How to become who you want to be

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Change. Who do you want to be? | Josh Levent | TEDxFSUJena
Video: Change. Who do you want to be? | Josh Levent | TEDxFSUJena


Have you recently examined your personality through a magnifying glass and realized that you have room to grow? Very often people come to the fact that they want to change themselves. Becoming who you want to be is a big deal, so don't be in a hurry to get discouraged if change isn't happening too quickly. Learn to notice your small victories, and over time you will find that you have become much closer to your goal, to your new self.


Method 1 of 3: Assess Yourself

  1. 1 Clarify your aspirations. Take the time to do a thorough self-assessment.To completely change your personality, do the "Best Version of Me" exercise. This exercise has been shown to heighten positive emotions, an optimistic attitude, help you develop coping skills, and allows you to set landmarks.
  2. 2 Pick a moment in the future. Time frames can be 6 months, 1 year, or 5 years from now. Close your eyes and imagine that in this moment you have become the best version of yourself in all its glory.
    • What have you accomplished? What skills have you acquired? These goals and victories must be positive and achievable.
  3. 3 Write down the character strengths that you considered in a future version of yourself. Decide what properties you need to develop in order to achieve this result.
    • For example, your future personality may be more compassionate, innovative, and organized. Such skills can be demonstrated in a commercial enterprise. What sides do you need to develop in order to achieve the intended result?
  4. 4 Ask for the opinion of others. Another aspect of self-esteem is outside opinion. Remember that these are just opinions. Don't be angry if you don't like what others say. You yourself will choose the information that seems important.
    • Pick a few people whose opinions you respect. Ask them what they think about your success at school or at work. Perhaps they will tell you what you are doing well and what aspects need to be improved.
  5. 5 Summarize. Study the information gained from the Better Version of Me exercise and the opinions of others. What are your future qualities already present, and which still need to be developed? Make a list of your strengths, and then a similar list of qualities that you need to work on in order to change yourself according to your intended goal.
  6. 6 Be patient. Progress is not about moving unhindered in a straight line. Instead, you'll have to deal with repetitions, short cuts, wrong turns, periods of wandering and temporary stagnation. You need to understand that change does not happen overnight. Check out the stages of change to realize that even a small step forward is already progress.
    • Preliminary considerations... At this stage, you are not yet ready to accept the need for change (denial). You can defend your bad habits that people will point out.
    • Meditation... You become aware of the negative consequences of bad habits, and increasingly think about it, although you may still be skeptical.
    • Preparation / decision... This stage is characterized by a deep awareness of the problem and a willingness to change. You can do research or seek professional help to start the change process.
    • Action / volitional effort... At this stage, you rely on your willpower, take various decisive measures. This stage can last as long as 6 months or several hours.
    • Anchoring... This stage implies active actions that will not allow a return to the old way of life. You are re-evaluating your life and making changes in accordance with new habits and / or values. Make a plan to prevent relapse.
    • Relapse... You revert to old, unwanted behavior. This stage can become a transitional one on the way to the next stages. The main hope is that you will subsequently lose the desire to return to old habits.

Method 2 of 3: Develop good habits

  1. 1 Set realistic goals. When you know what aspects need to be improved, start setting goals. Take a pen and notebook. Title each page with a specific goal - personal and professional. Then write down some practical actions to take. Finally, set a reasonable deadline that is realistic but will push you on.
    • For example, let's say you set a goal to pay off a debt.This goal may involve several different strategies - paying in excess of the minimum monthly payment, trying not to accumulate new debt, and negotiating lower interest rates on credit cards or revolving accounts.
  2. 2 Replace bad habits with good ones. All bad habits prevent us from revealing ourselves to the fullest. Some of them are more dangerous (for example, smoking or alcoholism). Others just bother others and ourselves (the habit of hesitating or making noise). The best way to break a bad habit is to replace it with a smarter alternative.
    • Assess your bad habits. How do they manifest? What provokes you to do this? What purpose do they serve?
    • For example, you may have a procrastination habit that manifests itself in moments of overwhelm or stress. You are leaning under the weight of piled up problems, so you prefer to postpone everything and do nothing. This bad habit can be replaced with a healthier approach to stress management. For example, learn how to manage your time properly or relieve stress through exercise and meditation.
  3. 3 Play a role. You don't have to wait until you reach your goals or replace your old habits to get closer to a new version of yourself. If you want to get promoted at work or become a member of an elite organization, learn to look and behave appropriately for your role.
    • To achieve this goal, start dressing like people who are already in a similar position. You can also learn to maintain a more professional demeanor when interacting with others.
  4. 4 Reassess yourself regularly. You should continually evaluate your progress towards your goal and new habits. If you are not happy with the changes you made, then go back to the beginning and set new goals.

Method 3 of 3: Constantly Improve Yourself

  1. 1 Think positively. Positive thinking drives change. Positive thoughts can help a person live longer, reduce depression, strengthen their immune system and health, and cope with stress.
    • To do this, you need to study your inner dialogue. Don't tell yourself what you wouldn't say to a close friend or loved one.
    • If there is a high level of self-criticism, evaluate the validity of such statements. Is it really so? How can this be confirmed? Examine your negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations.
  2. 2 Learn, learn and learn again. A person who wants to become the best version of themselves must constantly learn. You will not only have to constantly evaluate yourself, but also consider new ideas and opinions. Here are some ideas for how to continually learn:
    • read fiction and scientific books;
    • volunteer;
    • travel;
    • work with a personal growth instructor;
    • expand your professional knowledge through refresher courses;
    • develop spiritually, emotionally and psychologically.
  3. 3 Spend time with people you admire. Researchers report that social isolation is no less harmful than cigarette smoking, alcoholism, a sedentary lifestyle, and being overweight. Your social circle has a significant impact on your physical and mental health. To grow above yourself, it's not enough just to have friends; you need to surround yourself with positive, motivating personalities.


  • Enjoy life and be proud of your new version of yourself.
  • Keep a journal to track your progress towards your goal. A diary will help you understand that you can become anyone.
  • Do your best, don't overwork, and get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet.
  • Don't doubt your changes.If you are a little unsure of how it all fits together, then take a deep breath and think about all the positive changes that have already happened to you.