Ways to Do Anything

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
BEST WAYS TO SNEAK FOOD || How to Sneak Anything Anywhere! Funny Moments by GOTCHA!
Video: BEST WAYS TO SNEAK FOOD || How to Sneak Anything Anywhere! Funny Moments by GOTCHA!


Every time you envision your life in the future, you will probably imagine you achieving your dreams. Whether your goal is to enter a marathon, write a book, learn to play an instrument, or build a career, you can do anything if you value it and stick to it. Get into action, and one day you will be amazed at what you can do!


Method 1 of 4: Take the first steps

  1. Set specific and measurable goals so you can keep track of your progress. First, you need to determine what you want to do. Next, think about how you can measure progress toward your goals. Finally, set a time frame to achieve that goal. This will help you gauge your progress.
    • For example, you have a weight loss goal, and first you decide to lose 20 kg. You can weigh your weights weekly to plot your progression and set a 1-year deadline.
    • Similarly, let's say you want to open a YouTube channel. You can set a goal to post a new video each week. Graph your progress by keeping track of how often you post and how many views you receive.

    Advice: Be flexible on the timeframe and schedule to track progress. You may run into obstacles, so you need to make adjustments to stay on the right track.

  2. Divide your goals into smaller steps. A big goal can be difficult to deal with, so go one step at a time. Identify the steps you need to take to accomplish your goal, then list them in order to do them. Cross out each item when finished.
    • For example, you are trying to write a novel. Smaller steps may include: planning story writing, sketching a storyline, writing a first draft, collecting feedback, reviewing and writing a second draft.
    • If you want to redecorate the bedroom, your smaller steps would be: choosing a theme, choosing a color, drawing a diagram, painting walls, buying new items, arranging furniture and decorating.

  3. Start with a small, easy step towards your goal. Getting started is often difficult, especially when you are not sure how you will reach the finish line. Don't worry about the end result when you first get started. Instead, just take a small action towards your goal. Set aside 15-30 minutes for a simple task.
    • Suppose you want to learn the guitar. You can take 15 minutes to read the chords and try to put your hands in the correct position on the keyboard.
    • If your goal is to make pottery, you could start with 15 minutes learning about what to know or kneading clay.

  4. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Don't be afraid to try things that scare you off! Leaving your comfort zone will help you grow and perfect yourself. Make a list of the new things you want to try to reach your goal. After that, you will gradually cross out each item.
    • For example, if you aspire to be a singer, your list might include items like “singing karaoke in front of a crowd”, “participating in an audition on a community theater,” “posting a singing video. network "and" join the singing workshop. "
    • Similarly, let's say your goal is rock climbing. Your list of challenges may include “indoor climbing”, “running on a slope” and “weight training with a trainer”.
  5. Don't compare yourself to others. It is easy to understand why you would want to compare your progress with others, but this is often harmful. Instead, measure your progress against the goals you have set and how much you've improved over time. Try not to look at what other people do.
    • For example, your goal is to run a marathon. It's not fair if you compare yourself to someone who has run a marathon for many years, because they have a longer workout than you. Similarly, comparing yourself to a friend with a thriving business is a lame comparison, since that is not your goal.

Method 2 of 4: Establish a routine

  1. Focus on positive behaviors instead of trying to let go of unhelpful habits. Perhaps you have some "bad" habits you are hoping for instead of "good" behaviors. Don't try to stop the "bad habits". Instead, focus on incorporating good behaviors into your life. This will gently pull you away from the behaviors you're trying to break away from and replace with good ones.
    • Let's say you want to start on a mostly plant diet. Don't focus on fasting meat. Instead, choose meals with a plant component that makes up a large proportion of the main and secondary meals.
    • Similarly, if you want to reduce your gaming time so you can exercise more, don't worry about how long you've played the game. Instead, schedule your exercise and focus on reaching your goals.
  2. Coping with temptations that draw you back into your old habits. Maintaining new habits can be difficult, especially when you are tempted to resume your old behaviors. Take a walk around the home and office to get rid of things that might make you slip into the habit. If necessary, make a few changes to your daily routine to avoid temptation.
    • At home, clean up things like unhealthy food or clutter. Similarly, you can remove the game console so that the next time you want to play, you must reinstall.
    • At work, keep your phone on silent so messages don't distract you, or you can unplug the TV.
  3. Use cues to remind you of behaviors you want to perform. Just like the temptations that draw you back into your old habits, environmental factors can help you practice a new habit. Organize visual cues to remind you of behaviors you want to perform. Here are a few ideas:
    • Hang up your gym outfit to remind yourself to exercise.
    • Set up your calculator and book outlines to remind yourself to complete the essay.
    • Keep the healthy food ahead in the refrigerator so you can get it first.
    • Place the instrument on a shelf or on a table for easy practice.
  4. Take responsibility for yourself to practice new habits. A sense of responsibility can help you persistently practice new habits to increase your chances of success. Choose something that works for you. You can try one of the following:
    • Find a partner to help you stay accountable.
    • Talk to family and friends about your goals.
    • Sign up for a class or activity related to your goal.
    • Post your progress toward your goals online.
  5. Reward yourself with new habits. You will be more interested in continuing to practice new habits if you feel rewarded. Most new habits have great long-term benefits, but it's hard to stick with them for so long without seeing any results. To encourage yourself to keep going, set a reward for yourself.
    • For example, you might reward yourself with 15 minutes of gaming after working towards your goal. Likewise, you can buy yourself a new item related to your goals once you've completed the week's training sessions.

Method 3 of 4: Practice new skills

  1. Schedule practice sessions every week. Practice is most effective when you practice it regularly. Spread the practice sessions evenly throughout the week. Set aside 15 minutes to 1 hour to practice on days when you have time.
    • For example, you might decide to practice 4 sessions per week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
    • Don't try to put time into practice in one day. Working out 15-30 minutes a day spread out 4 days a week is better than doing 4 hours a day.
  2. Concentrate on the task at hand during the exercise. If you are distracted during practice sessions, you will make little or no progress at all. During exercise, it is best to prevent all distractions. Be wholehearted about what you are doing.
    • Turn off devices that may distract you, such as phones or televisions, if possible.
    • If you live with family or roommates, ask them not to disturb while you are exercising.
  3. Make small changes in each practice to push yourself to develop more. If you think repetition will help you master a skill, that's also true. However, if you do it the same way every time, you won't be able to make rapid progress. Try to do a little different each time to keep moving.
    • Let's say you're running a marathon. The changes you can make are: running on different terrain, changing a route, running with a companion, running on a ramps, or cross-complementary training.
    • If your goal is to write a novel, you can swap out a new workspace, try listening to music, or incorporate a hint into your idea.
  4. Get feedback from knowledgeable people to help you progress. Good feedback can help you realize what you are doing well and what areas you can improve. To ensure helpful feedback, you need to talk to someone knowledgeable or an expert in your field. Be sure to choose someone you believe they can give you an honest, constructive comment on.
    • Let's say you are striving to have your work displayed in a local gallery. Perhaps your parents cannot give you feedback on your painting, but a painting teacher or gallery owner can.
    • Likewise, if you want to become the chef at your own restaurant, you can ask another chef to advise your recipes, or invite gourmet you know to try the dishes. by you cooking.
  5. Don't be perfectionist. No one in the world is perfect, and striving for perfection can prevent you from reaching your goals. Instead, do your best, because that's all you can do. Besides, don't forget to focus on constantly improving yourself.
    • It will take a lot of effort and practice to do the job you are striving to achieve. Do not be discouraged; Has iron grinding makes perfect!
  6. Don't be afraid to start over. Then you will have bad days, or times when you feel like you have failed. This is completely normal, and has been experienced by all successful people. Allow yourself to start over if things don't go as expected.
    • For example, your goal is to run a marathon, but you feel exhausted with the exercise program. If so, start over with a new exercise program.
    • Similarly, suppose you are trying to write a novel but are not satisfied with the first draft. No problem, you can start writing a new draft. Fighting!

Method 4 of 4: Maintain motivation

  1. Keep track of your progress to see how far you have come. You probably won't realize where you've come up if you don't follow. Try a few different ways and find the one that works for you. Here are some suggestions:
    • Stick a calendar star on the days you work toward your goal.
    • Post pictures of your progress online.
    • Tell your friends about your progress.
    • Keep a goal journal to keep track of what you are doing.
    • List your key achievements.
  2. Celebrate small achievements to encourage yourself to keep going. A big goal will usually take a long time to reach, but you will accomplish small goals all the way to your destination. Celebrate every time you take a small step on your journey towards your goal. These events will remind you that you are making progress and keep you on track.
    • For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, you could celebrate each completion of a shorter track, such as 5 km, 10 km, or a half marathon.
  3. Say positive words to yourself to build confidence. What you tell yourself has a big impact on the results you can achieve. Talk to yourself with optimistic words and fight off the negative thoughts in your head. You can even try to say positive affirmations.
    • Tell yourself things like "I can do it," "I'm making good progress" and "I can do whatever I'm determined to do."
    • When you accept that your teacher is having thoughts like "This is too difficult", resist that thought. Tell yourself, "I have been able to do difficult things, and this time I will too."
  4. Be with the people who motivate you. Thinking about loved ones or friends has always made you feel happy and confident in achieving your goals. Besides, you should also find new friends who share your goals like yours. Spend more time with these people, as they will help keep you motivated.
    • Consider less meeting people who often disappoint you. If someone doesn't support your goals, that person is usually not a good friend of yours.
  5. See your failures as a lesson to keep improving yourself. The feeling of making a mistake is terrible, but it's a normal part of progress toward success. Everyone doesn't experience failure, and sometimes that's the only way for you to learn. When you screw up, try to learn from what happened, and then try again.
    • For example, you just auditioned for a role in a play but you were not selected. You can talk to the director to find out how to act better next time.
    • Similarly, you tried to run a marathon but didn't finish it. This experience can help you realize that you need to change your exercise regimen.


  • Never mind when someone talks out loud about what you want to do. Believe in yourself and follow your dreams.
  • You don't have to invest a lot to get started. Start with what you have and go in small steps.