How to Increase Breast Size 1 without Surgery

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Increase Breast Size Naturally | Increase Breast Size Without Surgery | Breast Enlargement
Video: How To Increase Breast Size Naturally | Increase Breast Size Without Surgery | Breast Enlargement


It's no shame to admit that you want bigger breasts. Although it is not easy to have bigger breasts without going through surgery, it is not entirely impossible. If you want bigger breasts, you can do chest exercises, try using some medical aids, or even make up to make your breasts "look" bigger. Here are some tips for you to get bigger breasts without surgery:


Part 1 of 4: Adjusting the Diet

  1. Eat more foods that contain estrogen. Estrogen is a female hormone that plays a major role in increasing breast size, among other roles. While your body will naturally produce estrogen when you go through puberty and even until you are 18 or 19, focus on eating more estrogen-containing foods for bigger breasts. there is no harm. Here are some estrogen-rich foods:
    • Lentils and green beans
    • Lima beans and kidney beans
    • Dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt
    • Methi seeds
    • Spices like sage, clover and oregano
    • Fruits, for example apples, cherries and plums
    • Vegetables such as beets, carrots and cucumbers
    • Grains such as rice, barley and wheat

  2. Eat foods that contain phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens come in handy when your estrogen levels are low, in which case breast size will increase. Studies have shown that oral phytoestrogen supplements are effective in increasing breast tissue size in premenopausal women. There are many delicious foods that contain phytoestrogens, so don't hesitate to include these in your diet. Here are some foods that are rich in phytoestrogen:
    • Nuts like pistachios, walnuts, cashews and chestnuts
    • Beverages such as red wine, white wine, black tea, and green tea
    • Fruits like peaches, strawberries and raspberries
    • Linseed
    • Green beans and winter squash

  3. Weight gain. Right. If you really want to have naturally large breasts, all you have to do is gain a few pounds. The chest, along with the abdomen, thighs, and other body parts tend to gain weight more easily than the rest. You may not want to get bigger breasts by gaining weight, but it's the easiest way to get there. To gain weight, simply increase your calorie intake, focusing on richer foods like cheese and sugary foods like cookies. Or simply eat a lot of the foods you enjoy so you don't feel like you're eating on purpose.
    • If you are very slim, then gaining a few pounds is a positive change. However, this is clearly not the best solution for everyone.

  4. Avoid taking estrogen pills or estrogen supplements to increase breast size. Eat foods that contain estrogen and phytoestrogen in moderation though may If you do increase breast size, you shouldn't take estrogen pills for this reason either.If you think you have a need to take these drugs to make your breasts bigger then consult your doctor, absolutely do not use them on your own. Unfortunately, breast enlargement drugs have side effects associated with breast cancer, blood clots, and other ailments - not worth the trade-offs for bigger breasts.
    • Some controversial studies suggest that there is no evidence that estrogen or phytoestrogens play a role in increasing breast size.

Part 2 of 4: Exercise

  1. Do push-ups. Push-ups are not only great exercises that strengthen the triceps (the muscles behind the arms) but also help strengthen the muscles in the chest. Doing too many push-ups at once will strain your arm muscles, so do only 2-3 sets of 10 push-ups per day, if you are well prepared for your physical strength. If you are new to push ups, start with 2 turns, 5 times each and work up gradually. Once you get the hang of it, you can push yourself to practice more daily. Here's how to do push ups:
    • Start lying on your stomach on the floor and place your hands under your shoulders.
    • Slowly push your body up to your back by pushing the floor until your arms are stretched and the weight is transferred to your toes.
    • Lower to the floor without touching the ground and lift your body up again.
    • If you find it too difficult to do the above, you can start over with push ups while your knees and lower legs are on the floor. This is still a great workout for your chest muscles.
  2. Lift the weight. If you've never tried lifting weights, head to the gym and work out with a reputable sports trainer. This is a great exercise to help tone the chest muscles. All you have to do is choose weightlifters heavy enough to work and lift them up in the air. However, too heavy weights can strain muscles. A moderate weight is usually about 3-5 kg. You can also lift weights at home without the need for a training bench. Here's how to lift weights:
    • Hold the dumbbells with both hands on your lap. The palm of the hand is facing down.
    • Raise the dumbbells into the air while keeping hands straight, arms slightly arched.
    • As soon as the dumbbells rise above your head, gently lower them to the sides and repeat.
    • You can imagine this movement as the movement of a pushup on your back.
  3. Do chest-pressure double weights. To practice this exercise, lie on your back (straight back), place your arms on both sides, hold a light weight, ranging from 2-3 kg. The dumbbells should be tilted, with the head facing you, the bottom of the dumbbells facing away from you. Just move your arm forward so that your body will look like a cross. When your arms are fully extended, fold them into your chest. Continue to move the arms away and then retract to meet at your chest position.
    • Do 2 sets, 15 times each in the first exercise. You can practice more when you feel comfortable with this exercise.
  4. Practice pushing the wall. This is another version of push-ups and also helps to tone the upper arms and chest muscles. Stand about 60cm away from the wall, palms against the wall, arms straight. Then, press yourself against the wall until the arms are fully folded, while keeping the legs as close to the starting position as possible. Use your arms and biceps to push out again. You can imagine this move like pushing against a wall.
    • Repeat 2 sets of 10 wall pushes each for your first exercise.
  5. Practice crunches. This will reduce belly fat and strengthen your abdominal muscles.
    • Lie on your back with your hands on your sides and knees upwards. With your feet and arms still on the floor, sit up. Then lie down again and keep the arms and legs in place.
    • Repeat 10 times in the first episode. Don't overdo it, one or two sets a day should suffice.

Part 3 of 4: Making breasts look bigger

  1. Wear a bra that fits snugly against your chest. Studies show that up to 8 out of 10 women are wearing the wrong bra. Wearing a bra that is too small can actually make your breasts look smaller rather than bigger, and wearing a bra that is too large can make your breasts look looser and therefore look smaller than reality. So what's the secret to making your breasts look bigger? It is wearing a bra that fits well. Here's how to choose and wear a bra that fits your chest:
    • Focus on the bandage of the shirt, not the size of the chest cup. Chest cup is very important but only if you know exactly whether you are size 32 or 36. That's the key to make a difference.
    • Don't tie your shirt in the tightest part, unless it's the one that suits you best. Tie the buckles to the place where you feel most comfortable.
    • Never put a bandage on your back.
    • Make sure your bra matches what you're wearing. Don't wear the same bra with different outfits as some will make your breasts look smaller than they really are.
  2. Wear bras with padding or breast augmentation. Here's a quick and easy way to solve the problem - you don't have to go breast pad any more. A padded bra can make your breasts look a little bigger, and a lift bra can make for an even more amazing effect. If you're looking to buy a bras or booster bras, you need to make sure it fits so it looks like your real breast. Be careful not to wear a padded jacket that is too thick to triple the size of your breasts - it will make you look somewhat revealing.
    • In fact, you should avoid using tissues or anything to "pad" your bra to avoid looking too chesty. Nothing else, this will make your breasts look very dumb or may cause embarrassing malfunctions.
  3. Contour breasts with makeup. Sounds too far-fetched, doesn't it? No problem. Women often draw the outline of their breasts, especially in movies. With just a few brush strokes, you can create an "illusion" that makes your breasts look bigger without even getting your shirt dirty. You can even buy a makeup set for this purpose if you're really going to stick with this technique. Even so, you should first use your existing makeup to see if you like the effect. If you want to give it a try, follow these steps:
    • Dressing, bra and all accessories. Wear everything you really wear on.
    • Clip tissue or toilet paper to the front of your shirt to avoid getting dirty with makeup.
    • Use a blocky powder or darker powder to cover the sides of your chest, and hit your cleavage.
    • Apply this chalk up and outwards, creating a natural V-shaped curve for your chest.
    • Apply a lighter shade of eyeshadow or face powder, such as golden or peach, to the top half of your chest.
    • Use a cotton swab to spread the colors to create a naturally full looking chest.
  4. Complete your look. Your mother probably meant that when she kept reminding you not to "slouch" when you were younger. This is the easiest and fastest way to make your breasts look bigger. By keeping your spine straight, extending your chest, and naturally stretching your shoulders instead of hunched over, your arms on either side instead of the front of your chest, you'll have a great posture, not just for you. looks taller and more confident but also makes your breasts look bigger and full of vitality.
    • When you hunch over, so do your breasts. When you stand tall and proud, so are your breasts.
  5. Wear clothes that accentuate your breasts. Here's another easy tip to make your breasts look bigger than they really are. Wear shirts with frills or stylized laces around the chest, with horizontal stripes extending over your chest, try a shirt with a low neckline that creates a bit of cleavage without being too cut to reveal your chest - making the chest looks really smaller. Wear one color above your chest and another color below your chest that can make your breasts look larger.
    • Wearing shirts or skirts that cut below the breastbone can also make your breasts look bigger.
    • Wearing a rimmed dress or shirt will naturally lift your breasts.
    • Wearing tops that are too tight around the chest, such as a tube top that is too tight, or a Halter shirt that doesn't fit well will actually make your breasts look smaller.
    • You can also attract attention to your chest by wearing a necklace with a side hanging in the center of your chest.

Part 4 of 4: Always be wise

  1. Don't take drugs just to get bigger breasts. It is true that some birth control pills are known to increase your bust size. However, you shouldn't ask your doctor to prescribe it for this reason alone. If you have recently had sex, are having a difficult time, or have another reason to want to take birth control pills, then consult your doctor about whether you are taking birth control pills. correct or not.
    • Starting this medication can lead to a number of potentially undesirable side effects, such as psycho-physiological changes, and in the long run you will certainly find it absolutely not worth the price of a tradeoff. bigger breasts.
  2. Patience. If you are a young girl, your breasts may not have reached their full size yet. Puberty affects everyone differently, and while you feel that your breasts have reached their full size, it can actually continue to grow naturally after teenage. , or even in some cases even later, as part of your maturation. As you get older, you may naturally gain a bit of weight or decide which medication is right for you and your breasts will eventually grow without your knowledge.
    • Don't be in a hurry to change the size of your breasts before your body is fully grown.
  3. Beware of scams. You will find plenty of advertisements for "proven" drugs or supplements to make your breasts bigger. However, it is very rare that drugs or supplements have been shown to have such natural effects, not to mention the potential negative side effects. So it's better to choose the natural solution through diet and exercise, or even create an "illusion" that makes your breasts look bigger, instead of doing things that can be harmful. for your body.
    • Talk to your doctor before you plan to take anything called a “supplement”.
  4. Don't give Botox injections. Many women aged 30 to 50 are spending tens of millions of dong to inject Botox breast augmentation. While studies have yet to confirm whether Botox is dangerous, some doctors say the effect is almost negligible, with almost no difference compared to just changing your posture. without spending a penny ..


  • Sesame seeds and flaxseeds are both known to increase hormones and help develop breasts.
  • Try sitting on the floor with your legs spread apart, as if you were trying to "smell" the floor. If you do this at least 10 times a day for about 2 months, your breasts will get bigger!
  • There is no medicine that can increase your bust size, but eating fish can also stimulate the increase of hormones that help your breasts grow bigger.
  • Wear a cup-sized bra, instead of trying to wear a larger cup bra.
  • Be satisfied with yourself no matter how you look! There is no one like you! You're still so pretty in your own way!
  • Don't wear a sports bra: a sports bra presses against your chest, making it appear smaller.
  • Please be patient. Each person has a different "speed". If you are trying to get bigger breasts, don't rush. Be slow and do it right.
  • Drinking a lot of milk and using all dairy products will help increase hormones, making breasts bigger.