How to have sex in secret from your parents

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
South Park - The Stick of Truth - Secret Perverted Achievement/Trophy
Video: South Park - The Stick of Truth - Secret Perverted Achievement/Trophy


Having a sex life without your parents knowing about it can be difficult, especially if your parents like to be in control of everything you do. But you shouldn't despair. People have been doing this for centuries, and you will succeed too. You will have to be smart, do everything discreetly and prepare for everything in advance. In this article, you will learn how to successfully plan and implement everything.


Method 1 of 3: Choosing a Time and Place

  1. 1 Do this when your parents are not at home. Know what time your parents leave and come, and choose a time when they will be away for at least a few hours. Leave enough time in case you get a taste for it. Listen to conversations about late dinners, weekend activities, movie going. This usually takes 3-5 hours, which you can spend on a secret meeting. If your parents leave the city and leave you to look after the apartment, you will be very lucky.
  2. 2 If your partner's parents are more relaxed about these things or are at home less often, visit your partner's house as often as possible. It will be the easiest way.
    • If your parents do not want to let you go to your girlfriend or boyfriend, you can always say that you are going to your friends or to shop, but you will hardly be able to do this all the time.
  3. 3 Seize the moment. You never know when the right moment will arise. If you and your partner want to have sex, you need to use every opportunity.
  4. 4 Use the car. You can have sex in your car if you can find a secluded parking spot. This is not the most convenient option, but it is not excluded. If you live in a city, try to travel outside of it. Business parks are usually empty on weekends and evenings. You can also hide in a normal place surrounded by a large number of cars.
    • Park carefully near buildings and establishments. Look for security cameras and signs that would prohibit you from being there. You don't want to attract the attention of the security guards or the police.
    • Remember that many public places are viewed at night, when people have no particular reason to be there, much more closely. Explore the places during the day so as not to arouse suspicion among the police and security guards.
  5. 5 Talk to your mutual friends about your options. You may be able to retire to social events at a friend's house. Your friends may disagree, but it's worth trying to ask.
  6. 6 Look for places in nature. In remote parks and forests, it is quite possible to be alone with each other. Bring food and blankets with you and go hiking in search of suitable spots. Choose only safe and secluded locations.
    • If you have already found such a place, take your partner there. There may be a place near your home where you can make an appointment. Maybe you know about some secret gazebo or a quiet place where no one goes.
    • Ask your partner if he agrees to this. Not everyone is ready for intimacy outside the premises. Tell your intentions ahead of time.
  7. 7 Look for another location within the room. Book a cheap hotel if you can afford it. Take your partner to a secluded office at school, work, or another building. Perhaps you have a key to the pantry, or you know about a place where no one usually goes. Come up with something original!
  8. 8 Be aware of the risks involved. It is prohibited to have sex in many public places. In many countries, it is also illegal to have sex with minors by law, even if you are not yet of legal age. If you really like this person and you have a secluded place, then possible illegality will not stop you, but always be aware of the possible consequences. If you are caught breaking the law, you can be held criminally or administratively liable. Even worse, your parents will find out!
    • Find out what is the age of consent in your country. In some countries it is 16, 17 or 18 years old. If the age of consent in your country is 18, it means that it is a crime to have sex with someone under 18 (even if you are 18 and your partner is 17; even if you are both 17).
    • Many adolescents who have sex before they come of age are legally sex offenders. This stigma will pass with you into adulthood - it will appear in your personal file. It doesn't matter if the law is fair. You must always remember all the possible consequences of your actions.

Method 2 of 3: Be careful

  1. 1 Talk to your partner. Both of you must be prepared for sexual intercourse and the possible consequences. Make sure your partner treats it the same way you do. At first, you may be embarrassed to talk about it, but you will have to do it, otherwise you will not be able to organize everything properly. If you want your parents not to find out, you will need to communicate with each other.
    • Find a safe way to discuss this issue. If your parents are reading messages on your phone, do not discuss sex in messages.If you and your partner go to the same school, discuss it there. Come up with a special code for sex, and then it will be easier for you to plan everything in the presence of others.
  2. 2 Prepare yourself psychologically. It may seem that lying is easier than telling the truth, but constant deception will require a sharp mind and a lot of strength. Deception will involve plans, alibis, codes, and covers. Someone does it better, someone worse. You can't be wrong. If you're not sure if you can handle it, it's best to tell your parents everything at once.
  3. 3 Create an alibi for each meeting. Do this even if you don't think you need an alibi. When your parents go to the movies or have dinner at the cafe, tell them that you are going to study or watch TV. If you want to go to a party that your parents won't approve of, think of a more rewarding activity to cover you up, like spending the night with a friend. Get creative, but be ready to back up your words as well.
    • Choose your words carefully. Your parents may know more than you think, so don't give them a reason to be wary. Remember that parents often interact with other parents.
    • Make sure your version is the same as that of other people who, in theory, should be around you. If you want to say that you will spend the night with a classmate, make sure that: 1) your parents will not talk about it with the classmate's parents, or 2) the classmate's parents will cover you.
  4. 4 Keep everything under wraps. Secrets are best kept when no one knows about them. Watch who you tell the secret to. This also means that you will need to cover your tracks so that you will not be exposed. Do not leave your diary, a gift from your partner, a pack of condoms, or any other piece of evidence in a visible place.
  5. 5 Do not make noise. Keeping it secret will be much more difficult if you do it very loudly every time. Explain to your partner why it is important for you not to give yourself away with sounds. When you learn to do everything quietly, you can have sex even in a house filled with people.
  6. 6 Consider other ways to get pleasure besides full intercourse. Mutual masturbation, oral sex and other actions without penetration are much easier to hide. There will be times when you will not have the opportunity to have sex, and then other ways will help you.

Method 3 of 3: Security

  1. 1 Think about the risks. Unprotected (and sometimes protected) sex can lead to unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, other health problems, and psychological trauma. Sex is great, but it is also a great responsibility - to your body, to your partner, family and future. Read more about safer sex online to see what precautions you can take.
    • Do not settle for unprotected sex for fear that your parents will find out. An unplanned pregnancy or infection will be more difficult to explain than a pack of condoms or pills.
  2. 2 Make sure you are ready. It is important to be both physically and emotionally ready for sex. Sex is one of the most important areas of human life, and it can have an impact on how you see the world. Do it for the right reasons. Are you really ready for pleasure and responsible sex, or are you just giving up under the pressure of peers and the expectations of others? Look inside yourself.
  3. 3 Use protection. If you want to avoid both unwanted pregnancies and infections, it is best to use more than one method of contraception at the same time. You can buy condoms at pharmacies, supermarkets, and other stores. If you are a girl, ask your doctor to prescribe birth control pills or other long-term remedies if you intend to have a regular sex life.You may feel embarrassed right away to talk about it, but everyone has to do it, so it's better to take care of everything in advance than to regret it later.
    • Sometimes condoms are handed out for free in doctors' offices and in schools - find out more about this. Store condoms in your closet or any other private place where parents won't find them. Buy more condoms than you need, but do not use them after the expiration date printed on the package.
    • Interrupted intercourse cannot be considered a reliable way to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Even condoms are not 100% guaranteed, but they are much safer with them.
    • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can pose serious health risks, and their effects can persist. Think about the person you have sex with and people your partner has had sex with in the past. It is imperative to discuss past sexual relationships with your partner.
  4. 4 Make an appointment with your gynecologist. All women who are sexually active should see a gynecologist at least once a year to be screened for cancer, STIs, and to obtain a prescription for contraceptives. Most young girls who are not sexually active usually have no reason to see a gynecologist, so it can be difficult for you to do it without your parents knowing. However, it is an important part of your sex life, and you shouldn't neglect it.
  5. 5 Talk to an adult. If you are unable to discuss sex with your parents, consider which other adult you could ask the questions you are interested in. Talk to a doctor, teacher, trusted relative (brother, sister, aunt, uncle), or a therapist. If you don't have the right person, make an appointment with your gynecologist or urologist. Sex is a big responsibility that can be difficult for you to deal with on your own, so it can be helpful to seek advice from someone who knows more about it.
    • An older brother or sister can help you if you have a good relationship. Older siblings have experience and understand your concerns. Before you do anything, think about their words.
  6. 6 Consider sharing this with your parents. They can be sympathetic and helpful, even if you don't expect it. If you cheat on them and have sex without them knowing, you will have to live with the risk of being caught all the time. Consider whether it is worth the risk.
    • Talk to your parents about your decision as an adult. If you can explain why you are willing to have sex, they might allow you to do what you want.
    • Find out how your partner's parents will react to your decision. If you think they don't mind, talk to them. The likelihood that everything will go well is higher if your parents are aware of your intentions.