How to talk to a guy you admire from afar

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How to Talk to a Boy You Admire from Afar
Video: How to Talk to a Boy You Admire from Afar


If you fall in love, then you don't have to stop there. Get the courage to talk to your boyfriend and you can turn falling in love into something more. First, sort out your desires in order to speak with the person whom you admire from afar.


Part 1 of 3: How to Get a Guy's Attention

  1. 1 Show signs of interest. When you meet, try to grab the guy's attention. You can smile, hold your gaze for a few seconds, and then look away. Repeat this action several times - if the guy is interested in you, he will repeat your signals.
    • Use the wandering gaze method: look the guy in the eyes, lower your gaze to the lips and look into the eyes again. At the same time, smile shyly.
    • Play with your hair when you know the guy is looking at you. This will help him understand that you have noticed his attention.
  2. 2 Act with confidence. Simulate confidence until it becomes a natural behavior. The more you can relax and feel comfortable, the more confident you will appear from the outside. Confidence is an aphrodisiac for men, so use it generously.
    • You don't have to fidget or hide your hands - this is a sign of excitement. Place your hands on your hips or leave them in plain sight to maintain a good posture and show your openness.
    • For a confident look, raise your chin and do not lower your eyes, even while walking.
    • Watch your appearance.Use care products with pleasant scent, such as conditioners, lotions, and perfumes. Be attentive to detail.
  3. 3 Approach a guy when he is with friends. He will probably remember that you have already exchanged glances. Make a casual comment about what is going on in the classroom or tell a joke. This will ease the tension on first meeting and will look more natural than trying to approach a guy when he is alone.
  4. 4 Create an opportunity. If you don’t take the courage, then go directly to the guy. If you're not that daring, create an appropriate conversation opportunity. In such a situation, it is easier to come up with a phrase with which to start a conversation.
    • You can accidentally bump into a guy and immediately apologize. Touch your hand to your hair and just start laughing at your awkwardness.
    • Drop your pen or book as you walk past the guy. He will either catch up with you to give the thing, or you can pick up the object yourself and explain your awkwardness.

Part 2 of 3: How to start a conversation

  1. 1 Introduce yourself. This is always the most daring decision, a direct and open step without any games. The simplest option: "Hi, I'm Anya, what's your name?"
    • If you are not ready to introduce yourself face-to-face, then use an indirect approach.
    • Subscribe to the guy's page on Facebook, VK or Instagram. Write a personal message to the guy and introduce yourself, and also tell him where you could see each other (school, work). Tell him that you have noticed him for a long time and want to talk, so you decided to introduce yourself.
    • Write a message on Twitter and introduce yourself as Anya's classmate or employee. You can use shyness to your advantage and say that you are embarrassed to speak to him in person, so you couldn't find anything better than tweeting.
    • Get a guy's phone number from a mutual friend. This is a bit of a risky move, since many people don't like it when their phone number is received from third parties, but if you come up with a very compelling reason, the situation will turn in your favor. Apologize for having to find out his phone number. Say that you did not have time to rewrite the assignment in the lesson, but you heard that he wrote everything down, and you need to complete the assignment in order to prepare for the test. This kind of initiative won't seem too intrusive, so come up with a good reason if you decide to text your guy.
  2. 2 Start a casual conversation. Light topics always allow you to move on to deeper questions. Ask about the weather or find out if he had a chance to attend the last match of the school basketball team. Show interest in your boyfriend's business or plans. Ask:
    • "How is your day?"
    • "What are you learning?"
    • "Where do you work?"
    • "What are you going to do after school?"
  3. 3 Find out the guy's interests. Ask open-ended questions that allow the person to describe their likes and dislikes, interests and hobbies. Try to listen more and talk less.
    • "What movies do you like? What's your favorite? "
    • "What do you usually read in your free time?"
    • "What is the most beautiful place you have ever visited?"
    • "Are you going to go anywhere this year?"
    • "What is your main talent?"
  4. 4 Compliment the guy. Men love and appreciate praise just as much as women. This step will allow you to express your interest in words. Use appropriate compliments and try not to overdo it (one or two is enough).
    • If a guy smiles during a conversation: "You have an irresistible smile."
    • If a guy laughs with a joke: "You have such a pleasant laugh!"
    • If the guy has a good sense of humor: "You're very funny."
    • If you like his clothes: "You have a good sense of style."
    • If you want to draw attention to his appearance, but are embarrassed to say directly, wait for the right moment (for example, when the guy talks about his hobby) and tell him: "You are so cute."

Part 3 of 3: How to Maintain a Conversation

  1. 1 Share personal information about yourself. Don't turn the conversation into interrogation and start sharing information about yourself so that not only the guy speaks. If he asks a question because he is interested in you, answer honestly and confidently.
    • Link a shared interest or hobby with a life story to strengthen the emotional bond between you.
    • Tell your guy about yourself so he can understand how much he likes you.
  2. 2 Flirt with boyfriend. Make eye contact. Express your interest through body language. Touch the guy's hand gently or accidentally touch your hands, knees, or feet.
  3. 3 Offer to meet. After laying the foundation for your friendship, try inviting the two of you to meet in a more intimate setting. Activities together will strengthen the bond between you.
    • Offer to have lunch together.
    • Find a less demanding meeting option, such as a walk or an active activity.
    • Offer to do something useful together and help out in the homeless cafeteria.


  • Keep it simple: eye contact, a smile, a simple compliment, and a short greeting. If he answered you, then develop the conversation.
  • Move to new stages gradually. Don't throw a ton of information on a guy right away. Proceed step by step and build on the guy's answers.
  • Try to communicate in a light and lighthearted manner, but be sincere.
  • Always be yourself. You don't have to change for the sake of another person.
  • If he is not interested in the relationship with you, then just forget the boyfriend. He himself does not know what he gave up.


  • Act with restraint. Don't be intrusive. Guys quickly notice despair and this behavior is only repulsive.
  • The guy may not respond to your courtesies. In the absence of interest, no need to insist. Better to find someone who deserves your attention and care.