How to start dating your best friend or girlfriend

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
5 Steps To Turn Your Best Friend Into Your Girlfriend
Video: 5 Steps To Turn Your Best Friend Into Your Girlfriend


Strong friendships are the perfect foundation for a successful romantic relationship. Be very careful and make an informed decision as best friends play an important role in our lives. Communicate openly and take your time to make the transition from friendship to romance easier. As the relationship develops, strive to strengthen the feelings that have arisen in order to move to the next level!


Method 1 of 3: Try to communicate openly

  1. 1 State your interest if you are still just friends. If your friend is unaware of your romantic feelings, be direct but not threatening. Explain that you have a liking and desire to build a romantic relationship. Emphasize that you will understand if he does not have romantic feelings in return, but you do not want to leave an understatement between you.
    • For example, say, “I have feelings for you. I would like us to be not just friends, but I will understand if you are not ready for such a development of events. "
    • Falling in love can strain friendships, so it's best to tell the truth regardless of the outcome.

    Jessica Engle, MFT, MA

    Relationship Coach Jessica Ingle is a relationship coach and psychotherapist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She founded Bay Area Dating Coach in 2009 after completing her Master's degree in Counseling Psychology. She is a licensed family and marriage psychotherapist and registered play therapist with over 10 years of experience.

    Jessica Engle, MFT, MA
    Relationship coach

    Open up to your friend. Jessica Ingle, director of the Bay Area Dating Coach, says: “If you have feelings for your best friend, you two need to talk about it. It is very important to talk about what will happen to your relationship if something works out of it or does not work out. You also need to get used to some degree of what it will mean to change your relationship. "

  2. 2 Share your concerns with your best friend to keep the relationship honest. The transition from friendship to romance carries a significant risk that is not easy to accept. Talk about your fears of losing a close friend and understand how the person's feelings are mutual. Also ask what other problems might be obstacles in your path.
    • For example, say the following: "You are my best friend and I am not sure if it is worth jeopardizing our friendship for the sake of romance."
  3. 3 Set boundaries for new relationships to avoid misunderstandings. From the start, be clear and direct about your romantic wants and needs with your partner. You do not need to assume that he will guess what you want and how to make you happy. Immediately outline the behavior that you find unacceptable for the romantic partner so that the person knows how to treat you.
    • For example, say, "I believe in monogamy, so I will not tolerate cheating on my partner."
  4. 4 Don't make assumptions about your partner's desires. After you transition from friendship to a new relationship, you may feel like you are aware of your partner's romantic desires. You should always ask your partner about his goals and desires, as they change over time, and each situation is unique. If you are at a loss, ask a direct question straight away. Your partner will appreciate your efforts and care.
    • So, if in the past your partner has mentioned that he does not want to be in a codependent relationship, then you should not assume that he will want to keep you at a distance.

Method 2 of 3: Take your time

  1. 1 Make sure your romantic feelings are not a temporary rush. Consider your current state of mind and life situation, and then ask yourself if your romantic feelings might be caused by such factors. Sometimes, as a result of life's ups and downs, people seek support, stability, emotional sensations or consolation from their acquaintances, with whom they really do not want to be in a relationship.Don't try to build relationships with your best friends if you only need them to feel better.
    • For example, a person may seek comfort in a relationship with their best friend and try to distract themselves from the death of a loved one.
  2. 2 Take your time to move on to intimacy, until you are sure that there is a mutual understanding between you. No need to drive horses. Both partners should be sure of their feelings and not be distracted by other aspects. Romantic affection and intercourse can blur the boundaries of a relationship. Allow your physical relationship to develop its own way based on genuine attraction.
    • If you rush to intimacy, the situation can become awkward or increase the intensity of your relationship too quickly.
  3. 3 Be consistent with your romantic urges to avoid confusion. Taking your time can help you avoid confusing volatile behavior. If one day you behave like a lover, and the next treat a person like a friend, then he will begin to doubt your feelings. Act slowly and gradually so that your actions and commitments do not become an overwhelming burden for you.
    • For example, you don’t need to come to a friend’s work with a bouquet of flowers one day, and in a couple of days introduce yourself to her colleagues as a “friend”.
  4. 4 Do not occupy all the personal space of a person, so as not to get tired of each other. Taking your relationship with your best friend to the next level can strengthen an already strong bond, and you may be tempted to spend every free minute together. Take short breaks to devote time to your hobbies and have time to miss each other. This approach will help you appreciate each other even more and not bore your partner with your constant presence.
    • For example, take the time to see other friends or do what you love.

Method 3 of 3: Create a Romantic Atmosphere

  1. 1 Give each other a playful or affectionate nickname. Old friendly nicknames can make a person feel that they are not interesting to you as a partner. Start calling your friend an affectionate name that will highlight your feelings and admiration. This will make it easier for you to move from friendship to love.
    • For example, call your partner "baby", "sun" or "flower."
    • Don't use nicknames like "buddy" or "old man."
  2. 2 Try to impress the person, even if you've been comfortable with each other for a long time. Friendship implies a certain level of intimacy and comfort, which is not always comparable to "romantic feelings." Try to impress a friend in the same way that you would try to interest a sweet stranger or a person on a blind date. Add intrigue to the relationship to maintain and reignite interest.
    • For example, dress up for a walk the same way you would for a romantic date with someone you barely know.
  3. 3 Find romantic activities together. One way to move from friendship to romance is to change the established routines together. Add excitement and start spending time together in a way you haven't spent before. Avoid dating that mimics your friendly pastime (such as playing video games or playing sports).
    • For example, don't order pizza, but have a candlelit dinner or open a bottle of wine.
  4. 4 Plan a romantic trip together to strengthen your love. If you've often spent time together as friends in the past, then traveling together is an obvious romantic endeavor. Plan a short break for two to be alone with your partner. So, a short road trip or sea cruise will allow you to get closer and take your relationship to the next level.
    • To avoid potential conflicts, start preparing for your trip gradually and plan short joint activities first.


  • You may find it easier to move from a friendship to a romantic relationship if you keep the situation a secret from mutual friends and family until your feelings mature.
  • You should not overly romanticize the situation by analogy with books and films about friends between whom love arose.