How to make her fall in love with you

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Psychological Tricks to Make ANY Girl Fall in LOVE with You (Make HER Chase YOU)
Video: 6 Psychological Tricks to Make ANY Girl Fall in LOVE with You (Make HER Chase YOU)


Getting a girl's attention and getting her to like you is hard. How about making her fall in love with you? If you want her to die, consider the following tips.


  1. Be her hero. Whenever she is in trouble or worries about something, it is not enough if you just sit by her. You know, even if you don't have all the answers, you may not know exactly what she's going through, but just try to help her improve.
    • Ask her what you can do for you, but don't insist on her to let you help. Be patient and support her no matter what happens to her. If you can do something about it, do it and don't hesitate, but be cautious, because you don't want to hurt her anyway?
    • If she has a crush on you, go ahead and get out of the way. Do something she never expected you to do, like prepare her breakfast and then wash the dishes. She will "fall in love" with you. You are showing her who you are.
    • If she doesn't like you yet, or you don't know what she means, act calm. Be calm. If you are the type of guy who sweats and stutters in front of a girl, then calm down. Thinking she was just like a friend today suddenly looked different. If you can't calm down, don't be afraid. The awkward boys make girls feel cute. You will make her smile with good intentions!

  2. Don't go too deep friendship. Be friendly with her, but don't be everywhere all the time. Girls often like guys that are a little more mysterious, so try to be a little more secretive - don't pick up the phone all the time, tell you where you're going, etc. so it's always too honest.

  3. Pay attention to appearance. Men probably don't care how much you wear your lawn mowing outfit to get around, but the girl of your dreams doesn't think that's good. Here are three simple things that can get you on the right track:
    • Bathe and shave every day. If you're not old enough to shave, don't worry. That will come soon. Keep yourself fresh and fresh by bathing regularly.
    • Wear suitable clothes. Don't wear your brother's clothes; don't wear dad's clothes. Wear your own clothes, and choose those that flatter your body. It doesn't matter if you have a lot of money - a guy needs a pair of good jeans, a fitting T-shirt, a simple yet elegant shirt, and a pair of shoes to suit special occasions. .
    • Stay in shape. Get rid of excess fat and turn it into muscle if you can. Most girls like guys with muscle but not too rugged looking scary. Find a sports group that you enjoy and join. You can also impress her with your skills.

  4. Let's elegant. You have to have at least one trait that attracts women. Most men are attractive in a few different ways, but here are a few elegant ideas for you to think about:
    • Act like a gentleman. This means opening doors, paying for dates, keeping promises, etc. Girls love the feeling of being cared for by a gentleman.
    • Witty. Girls often like men who are good at talking, humorous with everything. Learn to elegantly humorous yourself.
    • Clever. You should try to read a lot, know about the events that are happening, and be curious. Women like smart guys, but they also have to stick with reality.

  5. Be reliable. After so many things, after all, every girl wants to be with a trustworthy guy - trust doesn't come from being forced by him, it's what he wants. Being trustworthy means showing her that she will be safe around you. Be the most trustworthy guy!
    • Do what you say. If you say it convincingly, then you have to do the same. Girls don't like guys who keep saying that they will do something but never follow through.
    • Respect the time. Although there are some girls who tend to be late when dating, but she "hates" waiting for a guy. This was as if to tell her, "I don't care if you are on time or not." If you must be late, let her know.
    • Keep credibility. Be a good guy other boyfriends are recognized for. How do you know if she, or a friend of hers, is questioning you. If she hears that you cheated on your ex, then your reputation is lost, and you have to rebuild from scratch.

  6. Try to be funny. The cheerfulness makes her relax. People are usually more perceived and receptive when they are comfortable. This is similar to witty, but on a higher level. A sense of humor will help you connect emotionally or intellectually with her. She will enjoy being with you and never get bored.

  7. Don't be too rushed. You will bore her if you hang around her all day long, rude touching and flirting when she doesn't like it and never shows signs of liking you either. Learn how to give her control, even if it is virtual.
    • If a girl doesn't want to do something, like "do it" with you, don't force her. This is not a way to tire a girl out of death. Instead, listen to her dreams, understand why she wants it, and show respect. Sweet honey then dies flies.

  8. Financially independent. Most women don't care how much money you make, who your parents are until you tell her that. That's good, isn't it, because most men aren't rich either. Remember some of the following money problems, which are relevant to women:
    • Women, like men, sometimes like getting what she wants. It doesn't have to be extravagant, but they love to be spoiled. Save money so you can please her from time to time.
    • Most women don't like men or show off their wealth. If you have money, don't show it off because you can scare her and run away.
  9. Don't flirt with other girls. She may really like you, but seeing you dancing or talking to another girl can be a hindrance. Show her that you just like her.
    • Meanwhile, you should be friends with girls as well. If she sees that you also have girl friends, she will be more comfortable around you. If you never hang out with any woman, that will be a sign telling her that you don't know how to treat women.
    • Sometimes women have small rivalries - just like men! So having a few women around is fine, as long as you don't flirt or flirt with them.
  10. Compliment her. Give her classic but effective compliments. Don't compliment that she has the perfect ability to do things, either because you may seem too longing or you are indulging her. But a well-placed compliment will make her remember you forever!
    • Sincerely complimented. Find out what features you like best about her, make her special in your eyes - and tell her. If that is true then naturally the compliment is sincere.
    • Strengthen her sense of self. If she thinks she is athletic, encourage her competitive spirit or athletic skills. If she thinks she's a thinking person, compliment her on her intelligence. If she thinks of her like that, focus on that quality and compliment her.
    • Pay more attention to her personality than on her looks. If you want to compliment your looks, be sure to avoid physical features, and focus on complimenting the following traits:
      • Smile
      • Hair
      • Eyes
      • Lips
      • Clothing (style, appearance, etc.)
  11. Create images that remind her of you. Sing or hum some songs, comment on movies, tell about your favorite places. Every time she hears or sees that, she remembers you.

  12. Balance between your sensibility and your masculinity. Girls like guys who understand girlliness but don't act like girls. This means that you need to understand where she came from, but still have to keep "male standards" if possible. Learn through the following suggestions:
    • Maybe cry while watching a movie… if it's about sports. Though most girls don't like sports, it's a badge that shows your manliness in her eyes. Get ready to pursue the sport while spending time with her.
    • Can be worn beautifully, but not too groomed. As mentioned above, girls often like guys who dress well. But if the guy is better dressed than her, then obviously not fine.

  13. On top of that, don't follow the instructions mechanically. You shouldn't build a relationship with her in a script. The most important thing for deep feelings is that you are comfortable with her and expressing your personality. Don't try to force yourself into a certain pattern. It is better to wait until you find a girl who likes you, not the type of guy "cool". The relationship in which you are yourself is much more important than the relationship in which you have to play the role of someone else.

  14. Girls often don't know what they want. Be yourself, and behave like a gentleman. Let her do what she wants and act to show that you care about her. advertisement


  • Keep yourself fragrant!
  • Don't talk for hours; Make time for her to speak.
  • Never offend her, especially a shy girl, even if it's a joke, unless you're sure she knows it's a joke.
  • If you know she wants you to kiss, then kiss her at the right time, otherwise she will get bored or think you don't want to go beyond friendship, and she will come to someone else willing to do so, though maybe that person is not stylish, smart or handsome like you.
  • After you are best friends, on Valentine's Day give her a bouquet of flowers or a gift to let her know your love.
  • Don't praise her unless you really feel pretty or do something great.
  • Look into her eyes deeply and while the two are silent, ask where she got that beauty.
  • Even if the two of you were close from day one, you should not invite her out the next day, this will make her think you are a "playboy".
  • If she feels lonely sometimes, don't try to "jump in" right away and come to her. Take your time, neither too slowly nor too quickly. Remember that it takes time.
  • Remember that "friends zone" is just a social concept that sets out to punish women who turn down a man.
  • Always support her.
  • Girls shouldn't really "fall in love" with you; in love, there must be respect and love for each other. Don't use her as a target for entertainment, treat her with respect and kindness. This is also the problem of some guys in the world: they don't know how to treat a woman like a person, not a toy.


  • Never go too far when teasing a woman. Calling her fat or laughing at her appearance was a rude and despicable act.
  • Try not to talk to her every day. She will love it when you talk to you every few days, but if you keep trying to force her into conversation, she will just get annoyed. Once in a while, you should "stretch" a little to show her you're not too clingy - this can be frustrating. Let her come to you.
  • Don't talk to girls about other girls. Try not to gossip.
  • Some girls find it annoying with "stylish gestures". Make sure you know the type of girl you're after. Some say it's sexist, a nuisance, or seem like you're trying to be high-class.
  • If a woman says she doesn't like it, withdraw. Doesn't mean no.