How to tell someone that you still love them

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Do You Tell An Ex You Still Love Them
Video: How Do You Tell An Ex You Still Love Them


Telling someone about your feelings is never easy. Especially if one day there was a black streak in your relationship with him and you had to leave. Yes, it's not easy, but the best option in this matter is to be honest with the person. Regardless of the result you get, you will definitely feel better as soon as you express your feelings. It also helps you know that you did your best to show the person how you feel about them.


Method 1 of 3: Listen to Your Heart

  1. 1 First you need to be sure of your feelings. If you are going to tell a person that you still love him, you need to be sure that this is true. Try to assess the situation soundly. Think about why you need to confess your feelings to this person, and then imagine their possible reaction. Ask yourself, what are you waiting for after these words? Perhaps you are trying to get back in touch with this person, ask for forgiveness for some mistake of yours, or just renew the relationship and rekindle old feelings.
  2. 2 Share your feelings with a friend or friend. Reach out to someone who is mature enough for such a conversation, whom you trust and who has experience in love affairs. Ask a friend for advice. Share with your friend what you are going to say to your ex. Instead of trying to sort out your thoughts right away, try to simply discuss the situation.
    • Don't heed a friend's advice without thinking about the situation yourself!
    • It may be helpful to share your feelings with a friend who knows personally the person you still love. However, be careful when choosing an advisor - you do not want to entrust your feelings to a person who will gossip and spread rumors.
  3. 3 Try writing down how you feel on paper. Brainstorm and write down what comes to your mind first, instead of going through each thought in more detail. It is important to make sure that you are not trying to win your partner back because of feelings of loneliness, guilt, power, fear, or any other reason other than love. Be honest with yourself and the person you love.
    • Ultimately, you need to forgive yourself and your ex. No conditions should be set for reconciliation. Let go of this situation.
    • Focus not only on what you personally want, but also on what your relationship requires. If this is something specific, for example, if you say to a person: “I love you, but I want you to stop drinking,” then most likely you will need the opinion of a person who is not involved in this process. This could be a friend or relative who is willing to help you and your ex. Ultimately, the desire to change something is your choice and the choice of your partner.
  4. 4 Put yourself in your partner's shoes. Look at this situation from the perspective of the person you love. Ask yourself if this person loves you, if he will reciprocate your recognition. Remember that love is a double-edged sword, so the situation depends not only on your feelings and your desires.
    • Be aware of the consequences that your words may have. You can awaken the old feelings in a person, thereby ruining his attempts to build a new life.Ask yourself if you really intend to stick to your words and promises.
    • Remember - it is better not to piss off a person. If some time has passed since your relationship with this person ended, it will simply be inappropriate to confess your love to him. Especially if he or she is already trying to build a relationship with someone else.
  5. 5 Consider what went wrong. If it's all about minor troubles like a forgotten important date, constant lateness or absence from important family events, but at the same time a person has a logical explanation, many problems are solved by themselves. Don't rush things until you understand why your relationship is struggling.
    • Decide if the distance between you is the reason. Uncertainty often leads to paranoia when a person asks what his partner is doing, where and with whom he spends time and the like. If you and your partner have to spend several months away from each other, then you need to make a plan for how to keep the relationship afloat during this period. Consider taking a break, moving into an open relationship, or moving in with a partner.
    • You may find that you and your partner are simply at odds on many of the basic points on which the relationship is built: religious and political views, beliefs about lifestyle and family values. Perhaps your partner wanted children's laughter to finally appear in your family, but you didn't. Or maybe you and your partner had a fight while discussing which candidate should be supported in the upcoming elections. Think about what is more important to you: these basic points on which the relationship is built, or your love for this person.

Method 2 of 3: Make an Action Plan

  1. 1 Make a plan. First, it's important to make sure you understand why you failed to build a strong relationship the last time. Think about who you see yourself in the near future, whether you really still love this person. And then think about where and when to admit it to him. If you have such an opportunity, it is better to meet with your partner in person. If you lack confidence in yourself, and also if you simply do not have the opportunity to meet with this person in person, you can simply call him, write an e-mail or a regular letter.
  2. 2 Suggest a time and place. Ask your partner if he can meet you in neutral territory: in a cafe, park, or at your favorite restaurant. If the person does not want to see you, you can try a less straightforward way of communication: via phone, the Internet, or by regular letter.
    • Try not to discuss such a serious topic through messages on the Internet. It is best to talk about your feelings as thoughtfully and sincerely as possible. If you have previously kept in touch with this person in a certain way, you can try using him again.
    • If a person does not want to see you, this must be accepted. It is not necessary to abruptly show up at his work or home, do not pursue him and do not ask any of your acquaintances to follow him.
  3. 3 Don't overstate your expectations. You can hope and pray that this person will love you again, but you need to be prepared to give up. If you've made a serious mistake, hurt or angered your ex, chances are they won't want to reopen the relationship. If your loved one has already met someone, it is possible (and logical) that he will try to focus on the new relationship rather than trying to sort out past ones. Take courage and be honest in expressing what's in your heart. But it must be said with the sincere conviction that it is imperative for you to voice these words, regardless of the consequences.
    • Be prepared to respect whatever decision your ex-partner makes, whatever it may be.Regardless of whether he loves you and wants your relationship back, you need to give him the opportunity to express his position. If you don't respect the person, chances are you don't love them.

Method 3 of 3: Tell your ex that you still love him

  1. 1 Be direct and honest. This is not a time to beat around the bush, especially if you've had a relationship with this person in the past. Say exactly what you feel. Place all cards on the table. Share your expectations of this relationship and explain what you want. If you are going to return to your old relationship, it is very important to build it on trust and open and sincere communication.
    • If you want to be with this person again, say so. If you just want your ex to know that you still love him, explain it to him. If you already have the desired scenario for the development of your relationship after this conversation, voice it.
  2. 2 Take courage. Don't drag out the conversation or be afraid to act on your feelings. The more you worry about it, the harder it will be to take a step. Take courage and talk to your loved one, tell him how you feel. Ask yourself this question: "If I don't do this now, will I regret it later?"
  3. 3 Don't overcomplicate. All you really need to say is simple, "I still love you." After these words, you do not need to laugh or insistently look into his eyes, otherwise the person may decide that this is some kind of joke or prank. Be serious, but show those personality traits that he loved in you. If you can find the right words, tell him why you still love him, for how long.
    • If you need to apologize for something, do so and close the topic. Do not humiliate yourself trying to bring this person back into your life.
  4. 4 Wait for the right moment. If you have agreed to meet this person in a certain place, you should not immediately rush with loud words like: "I still love you." First, start a little conversation: take an interest in his affairs, tell a little about yourself and try to establish a generally friendly atmosphere. But do not beat around the bush for a long time. Most likely, your ex already has a suspicion of why you wanted to meet him, and perhaps he is waiting for you to reveal your main idea. Be patient, but frank and straightforward.


  • Respect the person you love. Be patient and kind, treat this person as you would like him to treat you. If he or she no longer loves you, be able to back off in time.
  • Be honest regardless of the circumstances. If you want to start over, you need to learn how to communicate openly and honestly.
  • When talking with your ex about your feelings, be honest. If you want to start all over again, it is best to start with friendship, as if you have just met and your relationship is just beginning to develop. Remember to be honest and open about your feelings and communication for love.