Ways to Treat Herpes

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Oral Herpes Treatment || Genital Herpes Cure || Herpes Symptoms - All You Need to Know
Video: Oral Herpes Treatment || Genital Herpes Cure || Herpes Symptoms - All You Need to Know


Herpes or Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is a sexually transmitted viral infection. In the United States alone, the CDC US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 250,000 people are infected with herpes virus each year. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for Herpes. On the other hand, it can be treated and controlled with medication, home care and simple preventive steps to prevent outbreaks and transmission.


Method 1 of 4: Treatment recommended by a doctor

  1. See your doctor diagnose. For sexually transmitted diseases like Herpes, it is not advisable to diagnose yourself. Instead, to be sure, you need to see a doctor. Many cases of Herpes are asymptomatic, meaning that the symptoms are not present or are too mild to be recognized. On the other hand, some cases of Herpes will have the following symptoms:
    • Small, painful blisters grow into a rough layer on the skin that usually heals over several weeks. Blisters can appear on the genitals or on the buttocks.
    • Red, rough, hard skin in the genital area, it may or may not be itchy.
    • Frequent pain or discomfort when urinating.
    • Flu-like symptoms include fever, body aches (especially in the back and neck), and swelling of the glands.

  2. When you are diagnosed with Herpes, talk to your doctor about prescription medications. Your doctor will give you a few specific recommendations about what medications and what to look for in managing your symptoms. Since there is no cure, symptom control is the primary step in treating herpes.
  3. Know the effectiveness of finding the right treatment. Managing your symptoms with the right methods will help you:
    • Heals wounds faster and more effectively.
    • Shorten the duration and severity of symptoms.
    • Reduce the risk of disease recurrence.
    • Reduce the risk of spreading herpes during sex.

  4. Take an antiviral medication prescribed by your doctor. Antiviral medications help reduce the number of Herpes virus outbreaks by reducing the "spread of the virus" or the process by which the virus makes new copies on the surface of the skin. Regular use of antivirals also helps to reduce the risk of spreading the HPV virus during sex. Common antiviral medications commonly prescribed for herpes include:
    • Acyclovir (Zovirax)
    • Famciclovir (Famvir)
    • Valacyclovir (Valtrex)

  5. Know your options for treating herpes with antiviral drugs. Medication administration will be monitored by a doctor for the recommended time. When Herpes virus is first diagnosed, doctors usually prescribe medications. Then, depending on the severity of the disease and the needs of the patient, the doctor may prescribe drugs to take in stages or take them regularly.
    • Initial treatment: After diagnosing herpes, your doctor will prescribe an antiviral for you to take for a short time (7-10 days). If the 10-day dose does not control the virus, the doctor may prescribe it for a few more days.
    • Stage treatment: If you rarely have herpes or have an infrequent infection, your doctor may prescribe an antiviral that can be easily used during an outbreak. Having antiviral medication ready makes it possible to start taking it as soon as an outbreak occurs, thereby reducing the severity and duration of the illness.
    • Regular treatment: If you have frequent herpes (more than 6 times a year), talk to your doctor about taking antiviral medication every day. This is called inhibitory therapy. Patients who frequently have herpes virus infections when they start taking the drug each day notice outbreaks of up to 80%.

Method 2 of 4: Alternative home therapy and not proven

  1. Try Echinacea. Used for a long time to fight colds and infections, Echinacea has been a natural herbal ingredient that has been widely known in recent years. Echinacea can be taken as a juice, tincture or an extract (like a tea). Although widely used to treat herpes, this effect of Echinacea has no scientific evidence to support.
  2. Use baking soda to dry the wound caused by Herpes. Baking soda is an effective ingredient for deodorizing the refrigerator to underarm odor, as well as used as toothpaste and acne treatment. Baking soda helps dry a damp or watery wound, which helps it disappear faster. Baking soda is a dry substance so it is clean and absorbent, but it is still not a recommended treatment by your doctor.
  3. Take Lysine or L-lysine to prevent herpes outbreaks. Lysine is an essential amino acid that has many effects on the human body (calcium absorption, collagen formation, carnitine production, ...). In the case of Herpes, Lysine helps prevent outbreaks by blocking arginine, which aids in herpes virus replication. Even so, the results of clinical trials on the use of Lysine are mixed and scientists believe that Lysine helps prevent Herpes better than it does treatment.
  4. Use cold tea bags to control symptoms. Some people believe that the tannins in tea help treat herpes symptoms when they appear. How to use:
    • Heat enough water to soak the tea bag.
    • Cool the tea bag under cold running water until it is no longer warm. Squeeze off the remaining moisture in the tea bag.
    • Place the tea bag on the wound and let it sit for a few minutes.
    • Throw away the tea bag and use a dry towel or dryer to immediately dry the wound.

  5. Use aloe vera cream to treat lesions. Aloe vera can be helpful in healing damage caused by herpes, especially in men. Applying aloe vera cream to the wound and letting it dry completely can help reduce the length of time it is ill.
    • Consider taking homeopathic bioenergy forms of herpes cure such as 2lherp, HRPZ3 and Bio 88. These drugs last for 5 years in 82% of participants after 6 months of treatment.
    • Consider using the herb Hypericum. Experts in traditional Indian medicine believe that this is the most effective natural treatment for Herpes.

  6. Try Monolaurin. Monolaurin is composed of glycerol and lauric acid - two substances that make up coconut oil. Coconut oil is known for its antiviral and antibacterial properties. Cook with coconut oil and drink coconut water to help boost the immune system. Applying coconut oil directly to the wound helps to heal it quickly.
    • Look for Monolaurin tablets (if in capsule form, you can separate the capsule and pour Monolaurin into almond milk or coconut water). Note to check to see if Monolaurin is contraindicated with the medicine you are taking or not.

  7. See an herbalist. You may need to consult with an herbalist about finding herbs that help treat herpes. Herpes ulcers often cause severe pain. Many herbs in traditional Indian medicine have been used for thousands of years to ease the burning, itching and tingling sensation. Herbs such as white sandalwood Chandana (Santalum album), Devadaru cypress (Cedrus devdar), Nagarmotha tree (Cyperus rotundus), Guduchi tree (Tinospora cordifolia), Ficus plants such as Ficus bengalenis and Bodhi (Ficus religiosa), Sariva (Hemidesmus Indicus), Utpala lotus (Lotus), Licorice Yashtimadhu (Glycirhiza glabra) are all well-known for their cooling properties on the skin. You can combine the above herbs in equal proportions and follow the instructions below to ease herpes sores and blisters. Talk to your herbalist about the following 2 ways of using herbs:
    • Color water: Boil 1 teaspoon of powder (boil over low heat) with 480 ml of water until 120 ml remains. Use a decoction to wash the skin with herpes.
    • Mix: Mix the herb powder with milk, rose water or water. Apply the paste to the areas with herpes. Use an herbal blend for severe pain and burning.
    • Should be applied directly to the skin when the affected area of ​​herpes is damp.

Method 3 of 4: Additional treatments

  1. Soak the affected area in warm water and keep dry when not soaked. Sometimes, doctors may recommend a warm bath to relieve the itching, pain, or discomfort associated with herpes outbreaks. Aluminum acetate (Domeboro) or magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) can help soothe the skin with Herpes. However, this is not recommended by a doctor.
    • Use soap and warm water to gently clean the blisters. Keeping the blister area clean can speed it up to heal.
    • Keep areas of herpes-infected skin dry when not soaked in warm water. If you feel uncomfortable using a towel to dry the water, you can use a hair dryer to dry your skin.
  2. Wear underwear and loose, cool clothes. Cotton underwear is a must. Tight clothing and underwear, synthetic clothing can worsen genital herpes symptoms because synthetic materials do not ventilate with fabrics such as cotton.
  3. If the sores are in severe pain, ask your doctor about applying anesthetic to the sores. Although not as effective as oral medications, topical medications can help relieve pain and discomfort.
    • Over-the-counter pain relievers such as Aspirin (Bayer), Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (Advil) are often prescribed to help relieve pain.
  4. Try an ointment that contains beeswax. In its natural state, beeswax is a colloidal material collected from birch buds. However, beeswax is usually harvested from hives. Ointments containing 3% beeswax (for example Herstat or ColdSore-FX) can help heal when applied to the wound caused by Herpes.
    • In one study, a beeswax-containing ointment was used 4 times daily for 10 days on 30 volunteers. After that, 24 out of 30 volunteers reported that their wounds had healed; meanwhile, only 14 out of 30 volunteers who took a placebo reported that the wound healed.
  5. Try herbs Cordyceps (Prunella vulgaris) and mushrooms Rozites caperata. Cordyceps and Rozites caperata both hold promise in treating Herpes. Cordyceps can be used with hot water to soothe and heal blisters; Rozites caperata fungus can be eaten to treat blisters. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Precautions

  1. Understand that herpes flare-ups are often caused by stress, illness, physical injury (including sexual activity), and fatigue. Taking care of yourself both physically and mentally can help reduce the frequency of herpes outbreaks.
  2. Join activities that help reduce stress. Managing stress can help prevent illness. Consider doing an activity that helps you maintain balance and calmness, such as yoga, painting or meditation.
    • Exercise regularly. Exercise is a great natural way to reduce stress and improve physical health. Maintaining physical strength helps ward off disease and protect the immune system, thereby preventing herpes.
  3. Always use condom Latex material during oral, genital and anal sex. Not only does this help protect the other person (who should be informed of your condition prior to sexual intercourse or physical contact), but it also helps to protect your skin from damage that could lead to flare-ups. Herpes disease.
    • Try not to have sex during an outbreak. Spreading the Herpes virus can occur throughout the genital area, increasing the risk of transmission. If you are concerned about spreading the virus to your partner during sex, you should only have sex when the illness is over and always use a condom.
  4. Full rest. Raising your energy levels by getting enough sleep will help you avoid illness and manage stress (both physically and mentally). Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night and avoid activities that put your body under high pressure, like running a marathon.
  5. Avoid participating in activities that increase your risk of disease or infection. Wash your hands often and avoid places that are susceptible to infection (for example, hospital waiting areas or places where people are sick). Always strengthening your immune system is an important step in herpes prevention. advertisement


  • As soon as you are diagnosed with Herpes, you should inform the person who has sex with you about the condition and advise them to see a doctor. The first outbreak usually appears within 2 weeks of exposure and exposure to the virus, but symptoms can be mild and difficult to recognize.
  • If herpes blisters are widespread and severe, you may need hospitalization for intravenous medication administration and professional local treatment.
  • People with Herpes can transmit the virus even if they don't have visible symptoms or blisters. Therefore, patients need to use latex condoms when having sex to avoid transmission of the virus, even in the period when the disease stops.