How to use weight loss pills safely

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Weight Loss Pills: Fact Or Fiction?
Video: Weight Loss Pills: Fact Or Fiction?


There are a variety of weight loss products and programs advertised for consumers, including fruit juices, detox juices, or weight loss pills. Although most of these medications are over-the-counter, there are a few things to keep in mind when using them. Many have not been tested for efficacy or safety by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration). Understanding as much as possible and at the same time being vigilant will help you manage your weight while taking weight loss pills.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding brands of weight loss pills

  1. Research on supplements online. Before buying any over-the-counter weight loss pills, you should take some time to research them online. Find reliable information that can tell you about the benefits, disadvantages, and any side effects or dangers of the dietary supplement you are concerned with.

  2. Reliable sources of information include government websites, scientific research, or hospital / clinic websites. Research conducted by the production company itself or on the recommendations of superstars, magazines, or newspapers in general is not reliable.
    • There are a few government websites and websites that provide information on vitamins, minerals, and supplements to aid weight loss. These sites include credible, unbiased research that has been conducted on the product categories listed on it.

  3. Read the claims to help lose weight. Most over-the-counter weight loss pills will be accompanied by claims to help with weight loss. It is important to understand that these statements are not FDA regulated and may not be true.
    • Beware of the "clinically proven" statement on dietary supplements. The company that produces this product must provide evidence to support their claim. If the company doesn't have any supporting information or research, it might just be a false statement.
    • Also, be careful about unsafe, unreliable products. They are often accompanied by "lose 4.5 kg in a week", or "lose weight within 24 hours" ad. This is usually an unsafe product.

  4. Find out about possible side effects. Every medicine, even prescription medication, comes with a list of possible side effects. Although quite rare, you need to know exactly how supplements affect your body.
    • Consult any side effects information before taking any over-the-counter weight loss drug or medicine.
    • Keep in mind that some ingredients for most weight loss medications are not well studied and their side effects are not well known. For example, bitter orange is also used as a "substitute for ephedra" and may have similar negative side effects. You need to be very careful when taking weight loss pills.

Part 2 of 3: Weight management with weight loss pills

  1. Get a doctor's approval before taking any weight loss drug. Your doctor will need to perform basic physical testing and review your current medical and medication history. They will be able to determine if weight loss or taking weight loss pills is safe and right for you.
    • If you are in good health, your doctor will allow you to use weight loss pills in moderation.
    • Tell your doctor about the medicines you plan to take, and consult with them about them, especially information regarding your general health condition.
    • If your doctor doesn't think weight loss pills will be right for you, you should ask them to prescribe weight loss pills, set up a medically supervised diet program for you, or ask if they can recommend you. See if a local registered dietitian is licensed.
  2. Take medication as directed. Read the instructions carefully before taking any weight loss drug. Follow the instructions correctly and make sure to take note of any side effects or weight loss you experience.
    • Do not double your dose or take it too close together.
    • Some weight loss pills require you to stay away from certain foods during the entire period of use. You must pay attention to this particular guide.
    • If you take the supplements as directed, you will reduce your risk of having a harmful side effect.
    • Stop using any weight loss drug or supplement if you experience negative side effects. Contact your doctor right away and let them know about the side effects you are experiencing and the medications you are taking.
  3. Drink enough water every day. Many weight loss medications make your body dehydrated through the process of urinating. Some types act as diuretics or contain ingredients that have a similar effect.
    • You should try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day (like filtered or purified water) to maintain proper water intake. The amount of water needed is different for everyone, but the easiest to remember is the "8 cups of water" rule.
    • Lack of water too much will dehydrate you, and in turn can cause serious health problems.
  4. Consider using prescription weight loss pills. There are many prescription medications available to help with weight loss. Research has shown that these drugs (like phentermine or Belviq), when combined with medically supervised diet and exercise, can lead to clinically significant weight loss.
    • Clinically significant weight loss is the loss of weight as a result of improving or resolving a medical condition that includes many types of a combination of illnesses such as hypertension or sleep apnea.
    • Your doctor will evaluate whether you are suitable for your medication and whether your prescription weight loss drug is safe for you. Your doctor will ask for regular follow-up visits and see a licensed dietitian or fitness professional.
    • There are quite a few prescription weight loss pills that your doctor can choose from. Most medicines will increase energy and reduce cravings.
    • Usually, you shouldn't take weight loss pills for a long time. Therefore, you need to make lifestyle changes to support and sustain weight loss in the long term.

Part 3 of 3: Supporting weight loss through lifestyle

  1. Follow a nutritious diet. There is no miracle for weight loss. Even with weight loss pills, you will need to make adjustments to your diet to support and sustain weight loss. Eat each of the following food groups according to the right portion sizes:
    • Include a source of lean protein at every meal. The serving size should be between 85 and 113 grams or similar to the size of a deck of cards. Eat foods like: meatballs, lean beef, eggs, low-fat dairy products, seafood, legumes, and tofu.
    • Add 6 - 8 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. A serving of fruit is about ½ cup or a small fruit and a serving of vegetables is 1 or 2 cups of green leafy vegetables.
    • Use about 2-3 servings of cereal. One serving is about 1/2 cup or about 28 grams. If possible, opt for whole grains for added benefits. You can choose from: oats, quinoa, brown rice, or 100% whole wheat bread.
    • You should eat about 3 servings of dairy foods each day. One serving is equivalent to 1 cup of fresh milk, about 43 grams of natural cheese, or 56 grams of processed cheese.
  2. Calculate calories or monitor portion sizes. In addition to eating healthy, you need to monitor portion sizes or calculate calories to aid weight loss.
    • Each person will need different calories depending on age, gender and activity level. However, to lose weight, you need to cut calories by about 500 calories per day. This remedy will help you lose about 500 grams to 1 kilogram per week.
    • Good portion sizes will also help you manage calories. You should only eat small portions to consume fewer calories at each meal and snack. Take the time to weigh recommended portions of protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
    • Use a food log or download a calorie tracking app on your phone.
  3. Limit sugary drinks. The source of calories that you should limit is the amount of calories that come from drinks that are sweet or high in sugar. These calories generally will not provide you with nutrients and may cause you to gain weight.
    • Limit drinks such as: regular carbonated drinks, coffee and tea with sugar, sports or energy drinks, fruit juices, as well as alcoholic beverages made from these mixtures.
    • Try to consume as much color-free, sugar-free beverages as possible. You can use: water, pure flavored water, pure coffee and tea.
  4. Do exercise. For success and sustained results, every weight loss plan requires exercise. Regular exercise will help support weight loss and help you maintain it in the long run.
    • Ideally, you should spend about 150 minutes or 2.5, hours of moderate intensity aerobic exercise each week. This means you will sweat a little, breathe quickly but in moderation, and your heart rate will increase slightly.
    • In addition, you should also add two extra days of strength training for about 20 minutes at a time. Try to work out almost every major muscle group.