Sneak out of the house without getting caught

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
SNEAKING OUT OF THE HOUSE!! **got caught** |Elliana Walmsley
Video: SNEAKING OUT OF THE HOUSE!! **got caught** |Elliana Walmsley


Maybe there's a crazy party going on in town that your parents won't let you go to, or you've met up with some friends to play pranks at night. Whatever it is, you definitely want to go there. You want to have as much fun as possible. It can be a little scary, but if you learn to prepare for a good escape, stay still, and cover your tracks, it will help you relax and have a good time.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Preparing to sneak out

  1. Plan your escape route. Before you have to deal with squeaky steps and your mother's dog snapping at your ankles, think carefully about the obstacles between you and a night of freedom. What are the loud places in your house? What are your parents' habits? Is there a chance that your dad will snack on a midnight bowl of ice cream the moment you try to sneak out? Before you slip, consider the following:
    • Your parents' bedtime and sleeping habits
    • Your itinerary
    • How you stand out as little as possible
    • Where you met with your friends
    • Your route out of your house
    • Your route out of your residential area
    • Animals
    • Plans and excuses in case things go wrong
  2. Go to bed with clothes on. By thinking in advance what to wear, you can save yourself a lot of effort later on. Suppose your parents wake up and you come in with your party clothes on. Oops! It will then be difficult to claim that you just went for a walk. Anticipate the worst scenario and prepare.
    • Wear pajamas over your regular clothes. Make sure your parents see you dressed for sleep.
    • Take off your pajamas when you go out. Keep them somewhere near or where your parents won't be looking, such as in the letterbox.
    • Before you sneak back in, change your clothes. If your parents happen to get up or wake up when you come in, it's easier to use a quick excuse if it looks like you've been sleeping recently.
    • If you're just sneaking out to hang out with friends and don't have specific clothes to wear, think about where you'll be and how to minimize your exposure. While many people think that black is a good color, it is not.
    • Black - As mentioned above, this is not a wise choice for camouflage as most of the shadows are not black.
    • Dark shades of blue or purple - A better choice to blend in with the environment. Most shadows are dark shades of blue and / or purple.
    • Green - A good option for blending in among trees, shrubs and weeds.
    • Sand / Khaki - To remain hidden in a sandy environment.
    • Gray - Good camouflage for rocky terrain.
    • Brown - Better for wooded areas. Not necessarily for hiding in trees, but for areas where the trees have hardly any leaves on the lower parts of the trunk.
  3. Gather your group. You probably sneak out to meet friends, go to a party, or be with your sweetheart. Make sure your plans are the same and that you don't sneak out and find yourself alone. Stay informed via SMS or IM and plan a suitable meeting place for everyone.
    • Make sure the location you choose isn't somewhere you could be caught. If a curious neighbor sees a bunch of early teens congregating in the Pizza Hut parking lot and recognizes your friend, you're much more likely to be caught.
    • Think like a ninja. Stay in dark areas or try to be picked up in a car far away from where you live. Stay out of sight and you won't get caught.
  4. Consider pets. If you have a dog or a restless cat, or even birds that will chirp when you are around, how do you deal with that? Dogs in particular are a problem because they have super ears and noses. It is very difficult to get past a dog, even when it is sleeping.
    • Consider a good excuse to let the dog sleep in your parent's room, or some other faraway wing of the house that you won't sneak past: "Fido keeps crawling on my bed and disturbs me at night. Do you mind if I lock him up in your room tonight? I don't like to close my door because it scares me. "
  5. Make a doll that looks like yourself. In "Escape from Alcatraz", Clint Eastwood makes a nice fake head. While you probably don't have to take it that far, it's a good idea to put some clothes or blankets under your covers so it looks like you're just lying there. You have a better chance if your mother decides to check you at night.

Part 2 of 3: Sneaking out of your house

  1. Pretend you're going to the bathroom. A good method when you first sneak out is to use the bathroom as you normally would. Flush the toilet, let the water run, and shuffle back and forth to the bathroom as if you were just doing your thing. Then slowly get out of the way.
    • If someone hears something, they will hear your bathroom routine and slowly doze back to sleep. It's a familiar sound. Then everyone will continue to sleep peacefully by the time you get to the back door.
    • You shouldn't overdo this step. If a parent hears the toilet flushing and you walk back and forth every five seconds, they may come and check what's going on.
  2. Be as light-footed and as still as possible. Take off your shoes and start sneaking. In general, you will move around your house very slowly, especially if you have to sneak past your parents for whatever reason, or are dealing with irritable pets that are causing a big uproar.
    • Don't turn on the lights. If you have to navigate a particularly cluttered room or a room with a lot of sharp furniture, consider turning on the light for a while to get your bearings. As long as it's not visible from your parent's room, you'll be fine. Take note of the surroundings and turn off the lights.
  3. Be extra careful with squeaky floorboards and doors. Stop at floorboards as soon as you hear a significant beep. They are hard to avoid, but a single beep every thirty seconds won't wake anyone up.
    • As for the door, it is usually better to do this than pulling away a band-aid. Don't squeak the door endlessly, just open it as far as it takes to squeeze your way out in between and close it almost completely. Turn the lock back and slowly and carefully push the door into place. Then release the lever and lock the door. Stay still when walking outside, being especially wary of gravel.
    • If your car is driving, you have to be extra careful. Reverse your car off the driveway in neutral and wait until you are somewhere further down the street before starting. Leave your door ajar until you start your car. Sounds carry far in the middle of the night.
  4. Do not leave the door open but bring an extra key. The easiest way to get back in is to not lock the door and go back in without having to use the keys, but that is a very risky burglary. Just make sure you always have a key with you so that if one of your parents gets up in the middle of the night to drink some water and check the doors, you won't be left out.
    • Leaving windows open can be a bit tricky, because the sound is striking. You might want to consider unlocking one as an emergency, if you don't have access to a key. However, it is difficult to crawl in through a window without making noise.
  5. If you had fun, sneak back in. You are very unlikely to get caught sneaking out, but sneaking in is a whole different story. Be extremely careful when you return to your home, especially if you have a dog.
    • Check the house before entering again. Are there lights on? Does it seem like someone is up? If the answer is yes, start with coming up with a watertight alibi or book a trip to Mexico.
    • Shoot back into your pajamas to give a possible alibi more credibility. If you're trying to say you just went for a walk, it's more believable.
  6. If you arouse suspicion, give it up. If you make it to the kitchen before your dad comes in rumbling whatever you're doing, it's probably best to take your loss and give it up. Make an easy excuse, such as, "Just get some water. I'm tired. Good night. "It may be tempting to wait longer, but you are asking for more trouble. Save it for another night.

Part 3 of 3: Cover your tracks

  1. Prepare an alibi. Worst Case: You come back in at 4 a.m. and your parents are both awake, sitting up, and angry. What are you gonna say? Some possibilities:
    • Stefan called because he needed to be picked up from a party and he was really upset. He's having a hard time at the moment. I didn't want to wake you up, I just wanted to do the right thing. Sorry.'
    • "I couldn't sleep, so I texted Annie and we just took a walk around the neighborhood and talked." She's a little upset so I didn't feel like I could dump her. I think I'm going to make warm milk. I'm exhausted.'
    • "It is such a beautiful evening that I went out to watch the stars. I think I fell asleep. "
    • A better alternative is to just tell the truth: "I met some friends. We just hung out for a while. Sorry. I will not do it again.'
    • Avoid stupid excuses like, "I don't know what happened, I just woke up here!" Wanted excuses will get you nowhere. Your parents are not stupid.
  2. Think of the worst case. What if you get to the meeting place and no one is there? What if you end up walking a few miles and you need to be picked up after being dumped? What if you are picked up by the police for being up late? These aren't things intended to scare you, but you should think ahead of time about what you might do if you find yourself in a difficult situation, as you should be safe than sorry. That way you can relax and have fun.
    • Do you have older family you can call, or can you get away with calling a friend's parents? Think about your options and make them clear with them in advance. Let them know you may need them before you get out and ask someone for help.
  3. Remove the evidence. If your parents are getting suspicious and want to check what you did last night, make sure you were in bed according to your phone when they thought you weren't. Delete relevant texts, photos and other information that could reveal your night out. Don't text, tweet, or update your social media accounts with: "Went at the top party last night!". Silence is golden.
  4. Put things back as they were. Once you are in and safe, make sure you put everything back in order and put it back in the same place it was originally. Especially if your parents are very neat, you want to make sure you don't leave your shoes or keys in a conspicuous place.
  5. Wake up as you normally would. If you spend all night jumping around, you may need extra sleep up to two in the afternoon, and that can arouse suspicion. Set your alarm as late as possible, but at a regular time for you, and try to get as much sleep as possible. Take a nap later in the day to catch up on sleep if you must.


  • Don't worry and try to have a good time. No one will have any fun if you keep pointing out the potential problems. Even if you get caught, it's well worth the fun, so don't overthink it.
  • If anyone in your group is nervous or thinks their parents will find out, don't ask them. That person can be caught, which means that you have also come one step closer to a potential problem.
  • Sneaking out of the house is not a crime. However, don't use that as an argument when talking to your parents about it.
  • It's best to tell your parents that you are staying at a friend's house they only know by name and who has no idea what you're really up to. This way, your parents don't have the opportunity to find out whether you are honest or not.
  • Don't do anything illegal. If your parents find out you've been gone, you can always tell them the truth and they might not get mad!
  • Stay out of the light to be less likely to get caught. Try to find a safe route out of reach of streetlamps and other lights.
  • If you're a girl or boy with long hair, make sure your hair is tucked into your sweater so your parents don't look out the window and recognize you when you leave or come home.
  • Make sure they sleep. Lightly knock on their door frame, but not hard enough to wake them up. If they are awake, just tell them that you cannot sleep and that you have to go to the bathroom. If not, the coast is clear!
  • Just say you get some water.
  • If you get caught by the police while out, just say you're coming home from a party.


  • Don't overreact to problems. Not everything is going as planned. If something goes wrong, consider it a fun new hurdle to overcome, not an event that will ruin your night.