How to boil hot dog sausages

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 27 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How To Cook Sausages - Boil n Burn Method - Super Results - Sausage Recipe
Video: How To Cook Sausages - Boil n Burn Method - Super Results - Sausage Recipe


Cooking sausages is a quick and easy way to cook dinner. All you need is a pot of water and a bag of sausages. You can season the sausages with spices or saute them after boiling. Finish by placing the boiled sausages in the hot dog buns and season with your favorite spices and sauce.


  • Sausages
  • Water
  • Hot dog buns
  • Additional ingredients such as chili, cheese, onion, mustard, ketchup, hot sauce.


Method 1 of 3: Cook the sausages on the stove

  1. 1 Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. The saucepan should be large enough to fit all the sausages. Leaving some free space is not the case if you add sausages.
  2. 2 Place the sausages in a saucepan. Gently lower the sausages one at a time. Do not dump all the sausages into the pot at once, or the boiling water will splash out and you may burn yourself.
  3. 3 Cook the sausages for 6 minutes. Sausages are semi-finished products, but it is better to reheat them, they will taste better. 6 minutes is a sufficient cooking time for sausages, so they will warm up well, but at the same time they will not burst in the middle. Try to cook the sausages so that they do not burst, otherwise they will lose some of the flavor.
    • If you are brewing a large package of sausages, you may need an extra minute or two. Check the readiness of one sausage before taking out the rest.
    • If you are boiling one or two sausages, they may be ready in less than 6 minutes. Check the sausages in 5 minutes, they may be ready. If not, put them back in the water to boil.
  4. 4 Remove the pan from the heat and drain the sausages. You can remove the sausages one at a time with the tongs, shaking off the water. Or you can throw the sausages in a colander, the water will drain, and the sausages will remain in the colander.
    • If you have boiled sausages with a stock, leave the extra sausages in the water, put the pan on low heat to keep them hot.
    • If you are cooking sausages for a large number of guests, keep the pot on low heat until all the sausages have been eaten.

Method 2 of 3: Microwave sausages

  1. 1 Fill a microwave-safe bowl halfway with water. Make sure the bowl is large enough to hold all the sausages you are about to cook. A glass or plastic bowl will work.
  2. 2 Use a knife to cut the sausages. If you cut the sausages, they will not burst when heated. Slice each sausage lengthwise before microwave cooking.
  3. 3 Cook the sausages at full power for 1 minute. After a minute, check the sausage to determine if it needs to be boiled yet or not. Cut off the tip of the sausage to see if it's warmed up well. If you think the sausage needs to be warmed up, turn on the microwave for 30 seconds until the sausage is completely cooked.
    • You can tell if a sausage is done by looking at it. If the surface of the sausage is darkened and wrinkled, it may be ready.
    • If you are cooking multiple sausages, it will take a few extra minutes for the sausages to cook completely.
  4. 4 Drain the sausages. Remove the sausages from the water with a fork and pat dry on a paper towel before serving.

Method 3 of 3: Adding Extra Scent

  1. 1 Add the seasoning to the water in which the sausages are boiled. Sausages cooked in plain water are delicious on their own, but you can enhance their flavor by adding seasonings. Try adding half a teaspoon of salt if you prefer salty sausages. Moments before removing the sausages from heat, add one or more of the following ingredients:
    • 1/2 teaspoon granulated garlic
    • 1/2 teaspoon Italian spice blend
    • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  2. 2 Pour beer into the sausage water. The beer gives the sausages a special taste. This recipe is perfect for when you are brewing sausages for a large number of guests who come to watch a sports broadcast or for a beer lover's party. Pour a whole bottle of beer into the pot, replacing one and a half glasses of water. Bring the beer to a boil and cook the sausages as usual.
    • If you like culinary experimentation, try brewing sausages in different beers. Sausages brewed in light beer will taste different from sausages brewed in dark beer.
    • This method is suitable for all types of sausages, but especially for beef.
  3. 3 Add a clove of garlic to the water. If you put one or two cloves of garlic in boiling water, the sausages will taste and smell like garlic. You don't even need to peel the garlic, just throw in one or two cloves of unpeeled garlic.
  4. 4 Try frying the sausages after boiling. If you like sausages with a fried crust, quickly fry them immediately after boiling. Heat a skillet over medium heat, add a little olive oil. Use a knife to make cuts along the side of the sausages. When the oil has warmed up, fry the sausages until they are golden crispy by placing them cut side down in the skillet.
  5. 5 Season the sausages with your favorite spices and sauces. No matter how you cook the sausages, add seasoning for an original flavor. Place the sausage in a hot dog bun and add the sauce. Here are some ideas:
    • Chili sauce
    • Grated cheese
    • Ketchup or mustard
    • Chopped onions, raw or sautéed
    • Fried mushrooms
    • Marinade


  • Keep in mind that grilled sausages or grilled sausages taste real, although tastes differ.
  • To prevent the hot dog bun from getting wet, dry the sausage on a paper towel before placing it on the bun.


  • Be careful when removing sausages from hot water. Use only suitable devices for this. If a sausage falls into hot water, splashes can cause burns. Use cooking tongs.
  • Do not pour too much water into the pot, or it will spill out when boiling.

What do you need

  • Medium saucepan
  • Plate
  • Cooking tongs
  • Sausages
  • Hot dog buns
  • Condiments and sauces

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