How to text a girl you recently met

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Best Text Messages To Send A Girl You Just Met
Video: The Best Text Messages To Send A Girl You Just Met


Messaging with a girl you just met can be a fun way to get to know someone. To get a girl interested, you should be respectful of her and ask questions that will allow you to have long and deep conversations. If done correctly, she will want to meet with you again, and you can arrange new dates or even a date.


Method 1 of 3: Virtual Etiquette

  1. 1 Do not hurry. You may want to write as soon as you have her number, but it's best not to rush.If you start texting her while she is still around, she may have concerns that you do not trust her or that you are very persistent or intrusive.
    • If you really want to make sure you wrote down the number correctly, you can show her it so she can check it.
    • Write right away only if she asks you to write to her so that she can write down your number, or if she writes to you herself to give her number.
    • There are no clear rules as to how much time should elapse before the first message, but it is usually better to wait until the next day or evening if you met in the afternoon or in the morning. If you do this earlier, you will seem too intrusive, and if later, the girl may decide that you do not attach much importance to this acquaintance.
  2. 2 Write to the girl at a time when she is most likely to be free. If you want the girl to happily answer your messages and wait for them, write when she can be free. For example, if you know she works until 5 pm, write to her at 7 pm when she gets home.
    • Remember what the girl said about her schedule. For example, if she mentioned that she is very tired between changing shifts, do not call her between 3 pm and 11 pm.
    • If you do not know anything about her schedule, you can assume that she works according to her usual schedule. It is best to write the first time in the evening, between 7 and 9 o'clock. Pay attention to when she answers you, and keep this in mind in further correspondence.

    Sarah Schewitz, PsyD

    Licensed Psychologist Sarah Shevitz, PsyD is a clinical psychologist with over 10 years of experience licensed by the California Board of Psychology. She received her degree in Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology in 2011. She is the founder of Couples Learn, an online psychological counseling service that helps couples and individual clients improve and change their love and relationship behavior.

    Sarah Schewitz, PsyD
    Licensed Psychologist

    Don't make the girl wait too long for news from you. Love and relationship psychologist Sarah Shevitz says: “Some people think that you need to wait a few days before writing to the object of sympathy. However, as for me, this idea gives off a game and has lost its originality. If a meeting with a girl caused you a storm of positive emotions, you do not need to wait - write to her on the same day. This will make her feel more confident about future meetings with you. "

  3. 3 Don't write long messages. Short messages will keep the girl interested and keep the conversation going. If the messages are short, the girl will not have to wait long for your answers. Do not send her long and detailed descriptions of life stories - so the girl may think that you are in dire need of communication.
    • This is extremely important at the very beginning, however, further correspondence should be guided by this principle. Correspondence is the exchange of short messages. It is better to postpone more complex topics that require long statements until the moment when you get to know each other better or when you can talk on the phone.
  4. 4 Watch your spelling and grammar. Good messages will make a good impression. The girl will be pleased to receive thoughtful and coherent messages.
    • Don't use too many acronyms and abbreviations. They can be confusing and the conversation will end if the girl doesn't understand what you mean. Write the entire words, even if you want to shorten them, and use only a few common acronyms.
  5. 5 Don't use too many emoticons. Emoticons may be appropriate at certain times, but if used too often or incorrectly, they cause irritation. For example, if a girl told you a story that really made you laugh, send her a laughing emoji so she can see what you liked.
    • Only use emoticons if you want to highlight a specific emotion. Many people perceive emoticons as real facial expressions, so emoticons help you understand how you are feeling: joy, sadness, or something else.
    • At the same time, the person's face does not reflect a new emotion every second, so if you litter your messages with a large number of different emoticons, the girl may consider you an insincere person who should not be trusted.
  6. 6 Write to the girl as often as she writes to you. If you write too often, or more often than she writes to you, she may think you are desperate for attention, which will turn her off. To maintain interest, write to her at about the same frequency as she writes to you.
    • If at the beginning you write more often, there is nothing to worry about, but do not write if the girl has not yet replied to your previous message, which required a response. If you send one or two more messages, you will seem intrusive.
  7. 7 Flirt, but don't cross the line. If you flirted when you first met, don't be afraid to flirt in your correspondence. But be polite and watch for reactions.
    • In the beginning, try to write her cute, funny and a little corny messages. You can start like this: “You were so beautiful yesterday that I forgot what phrase I say when meeting girls,” or: “It's a pity that you left early yesterday; I wanted to admire your smile a little longer. "
    • Avoid rude and vulgar phrases. If you start sending your girl dirty phrases and candid pictures too early, she can get angry and block you. Wait until you get to know each other better. Before you send her something frank, make sure she's ready for it.

Method 2 of 3: Finding topics of conversation

  1. 1 Start by mentioning how you met. This will allow you to connect and remind her of who you are. In addition, it will let the girl know that you remember the details of your acquaintance. For example, if you met in a course, ask if she is ready for the upcoming test.
    • You can continue the conversation that you had when meeting. For example, if she advised you on a movie, you might say, “I watched this movie and now I understand what you meant when you talked about the plot / cinematography / characters.” Then you can ask her opinion on some part of the film or ask if she knows any other similar films. This will allow you to strike up a conversation, as your messages will need to be answered.
  2. 2 Use what you know about her. Since you just met, you still don't know much about the girl. On the other hand, if you have her number, you probably already know at least something... Review your conversation in your head and think about where you can start the correspondence. Since most people enjoy talking about themselves, ask her questions about her. This will be a good conversation starter.
    • For example, if she mentioned that she enjoys running in the park, ask how much she can run and how she usually does.
    • If she said she works with children, ask what exactly she does, if she likes it, and so on.
  3. 3 Choose a neutral topic. If you have played your conversation over in your head, but could not catch on to anything, you can choose a neutral question that may interest her. Find an interesting and easy topic.
    • In this case, it is best to skip the standard greeting and go straight to the topic. This will create the illusion that this thought has suddenly occurred to you.
    • For example, you can write this: “Quick question: gelato or ice cream like in childhood? What's better? It is very important!"
  4. 4 Send her intriguing messages. Come up with something that will make her respond to you instantly. For example, write that you dreamed about her at night. It is possible that she will quickly answer you and ask you exactly what you saw.
    • But at the same time, it is important to remember what you said when you first met.If you did not meet under romantic circumstances, or if she was not sure whether to give you her number, take your time to tell her about your dream and wait for a more appropriate context.
  5. 5 Send her messages that will make her laugh. Humor fosters rapprochement, and the girl you like is no exception. If you don't know what to say, send her a harmless joke or a funny picture that will make her laugh.
    • Avoid cruel jokes or jokes that humiliate someone, even if you are laughing at yourself. Better to choose funny or even ridiculous jokes in one line, built on puns or observations about life. For example: “It seems to me that the brain is the most useful and important organ. Wait a minute, it’s the brain that tells me this. ”

Method 3 of 3: Scheduling Meetings

  1. 1 Treat correspondence as an opportunity to bond. All the most important communication should take place in person, and not virtually. Try to write to the girl not very often - it is better to just make appointments or grope for common interests.
    • You are probably very glad that she gave you her number, but do not get carried away with the correspondence too much. Correspondence is a way to keep in touch and make further appointments.
  2. 2 Forge the iron while it's hot. Don't delay - ask her out on a date or just meet you. You may not know this girl very well, but since she gave you her number, she is probably interested in meeting you again.
    • If you talked a lot the first time you met, she most likely wants to meet you herself. You can start the conversation by asking to see you again: “I had a great time with you. Maybe we will meet again? How about next Saturday? "
    • If you haven't spoken much, or if you want to get to know her better before seeing her again, you can chat a little. But you should still ask to meet for a few days, otherwise she may decide that you are not interested in face-to-face communication or is still wondering if you want to.
  3. 3 Choose a place and time based on what you know. Place and time rarely play a decisive role, but these factors also need to be considered. This is quite difficult because you don't know much about your new friend, but you can use what you already know.
    • For example, if you met in a bar or at an event, it is possible that this time is usually free from work and other activities. Try inviting her at this time next week.
    • If you've talked about sports, ask if she'd like to go to a game with you. If you met at a volunteer event, invite her to attend the next event together. If you met at school, ask if she would like to study in the library with you.
  4. 4 Be direct. Whenever you ask a girl out on a date, the proposal should be clear, understandable, and polite. Do not force her to fish out details from you or wonder what awaits her.
    • Suggest a specific day and time. If she says it doesn't work for her, ask if another time would be right. If she says she's not sure, don't push.
    • Don't be rude if she refuses. She may not have free time right now, in which case rudeness will undermine all your chances of meeting her when she has time. Even if she doesn't want to go on a date with you, don't get angry or take rejection personally.
  5. 5 Try to call her. In many cases, it's perfectly okay to make a date by texting rather than by phone. It might be more convenient for both of you. However, if you are not afraid of difficulties, try calling her and asking her out on the phone. This will let her know that you truly want to get to know her better.
    • You can clarify the date and time in the correspondence if you want this information to be with her in writing.


  • Try to keep your first posts interesting and casual. This will prevent the girl from being too serious, assertive, or weird - all of which can turn her off. Put serious topics aside until a phone call or a face-to-face meeting.


  • You should not send your girlfriend your candid photos right after you meet. These pictures should only be sent to people you know and trust. This will prevent the pictures from reaching the Internet or other people.