How to learn to fight well

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Most Painful Self Defence Techniques | STREET FIGHT SURVIVAL (New Series)
Video: Most Painful Self Defence Techniques | STREET FIGHT SURVIVAL (New Series)


If you want to be a good fighter and don't know how to achieve it, then just read this article to solve your problem.


  1. 1 Sign up for a reputable dojo based on your interests.
    • There is a big difference between traditional martial arts styles that focus on kata (forms) and preserving the history of an art form with few sparring points; These beautiful and skillful styles have many benefits for your health and mental wellbeing to be followed, but they are not used in real wrestling. and real martial arts. Any honest teacher will tell you the same.
    • Functional martial arts styles are designed to defend yourself in life-and-death situations, or to be able to take control of a given situation when necessary, where you will train rigorously and to the point of physical and mental exhaustion against other people of various constitutions with practically no or no rules at all, except for respecting your partner and not causing injury.
    • Don't let that scare you off, the people who visit these dojos are 99.9% the nicest people you will ever meet, people just like you who want to be good fighters. You will be hurt, whoever hurt you, will apologize profusely, and you will recover and be stronger.
    • If your dojo is not like that, find another one. The best fighters are not rude or disrespectful to each other.
  2. 2 Keep honor and pride in your heart every time you fight.
    • If you defeat someone on the street, you must respect them. Make sure they are okay and don't be sarcastic or insulting to them. Offer to buy them a drink or some food, tell them about your dojo and its positive impact on you, invite them to join so you can play more matches together (even if they were weak opponents).
    • It is important for a fighter to spread respect and a positive attitude towards the people around him, especially towards your enemies and especially if you knocked them out.
    • Winning a fight on the street and then making yourself look like a jerk for winning will only bring you and the people you love unhappiness. If you succumb to other people's antics, then you have failed as the person you aspire to be.
    • Make enemies play your game, you are a stronger personality. Who knows, you can save someone's life or make a best friend. A fighter does not know a person until he fights with him. So this jerk you just knocked out at the bar might turn out to be your best friend who's just having a bad evening.
    • Traditional styles, when taught by the right instructor, are very useful and can be deadly to an untrained opponent.
    • Whatever you do, DO NOT fight on the ground. Styles such as Jiu Jitsu are only useful against one opponent in a safe area. On the street, his friends will pounce on you if you do any fashionable choke hold.
    • Punching martial arts such as taekwondo and karate (along with many others) are most useful against multiple opponents or against a man with a knife. These are styles that focus on preparing your body to receive and land punches. This is why the average person simply cannot fight someone who trains for fighting.
  3. 3 The Shaolin monks are a great example.
    • Shaolin monks who demonstrate them amazing powers of superhuman strength... The point is, any of them will tell you that this very rigorous physical training has been going on for years on a schedule. It leads to the fact that you can break a baseball bat with a shin kick. Break cement blocks with your head. Punching a large number of boards.
    • Any of these skills can usually shatter bones, lead to horrific compound fractures, and travel to the hospital. Anything is possible with very slow and diligent preparation over many years. Keep in mind that if you don't train 10-14 hours a day, you will never be as good and as seasoned as the Shaolin monk who lives to preserve their teachings. DO NOT try kicking a baseball bat with your shins.
    • Thus, the average person on the street is at one end of the spectrum, and the Shaolin monk who spends his entire life physically tempering his body to be as strong as iron is at the other end. You, doing your best as a fighter, will find yourself roughly in the middle.
  4. 4 Eat right!
    • If you train to fight along with your daily chores, you need to consume 2-3 times your normal calorie intake. Professional fighters consume about 6,000 calories a day!
    • If you cannot afford to eat heavy meals with lots of protein and vegetables, be very careful with the intensity of your workouts. Do not overexert yourself! Aim to eat 4 or 5 small meals a day instead of 3 large meals. Buy bulk (lots) protein / vitamin bars and drink plenty of water.
  5. 5 Train at home.
    • Think over your actions throughout the day to improve them, where you made mistakes in your sparring or in fights in which you completely lost. Think about ways to improve each aspect and the scenario as a whole.
    • Shadowboxing is essential to any style and is not boxing - it can be any style, work on improving your movements. Don't be embarrassed, good shadow boxing carries over to good shape and fighting style. Try using a wall or bag that can be tapped (lightly) to maintain a sense of distance in relation to your position and target.
    • Practice for every possible collision in and out of the ring. While walking down the street, consider what could be used as a weapon, what materials are around you that can help / hinder you to protect yourself. Never let yourself be cornered. Don't get in the habit of walking around ledges, curbs, or anything that can shake your balance if you're surprised.
  6. 6 Find your local fight club!
    • Have you trained for several months, are currently in great shape and have a good understanding of how to fight properly? Maybe it's time to test your skills against other fighters at your local fight club. Most settlements have them, you will be surprised.
    • Test your skills and learn to improve where needed. When you fail, don't be discouraged, be happy you found something to work on. A good fighter would get bored if he won every match with ease.
  7. 7 Never give up.
    • You will experience difficult times and unpleasant injuries during your training. However, through all of this, one day you will wake up and find that you are a great fighter.
    • Never use the power that you have achieved to control people, this is a demon that you will have to fight when you become stronger than most people. You will want to lead, and you will fail when you understand why people are in power, have power over you.
    • Don't let people be rude to you, but don't go looking for a fight either. If you succumbed to this, you have failed yourself and everyone who trained you. Be strong mentally as well as physically.


  • Don't underestimate your opponent; assume he is a more capable fighter and stay focused.
  • Don't fight for no reason.
  • Never take the first hit! Unless you are attracted to a prison sentence.
  • If you are losing, don't give up, just try harder next time.
  • Make sure your thumb is NOT in your fist when you punch. This can be more detrimental to you than to your opponent.
  • Try not to get beat up.
  • Beware of instigators, keep your personal space 1.5 - 3 meters (6 - 10 feet). If someone is closing that distance and still behaving aggressively, get ready to fight!
  • If you haven't trained with a weapon, don't wear it. If you see that someone intends to use it against you, RUN as fast as you can. There is no 100% weapon protection method. That is why it is called a weapon.


  • These steps should not be used so that you can go beat up whoever you want to, have pride in your abilities, and don't waste them without a good reason.
  • Fights can be dangerous and should never be fought in unofficial locations or without rules and regulations to meet requirements, etc.
  • Do not use these guidelines to your advantage to beat up someone.