arm or knock you down after your punches. Immediately after the strike, you must return to a defensive position with slightly bent knees and raised arms. Raise your dominant hand in front of your cheek and protect your temple with your other hand. If you miss a strong blow to the cheek or temple, you can lose consciousness. Therefore, it is so important to protect these parts of the face.
    • Keep making noise as loud as possible during the fight. This can scare off an intruder or attract the attention of strangers. Shout: "Leave me alone!" - or: "Go away!"
  5. 5 Strike with the improvised weapons that you managed to find. You can hit the aggressor in the eyes with keys or hit in the face with a bag. If there are boards or metal reinforcement nearby, then hit the enemy with such objects. You can even throw dirt or sand into your eyes to temporarily blind your opponent.
    • Of course, this is not an ideal weapon for a fight, but this way you get a chance to get off with a couple of stitches and not get into intensive care.
    • If you have a pepper spray, spray the aerosol into your opponent's eyes.
  6. 6 Seek medical attention if you are affected. When you are safe (in a crowded place or at home), examine yourself to make sure there are no injuries. If you are injured, see a doctor or emergency room. If you get away with scratches or bruises, use band-aids and other first aid supplies.
    • If the aggressor tries to chase you, then the police can be called in the hospital.


  • Never turn your back on an intruder, even when walking towards your car. So he can attack you from behind. For safety reasons, it is better to go back or sideways and look towards the enemy.
  • If the enemy grabbed you and squeezes with his hands, then try to forcefully step on his feet. This won't hurt much, but should allow you to distract the aggressor, break free and run.


  • If they are trying to kidnap or rob you, then fight back with all your might. Don't worry about injuring your opponent.
  • Some of the above actions can cause serious injury. For example, if you hit a person in the eyes, you can severely damage your eyesight, and a blow to the Adam's apple can be fatal. If the fight takes place at school or you are fighting with friends, then you do not need to injure the person too much.