How to annoy the people around you

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sadhguru on How To Never Get Angry or Bothered By People
Video: Sadhguru on How To Never Get Angry or Bothered By People


Do you want to annoy people in order to get revenge on them or just for fun? Are you already an annoying person looking to hone your skills? Do you want to get on the nerves of someone in particular, say a teacher or your boyfriend? It doesn't really matter what your reason is, if you want to annoy others, read on!


Method 1 of 6: How to annoy people in public

  1. 1 Be annoying on public transport. Vehicle occupants are priority targets for your challenging behavior. They are often tired after a long day at work, well, or tired of long, exhausting trips during the day. Here are a couple of tips on how to piss them off:
    • If you are on an airplane, try to take up as much space as possible. Stretch your arms and elbows as wide as possible, stretch your arms with pleasure, spreading your arms so that they capture as much as possible the personal space of your neighbor, the one sitting next to you.
      • If you are sitting by the window, stand up often in such a way as to get the people sitting in the same row with you to stand. Declare, "Sorry, my bladder is so small!" and you will pick them up from their place, and as soon as you come back, you find yourself in the row again, say, "OH - do not worry!" they will all rise again, and you will sit down.
    • If someone is sitting next to you especially nervous, constantly ask him if he thinks that the plane is making some strange noise. On takeoff, start praying and breathing deeply.
    • If you are traveling by bus or train, despite the fact that there is a lot of free space around, be sure to take a seat next to another passenger.
      • Try to talk on the phone as loudly as possible. Make sure everyone can hear you. If someone asks you to shut up, speak in a loud whisper.
      • Be sure to start a conversation with someone who is obviously very tired and wants to be alone. Start a phrase that is unpleasant for him: "Hey, why do you look so tired?"
      • If your vehicle does not have a lot of free seats, put your belongings on the seat next door. And if someone wants to sit down and asks you to put your things away, then shrug your shoulders and say, "Sorry, I borrowed it for a friend."
  2. 2 During sporting events, act like a clown. Usually there are a lot of people at big sporting events, and many are eagerly waiting for their team to win. For most of them, this is the most important event of the week. There is no better place to get on people's nerves.
    • Root out loud for both teams at once. Cheer for the opposing team first, until the other's fans get angry, then do the same with the other. Shout, cheer anywhere, for any reason, no matter what the commands do.
    • Bring a lot of noisy, annoying props with you: megaphones, pipes, whistles - in general, get sick as loud as possible.
    • Be destructive. Get up as often as possible, especially if you are sitting in the middle of a long row. When standing up, block the view of the person sitting behind you, especially at important moments of the game. During key moments, try to speak loudly.
    • Sprinkle, spill your food. Sprinkle popcorn and chips around you, sprinkle soda. Your comrades will be at a loss. It's a bonus if you blame them for bringing you here.
    • Pretend you don't know the rules of the game.It will have a huge impact on loyal fans. Cheer with wild fervor at a time when nothing special is happening in the game, keep asking others to explain the rules to you.
      • You will be especially hated if you confuse the rules with another sports game. For example, if someone kicks on goal in football, shout "Touchdown!" or if someone scores a goal, shout "Run to base!"
  3. 3 Behave like an idiot in the museum. Museums are places where peace and respect are required. People come there to be in a serious environment, to admire the art. Here are some ways to get them off balance:
    • Be loud. Laugh out loud, talk on the phone, or send SMS out loud. Oh yes, those around you will be delighted.
    • Make remarks to people with a yell. Until you are kicked out, pretend to be a museum worker and make noisy remarks to people who are talking.
    • Do you want to know what is the best thing to piss people off in a museum? After a long study of a strange sculpture or incomprehensible painting, declare loudly, "I could do that too!"

Method 2 of 6: How to annoy your significant other

  1. 1 Talk about your ex as much as possible. This is the best way to piss off your loved one. Emphasize how great your ex is, talk about all of your ex's accomplishments in top shape. Here are some tips for talking about your ex in front of your current partner:
    • Focus on the correspondence with your ex, and always laugh at what he says. Say out loud "He's the best!" This works especially well at dinner with your loved one.
    • Invite your ex to go out. Shock your loved one that instead of dating him, you're going to hang out with your ex. You can also invite your ex to a small party where it will be more difficult for your spouse to kick him out.
    • Always compare your current one to your ex. You can say something like this: "This one is pretty good, but my ex was the best cook!"
  2. 2 Start swearing earlier and more often. Nothing is so annoying as a person who constantly scandals, swears, and for no particular reason. You can piss off your beloved in just a minute, just start scandalizing with him from scratch. Here are a couple of tips to be more intolerable:
    • Start swearing at the wrong time. It's great to start a scandal on Valentine's Day, especially on the birthday of your loved one, or in the presence of your spouse's parents.
    • Scandal for no reason. Start a squabble simply because you are not in the mood. Get angry about a drop of water spilled or showing up one minute early on your date.
  3. 3 Upset your dates. In order for you to have a great date, your beloved has worked hard. There is hardly a better way to piss off your young man than to ruin the date. Here are some tips to ruin your date:
    • Be very late. This works especially well if you are going to a movie or a show. When you already appear, show alienation. Say, "Oh, am I really too late?" or "Sorry, I was delayed by a conversation with an ex!"
    • Complain about everything. If you're watching a movie, keep repeating how boring it is. If you went to a restaurant, then complain about the food, say that it is either dry or tasteless. If your order has been on the way for more than a minute, snap your fingers and take a deep breath.
    • Flirt with someone. If you are having dinner together, ask the waiter for the phone number and giggle.
    • Spend the entire evening in his presence on the phone. Nothing is more annoying than the sound of typing a text message.

Method 3 of 6: How to piss off your friends

  1. 1 Be weird. Your friends will not like it when you start making some plans, setting everyone up, inspiring, and when everything should already happen, you will break everyone at the very last minute by saying that you cannot. This is a proven method, no matter how good your friends are. A few more tips below:
    • Cancel a meeting with friends while they are already on their way to you. Wait a little before appearing at the appointed place. Without explaining anything, tell them that you cannot do this through a text message.
    • Before you trick, say, "I know I'm awesome, but I swear I'll come on time!"
    • If you were the only one your friends were counting on to go to the event, tell them you can't because you found something better to do.
  2. 2 Always tell them about your problems, and in turn, do not listen to them. Unilateral friendship is very annoying. Complain to them for a long time about something, and as soon as their turn comes up, slip away from listening. Here are some tips about this:
    • Complain over trifles. This method works very well, complaining about small things is very effective, for example, if someone cut you off on the road. The longer you grind all these everyday little things, the better.
    • Don't take their serious problems seriously. If something really bad happened to your friend, just ignore it and leave. For example, if your friend's car is stolen, you can simply say, "This is not the end of the world!"
      • It will be especially unpleasant for your girlfriend if, after seven years of relationship, a boyfriend leaves her. It is even worse if he says something frivolous, like: "You are not the only fish in the sea!" Your friend will be very pissed off if you start comparing her relationship to your two-day relationship.
  3. 3 Be jealous. Jealousy in friendship is very annoying. This pushes it to the limit very quickly. A couple of tips on how to be an envious friend:
    • Your girlfriend's young man. Spend time constantly talking about how your friend's boyfriend is not good enough for her. When you're in the company of both, try to ignore your friend's boyfriend. If you've joined them for a movie, sit between them with a large packet of popcorn and chomp.
    • Friends of your friends. Complain constantly that your friends' friends are annoying. Choose the most pleasant, good and repeat it to him repeatedly.

Method 4 of 6: How to Unbalance Parents

  1. 1 Spend all their money. It will definitely piss them off. Your parents are working hard to make this money, and not being serious about their work, it is not only disrespectful, but also very annoying. A few tips in the same direction:
    • Speak out loud about your frivolous actions, about how you spent all their money on designer items or very expensive dishes.
    • If you're old enough to spend parenting money, still pretend to be a ten-year-old. Constantly ask your parents for pocket money and indignantly ask why they no longer support you with money.
    • If you're an adult but don't want to work, just keep saying, “I'm an artist, huh? I am above all the rules. " If they continue to insist that you have to work, shout: "You are tearing my soul!"
  2. 2 Blame them for ruining your life. This will really annoy your parents. They probably didn't do anything like that, but still try to simplify your life. Here are some tips on how to be terribly unbearable:
    • Say loudly: "I did not ask (a) to give birth, did you?"
    • If they asked you to do something, and in a polite manner, for example, to throw out the trash, say, "Why are you doing this to me?"
  3. 3 Don't follow their rules. Your parents set certain rules, and nothing is more annoying than completely ignoring them. Show a complete lack of respect for household chores, show how annoying you are. Below are tips:
    • Treat household chores with disdain. If you are asked why you didn't do this or that, just say, "Who, me?"
    • If asked to clean up a mess, say, "Do you think I am a slave?"
    • Bring unpleasant people home at the wrong time. Bring your new, eccentric young man on your father's birthday.
    • Throw parties without asking your parents. This works especially well on weekdays.

Method 5 of 6: How to Anger Your Teacher

  1. 1 Don't follow your teacher's rules or directions. Every teacher always tries to establish their own specific rules in the class, and there is nothing more annoying than a cheeky student who neglects them. Disregard of generally accepted classroom rules is a strong irritant. Here are some tips:
    • Waste class time by asking the teacher about the same thing several times. This works especially well if you ask again something very understandable, which is already written on the board.
    • If you missed a class and instead of looking in a textbook or asking a classmate, ask the teacher, "What did I miss?"
      • If you really want to anger the teacher, then say, "Did I miss something?"
    • The moment the teacher chastises you for something you didn't need to do, show alienation and say, "Sorry, my previous teacher just said that this is okay!"
  2. 2 Disrupt the lesson. It is quite annoying that a student who not only does not listen carefully, but who also interferes with the teacher and the rest of the students. A couple of tips on how to make noise:
    • Show up to class late and noisy. Run into class with a noise, breathing heavily, "Sorry, I'm late!" inhaling and exhaling heavily, throw your things all over the place, create noise and confusion. Once you are seated, repeat your favorite phrase, "Did I miss something?"
    • Talk to classmates. Talk actively with other students while the teacher is speaking. It is especially annoying if you ask other students anything that you should ask the teacher.
      • If you want to achieve an incredible level of annoyance, then ask the teacher a question, and while he is diligently answering you, you will start talking to your classmate, completely ignoring the teacher. This will be more than enough!
    • Use your mobile phone during the lesson. Let it lie on your desk and vibrate repeatedly. Set to silent mode. Or put a deafening ringtone on it. Let the phone ring while you are looking for it in your bag, it will take a very long time before you turn it off. This will surely disrupt the lesson and piss out your classmates. And what a good effect on the teacher!
  3. 3 Be a know-it-all. None of the teachers like students who show they know more than they do. This works especially well if your instructor is really big on his subject and you know absolutely nothing. A couple of tips on how to be a know-it-all:
    • After your teacher has finished the story, say, "How can you be so sure about this?" If your teacher is trying to explain something to you that is true, say with confidence, “I think it makes sense,” but try to appear unconvinced.
    • At the moment of receiving a reprimand from the teacher, roll your eyes and sigh. It works just great!
    • Constantly refer to other teachers, parents, or even friends as true connoisseurs. Always, after the teacher finishes speaking, say "But my father says ..."
    • Let your teacher know if you think you deserve a higher grade.

Method 6 of 6: Be Prepared for the Consequences

  1. 1 The consequences of irritable behavior in public. Of course, most likely you had a rather funny time, getting on people's nerves in public, but all these actions of yours do not go without consequences. In public places, people do not want to be disturbed and may not react exactly as you would expect. Read below what can happen in the end:
    • People on public transport are more likely to be prone to anger. For the most part, these people have spent all day at work or on the road, which does not give them a lot of patience. They can yell at you, scold you, or even use force.
    • People at sporting events can be especially impatient. If their team loses, or they get too drunk, they can hurt you and cause irreparable damage. Remember that you are playing with fire by annoying people you don't know.
  2. 2 Consequences of defiant behavior with a loved one or friends. Pissing off the people who care about you is pretty fraught, because one day you may be all alone. Here are some examples of what can happen:
    • Your boyfriend will be able to leave you at any time. Being alone is not so interesting to be unbearable.
    • Friends can stop hanging out with you. You can easily get dumped by your friends for acting like a goat. Annoying is not so interesting when there is no one to annoy.
  3. 3 Consequences of defiant behavior with your parents. Your parents love you more than anyone else in the world, but they are still human. They work hard to give you what you need, and if you consistently behave disrespectfully, not gratefully, expect the consequences. Here's what can happen:
    • They will rob you of your money. And if you get them hard, then, as soon as you reach a certain age, they will send you to free bread - and this is their right.
    • They will stop waiting for moments to spend time with you. When you become adults, they will stop inviting you, they will stop calling you. It will hurt.
  4. 4 Consequences of defiant behavior with your teacher. You can have fun taunting the teacher, but he can give you an answer by overwhelming you with your studies. Remember that the teacher has authority over your grades, which can affect your future. Here's what your teacher can do:
    • Your teacher can fail you. Bad grades can leave you in the second year or be expelled from school.
    • For creepy behavior, the teacher may kick you out. Then try to explain it to the head teacher.


  • If you are lucky, then when going downstairs say "Wooiiii!"
  • Always, after being told something to you, ask again.
  • Whoever says anything, always repeat it in an interrogative form.
  • If you were asked a question, ask again in the same way. A sarcastic expression works very well.
  • When someone counts something, shout out any number. This is a very good way to piss someone off.
  • Write the climax of the novel on the very first page.
  • Always after someone has said something, repeat "Really?" For example, if someone says, "I got 100 points on an exam," say "Really, right?"
  • Answer the statements: "This is how you think!"
  • Splash before your friends touch the water.
  • Let's understand that the conversation is over by starting to bark like a dog.
  • End your story with "As a true poet would say."
  • Refuse to do anything until you are asked twice.


  • If you continue to annoy people, you will lose your parents' respect, and your friends will easily leave you.
  • If you hit people in public places, then at one point you can be seriously injured.