How to High High

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How High Is Too High? | Newsbroke (AJ+)
Video: How High Is Too High? | Newsbroke (AJ+)


What could be better than expressing your joy by slapping your friend's palm at speed? The clap sound serves not only to express celebration and your own glory, but also as a cacophonic warning to any potential competitors within earshot. Start with the first step to learn how to high-five like a real champion.


Method 1 of 2: How to give a regular high five

  1. 1 Find a partner (shu): you cannot five yourself. It is called clap... To give a real high five, you need someone who is willing to participate in your greeting. Ideally, you want someone with a good strong upper body and strong forearms. At least look for a partner (shu) with hands.
    • To give the best high five, you also need a great occasion to celebrate. It's hard to replicate the spontaneous energy of true holiday joy in a sterile “hands-on” environment, so watch out for opportunities to fight off detractors or do cool skateboarding tricks wherever you are.
  2. 2 Make sure you are standing in a comfortable position. If you want to put the maximum power into your punch, you should be in a strong posture. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, stand firmly on the ground, keep your back straight, and rotate your shoulders back as if you are about to push your chest out. This strong position will allow you to push off the ground and transfer all the power through your body, down to your wrist, resulting in a deafening popping sound.
    • Poor posture will not only make your high five weaker, but it will also make you look worse. If you drop your well-prepared hand abruptly to give a high, your friend may tell you that you are not in the process with all your heart and will have enough reason to interrupt the process.
  3. 3 Smile. First of all, it is an act of triumph, but "five" is also in itself cause celebrations. There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't smile when you give a high. Getting a five is a great honor, never take it for granted with an indifferent grin.
    • The only exception to this rule is that for a few seconds after the touch of your hands is acceptable to grimace in righteous pain.
  4. 4 Let's summarize. Start moving towards your partner (s). Once you have taken your first steps forward, move your dominant hand backward as if you were about to throw a baseball. Your hand should remain in this cocked position with your palm wide open, approximately behind your ear.
    • You can rotate your waist a little and / or lean back to add extra power to the punch.
  5. 5 Swing forward. A few steps away from your partner (s), wave your hand as hard as you can. Point your arm forward at maximum speed while rotating your shoulders, lean forward with a slight twist. If you hear a loud “clicking sound” before your hand touches your partner's (si) hand, don't worry - your hand just broke the sound barrier. Aim for the square in the center of the palm of your partner (s) - he (s) should do the same.
    • If you are having trouble getting your boyfriend (s) on the arm, try focusing on his (her) elbow as if you are swinging. Seriously, try this method - it works great.
  6. 6 Establish a connection. If you're lucky, your palm should touch the palm of your partner (s) so that they are both approximately vertical. The result should be a fast sound, with a harsh "echo" that can be heard for a minute or two (depending on the acoustics of the room you are in). Enjoy a job well done.
    • You’ll know you’ve given a great high five if everyone looks back at you with an irritated expression. Ignore these people - they are known as "haters" and only express their irritation to mask their own insecurities.
  7. 7 When greeting each other, let out a hearty cry when you clap. You just successfully gave your friend (s) possibly a best five. To increase the emotional resonance of this event, shout out with your friend (girlfriend) the words: "Yes!", "Cool!" or "Wow!" The choice of the phrase is up to you!
    • Other great options:
      • "Oh yeah!"
      • "Order!"
      • "Cool!"
      • "Radically!"
      • "Exactly!"
      • "In the subject!"

Method 2 of 2: How else to give a high

  1. 1 Learn the "classic" variation. Begin the movement by holding your hand (palm out) while facing the other person. Point your hand forward while saying "High five!", "Give me five!", "Here!" or "Hit me!" High five as above.
    • Focus on your prey! Focus on the arm or elbow of your partner (s) to ensure accuracy and prevent bouncing towards the face.
  2. 2 Slow Down option. Instead of placing your hand with your partner (s), palm out, lower it down near your thigh and turn your palms up. Signal that you are ready, say "bottom five!" Then your partner (s) should slap your palm with a downward sweep of the hand.
    • If you think you're cunning, take your hand to the side at the last second. You can gloat by making the remark "too slow!"
    • If you like this variation and want to expand your repertoire, try combining this variation with its appropriately named "top five" sibling.
  3. 3 Study the air five. Aerial five (also known as "Wi-five") is a regular "five" done at a great distance and requires a line of sight to execute. Give the classic "five" but without actually contacting your hands - in other words, push your hand forward, palm outward, towards your friend (girlfriend), while he (s) does the same. Try to make your palms "meet" at almost the same time. For best results, accompany this movement with sound effects such as "Whoa!" or "Babakh!"
    • This variant of the "five" is ideal for the digital age, since, thanks to video chats, it became possible to give each other "five", being thousands of kilometers away.
  4. 4 Freeze. Give a classic high five as usual, but after the initial clap, hold your hands in contact for a few seconds before releasing your hands. For best results, keep eye contact with your partner (s). Try using your eyes to convey your feelings and any other repressed emotions while maintaining a calm facial expression!
    • For additional Have fun slowly intertwining your fingers with those of your partner (s) until your arms fold into a "love embrace."
  5. 5 Learn to make Bro's Fist and its various variations. This method fails technicallylike the usual five, but this gesture is quite similar to what was mentioned in this article. In the Bro's Fist technique, each bro clenches the fist of one hand and lightly bangs his / her partner's (shi's) fist with his fist, touching his knuckles, ending the maneuver with a friendly grumbling or shouting. This method has several variations of its own - just a few of them are listed below:
    • Rocket... The first bro, after hitting, twists his fist and raises his thumb up, while the second imitates the fire from the tail of the rocket, placing his hand under the fist of the first bro, waving his fingers, imitating a trail of fire, slowly directing his hand to the floor. Both bros make whistling noises to mimic the sound of a rocket.
    • Gear shift lever... On impact, the second bro grabs the fist of the first from the front side and shouts "gear lever!"
    • Big explosion... On impact, slowly move both fists apart from each other, as if there was an explosion in the middle. Emit a low rumble to simulate the sound of an atomic bomb exploding in the distance.


  • Make sure you give a high five with a lot of enthusiasm, if not, you can ruin everything.


  • Give five only to good friends. There is still the possibility that this person will leave you standing with a raised hand feeling uncomfortable.