How to run on Linux via Terminal

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to install .sh files in ubuntu/linux machine
Video: How to install .sh files in ubuntu/linux machine


You can install a new program on Linux in the following ways: through the Ubuntu Software Center or the Synaptic Package Manager. However, some programs have to be installed using more sophisticated methods, such as through the terminal. This article will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing the software using the file. The article will show you how to install the Rockhopper VPN client as an example.


  1. 1 Download the program you want to install. Installation files are usually compressed into a Tar or zip archive.
  2. 2 Extract the contents of the archive to your desktop.
  3. 3 Open terminal with keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T. Enter the following command: cd ~ / Deskop / rockhopper-0.2.b1-020... Replace rockhopper-0.2.b1-020 with the name of your desktop folder. Click on ↵ Enter.
  4. 4 Make the .sh file executable. To make the file executable, enter the following command in the terminal: chmod + x Replace with the name of the .sh file. Click on ↵ Enter.
  5. 5 Run the .sh file. Enter this command: sudo ./ Replace with the name of the .sh file again. Click on ↵ Enter Note: if that doesn't work, try running the command sudo bash without the "./" (this worked on Ubuntu 16). To do this, you will have to enter your administrator password.
  6. 6 Complete the installation of the program. Installing through the terminal can include additional steps, such as verifying the installation.