How to Create a Youtube Channel

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Create A YouTube Channel! (2020 Beginner’s Guide)
Video: How To Create A YouTube Channel! (2020 Beginner’s Guide)


YouTube is a great channel for you to get attention on the internet, and in some cases, you can make money from here. To create a YouTube channel, you need to use your Google account and add a cover photo, introduction, and name for the channel. After you create a YouTube channel, you build video content that engages viewers and actively maintains and promotes the channel to become popular.


Part 1 of 6: Start a YouTube channel

  1. Choose a really good name for your channel. Think of a name that is used by few people but is easy to remember. If the name doesn't match, you will create a bad image. You can choose to use your real name if you like, or you can give yourself a name that sounds great. Note that once you have given a name, it may take a while before you can change it. For example, if you decide to name "Ready Spaghetti" and later realize it is a bad choice, you may have to wait up to three months before you can rename it. So choose names wisely.

  2. Remember to create a special username and a unique channel name. You don't want your channel to have the same name as other channels, so you need to get creative and give a completely new name that no one else but you can think of. If you want to create an art channel and your name is John, you might think that “John's Artistic Channel” sounds great. However, if you speak English with an English accent or something like that, Americans might think you're saying “John's Autistic” Channel. In addition, the name "John's Artistic Channel" is too easy to understand and not creative or attractive. Adding the word "channel" seems redundant and unprofessional, as is the case with someone adding the phrase "movie" before the name "Star Wars". This name reduces the uniqueness of the "world" you want to create. For a creator, it's important to have a unique name that can portray your creativity. Here are a few names that match the previous example: John Doe the Art Pro, PicassDoe or Doe Vinci. These names are both creative and informative. This way, potential viewers know what kind of art you're inspired by and the emotion they'll get while watching your channel.

  3. Go to YouTube and sign in with your Google account. Once logged in, you will see your name or username in the top left menu. Click it to go to your user page.
  4. Add avatar. This is an essential part of your YouTube channel. Make sure the profile picture is relevant to the name of the channel so that it won't be mistaken for someone whose picture closely resembles yours.

  5. Add a cover photo. This is the image above your channel page. YouTube lets you preview how your photos will be displayed on a website, on TV or on a mobile device. Try to place the subject part of the photo in the center; thus, when someone else watches your channel on a mobile device, the outer part of the image is cut off. You don't want to have half of your face cut off!
    • Use a cover photo that captures the attention of your viewers. Cover photos will differentiate your channel from the rest of YouTube.
    • Enter the name and message of the channel in the cover image. This way, viewers will remember you better.
    • YouTube recommends using a cover photo with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels.
    • Change your cover photo regularly. It's a good idea to frequently change the image in relation to what's being published on your channel, unless you want to place your brand image by always using the same image. For example, if you're making funny videos, change the cover art related to the series of funny content being released.
    • Capture viewers' attention by adding new and beautiful photos to your channel. However, the photo needs to be related to the content on your channel. You will post photos that can create the kind of emotion you desire. If you like art and are new to YouTube, you show the silly of your logo to let others know you're funny, and your channel always brings a lot of laughs. If you are serious and want to show off your artistic talent in public, choose an emotionally evocative photo that is full of art.
    • To create collages without Photoshop, you can use Picmonkey or Pixir.
  6. Describe your channel. Add a brief description of your channel so viewers know in advance what content they'll be watching. To adjust the channel description, click the About tab in the main channel window. Here, you click on the button "+ Channel description".
    • Add links to other websites in your channel's description or news updates. Introduce who appears in your video, and connect to other related channels.
    • Make sure your description is meaningful as it is always publicly available. You should only write a short introduction about yourself and your channel.
  7. Name your channel. You see the description and the content will be posted for appropriate naming.
    • For example, if your video shows how to knit a hat, you could name the channel "Wicker"; Specialize in knitting or knitting beautiful hats, etc.
  8. Add a few more paths. If you add a link to a social networking site through your channel, remember to create a separate account for each network, for example Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram account. Note that this is not strictly necessary. advertisement

Part 2 of 6: Content development

  1. Fact-finding. The first step in creating content is deciding what you want to share with the public. People use YouTube for a variety of purposes such as watching music videos, entertainment with funny videos, watching tutorials and many more. Think about what you can recommend to your viewers what other people don't have.
  2. Identify your strengths. If your friends say you're funny, try making fun videos. If your forte is singing, you can post your performance. It's important to create content that will make your audience want to come back for more.
  3. Try making a review video. This is one way to help you engage your audience, especially when you evaluate what others are looking for. People always want to see good reviews before deciding to buy a product or service. Some topics for evaluation are as follows:
    • New music album
    • Latest electronic equipment
    • Drama and movies
    • Video games
    • Book
    • Restaurants and food
    • Business forms
  4. Record as many videos as possible. Continuously create more content for your viewers. Not only does this create a content continuum to retain viewers, but also help you improve the quality of your product as you continually develop your style.
    • Basic video creation techniques improved. If you speak in front of the camera, make sure it is held steady and you speak coherently at the right volume. You may be the funniest person, but no one will watch your video if they can't hear or see your performance clearly.
    • If you're making a YouTube video for a video game channel, you'll need recording software. Today, you can find a lot of recording software, but Bandicam is one of the most popular names.
    • With Bandicam trial version, you can create videos of up to 10 minutes for free!
  5. Practice video editing skills. Cut unnecessary parts of the video and add music to engage viewers. A carefully edited video will impress viewers more strongly than a video that is shredded. Take the time to learn the features and complexity of the video editing software you are using. Alternatively, you can find instructions for doing some of the basic editing functions.
    • You can find a variety of free and open source video editing software online. Many of these softwares have the same or similar characteristics as expensive professional editing software. Beginners should be familiar with free software available on their computer, like iMovie on a Mac and Windows Movie Maker on a Windows machine. After becoming familiar with the software's interface and technology, you can move on to a more complex and versatile software.
    • If you insert music, you need to choose music that is not copyrighted or allowed for use by the author.
  6. Create an engaging opening. Most viewers determine whether the video is worth watching within the first few minutes. Make an introduction that is both interesting and informative. The longer a video is viewed, YouTube will rank your video in search results.
    • Post a short introduction video (teaser) with cutouts from the upcoming video.
    • Make sure your personality is expressed clearly and smoothly from the beginning of the video. Speak directly to viewers by introducing your own video, talking quickly about the video content (but not revealing the climax!).
    • If you're branding (like your name) or the series of videos you're creating, you need to make sure it's easily recognizable and professionally displayed right in the beginning of the video.
    • When making an actual video, such as a review or tutorial, you need to make sure the purpose of the video is clearly stated from the start. This prevents viewers from turning to videos that provide other information
  7. Take advantage of event highlights. The media is often "raging" before the events of the year in any field. These are called "wait" events. Review your show and determine what is the right "catch" event for your audience.
    • Create event-related videos to leverage the pre-event search. As the expectations for the event will increase, more and more people will search for information regarding the event.
    • Create video narration while the event is happening. This is perfect for viewers who can't experience the event for themselves.
    • Create a video to continue after the event. Use this time to summarize what happened and analyze the information.
    • Interact with viewers during the event to get them back on your channel.
    • During major events, it is recommended that you increase the amount of content released to continue to attract new viewers. Posting a lot of content will let viewers know you understand and love the event.
  8. Telling stories. Every video, fact or fiction, needs a story. You should script with an opening, main body, and an end. This is not only essential for this tutorial on flower care, but also for a humorous video.
    • Break the video into smaller sections that focus on different points of view for the big problem you address. As such, viewers can easily understand the content.
  9. Use comments. These are the text that appear on your video. Use captions to bring viewers to other videos or channels, websites, and other information.
    • You can use captions to let viewers easily press the button to follow your channel.
    • Use captions on old videos to link to new content.
    • Captions can be used as “table of contents” for long videos, helping you to relate to a specific number of moments in the video.
  10. Make changes from time to time. If you show up regularly with demos, try setting aside a video to chat live with your audience, answer common questions in the comment section, and share your creative workflow. The behind-the-scenes scene creates a strong bond with your audience and makes them feel like they are part of your work.
  11. Try to post content regularly. Although posting videos every hour seems great, nobody does. You can post new videos every day or every other day.
  12. Use quality recording software like FRAPS and Xsplit. However, if you can't pay, you can try Bandicam until you can afford it. advertisement

Part 3 of 6: Uploading videos

  1. Post your video. Sign in to YouTube and click the Video tab on the User page. From here, click the button “+ Upload a video” to start posting content. Click the "Select files to upload" button to find video files or drag them to the window. YouTube will start converting and posting your video.
    • If you want to control who is watching the video, click the Privacy drop-down list to choose as you like. You can add the YouTube username or email address of the person you want to share the video with. You are allowed to send 50 private invitations per video.
    • If you want to post a video longer than 15 minutes, you'll need to verify your account with Google.
  2. Name the video. You can't post anything without a name! The title of a video is a factor "sentences" of views, likes, comments and sometimes even followers.
  3. Create creative tags. Tagging helps videos show up when viewers search for content. Make sure your tags are relevant to the video, but don't share the tags others use for the genre you're after.
    • Try to narrow the engagement to a few keywords when you choose to use tags. For example, instead of tagging the video as “singing”, you can narrow down to styles like: “blues singing” (blue music), “country singing” (country music), “freestyle rapping ”(Freestyle rap), etc.
    • You can tag your video in any way you think it would be easy for others to find. Your tag must clearly describe the content of the video.
    • Combine general and specific cards together. For example, if you make a funny short ninja video, use tags like: “short film”, “ninjas”, “funny”, “martial arts” (martial arts), “ action ”(action),“ fighting ”,“ silly ”(silly), etc
    • You can use tags to create a video "set". Create a unique tag and attach to each video you want to put together. Here's how to help you increase views for related videos.

Part 4 of 6: Maintain channels

  1. Schedule. When you are recording, you should schedule a date to know which days will be devoted to this and not feel pressured to record every day.
  2. Continuously posting videos. If you want to have a successful channel, you will need to post content regularly. Update channels every few weeks. Also, you should keep viewers informed about your upcoming long-haul vacation and when you'll be coming back.
    • Setting up a regular content posting schedule helps you gain followers. It's like a show on TV - everyone is looking forward to the next episode of their favorite show and they know when there's a next episode. Please update every week or every two weeks.
  3. Interact with viewers. Try to respond to comments when you have time. This is how to create a strong bond between you and your audience. When viewers feel that the content writer is interested in them, they will come back to see more content and accompany your channel referrals to others.
    • Take a few hours after posting a video to respond to viewers' comments. These are the viewers of the “hard fan” group because they are often eager to expect you to release new content and have the courage to comment. Respect them and you will see an increase in this audience.
    • Process comments on your site. While reading annoying comments can make you feel funny, they are offensive to the channel and reduce viewership. Remove comments that affect others and report less civilized users. This will help you create a more friendly environment for casual viewers.
    • Ask questions for viewers. Ask simple questions, such as yes or no or voting questions. This will help you reduce negative comments and increase positive discussion among viewers.
  4. Introduce old videos. In order for new viewers to access old content, you attach them to your news page so that visitors can see it right on your channel page. As such, old videos also get an increase in views.
  5. Watch other channels. You should spend extra time signing in to YouTube not just doing channel maintenance. Watch videos of other channels, engage with more users, and watch like-minded content.
    • Link to other users' content if you find it relevant to your content. This helps your channel show up in related searches.
    • Try to maintain a schedule of inserting other paths into videos. Be selective about already connected and liked videos on the day you didn't post your own. This eliminates the delay between videos to keep viewers on your channel.
    • When you like other videos, you need to make sure they are of interest to your audience. You don't want to disappoint your viewers because no one likes the video you already like.

Part 5 of 6: Promotion

  1. Review your comments on old videos. When posting something, surely your video will be viewed and sometimes others will leave their comments about the video in the comments. So it's better to check your videos regularly.
  2. Introduce video of viewers. Incorporate viewer comments and creativity into your videos. Post supportive guides, such as calling for contributions to your channel.
  3. Partner with other content creators. Make relationships with other creators in your industry. You can introduce each other's channels to increase views. Alternatively, you can be a guest on someone else's video and invite someone else to join your video.
    • Make sure viewers have easy access to the channels you work with. The goal is for them to take the time to learn the content your community has created.
  4. Use social media to increase your reputation. Insert the video URL and playlist on your channel into Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and other social networks. Google+ is not the best option as there are very few users that regularly join this network. Try encouraging your online and offline friends to recommend your videos to others.
    • Avoid disturbing social media connections by posting multiple links to your channel. It's okay to say subtly sometimes, but no one will react positively when "betrayed" with the links.
  5. Call on referrals from viewers and friends. However, you should not force them, but only suggest viewers to share your video if they like. These messages should be left for the end of the video after important content has been viewed. Also, do not forget to remind viewers to "like" your video. advertisement

Part 6 of 6: Video protection

  1. Imagine you became famous, many people liked your video and someone reposted your video and claimed to be the author. This is a bad thing. If you feel this is happening when you are famous and know many people reposting your video, try searching for your video's name on YouTube to check if anyone illegally reposted it.
  2. Warning of unauthorized video uploaders. If you find your video on someone else's channel, warn them. There's no need to argue, unless they don't stop doing this and you should report it to YouTube. advertisement


  • If you like to draw and record a video while you are drawing something, use a video editing tool to speed up the time-consuming drawing process. Nowadays, you can find a lot of free software, but be aware of the types with ads.
  • Remember to always create content that you know your viewers will like.
  • Know what you're going to post on your channel. As such, you will not become a strange YouTuber. For example, the Lifesimmer channel usually only plays the game "The Sims", while PewDiePie plays more games.
  • Set "Default Channel" for your channel setup to increase stability and impressions of your name in YouTube's algorithm.
  • When creating a YouTube channel, be sure to choose a name because it cannot be changed. Choose a name related to your content that sounds unique that will make viewers remember and stand out among another forest of YouTuber. You should check to see if the name you choose is already in use or there is another similar name!


  • Make sure your video complies with YouTube's terms. If a video breaks YouTube terms, it will be deleted and your account will be suspended. So, make sure any content you post is in compliance with the site's rules.
  • You will probably get negative comments. Don't let these comments affect you and keep doing your thing. Don't ignore constructive comments, though - if someone criticizes something on the video, listen to it to improve the next video.