How to get rid of male breasts

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Man B**bs, Saggy Chest, or Gynecomastia.
Video: How to Get Rid of Man B**bs, Saggy Chest, or Gynecomastia.


In men, breast enlargement and excessive growth of adipose tissue can sometimes occur, which leads to the formation of the so-called male breast. This may be due to gaining excess weight or other factors. If you are faced with the problem of breast augmentation, then it is very important to see a doctor in order to rule out possible pathological causes of this problem. If your breasts have grown as a result of weight gain or mild gynecomastia, you can get rid of it by developing your pectoral muscles through strength training, cardio exercises, and proper nutrition.


Part 1 of 3: Strength Exercises for Pectoral Development

  1. 1 Develop your pectoral muscles. Do strength exercises to help build your pectoral muscles. The increase in muscle mass speeds up the metabolism and helps to burn more fat, which will help to reduce the fat deposits in the chest area. To build pectoral muscles and burn excess calories and fat, you can do free-weight strength exercises (such as bent-over dumbbell rows), or use your own body weight in the exercises (such as push-ups).
    • To start with each exercise, do one set of 8-12 reps.Gradually (as your own strength grows), increase the load to three approaches.
  2. 2 Do push-ups. Push-ups in their various variations are one of the most effective ways to pump the pectoral muscles. Push-ups develop the pectorals, as well as the smaller muscles nearby. The floor press additionally helps to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, which helps to gain overall slimness.
    • Get into a plank position. Keep your arms straight, place them slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend your elbows and lower your body until it touches the floor. Remember that while doing this, the muscles of the legs and abs must maintain tension.
    • If you can't do plank push-ups, try half-plank (knee push-ups). Try to keep your groin, chest, and chin touching the floor at about the same time during push-ups.
    • After 3-4 weeks of training, consider doing different push-up variations, such as military push-ups, dumbbell push-ups, and side-to-side push-ups, to challenge your muscles to new challenges.
  3. 3 Pump your chest press. Lifting any weight off your chest will strengthen your pectoral muscles. A variety of exercises, from the bench press to the bench press, will help you shed excess fat on your chest.
    • Lie with your back on a bench with a barbell rack or hold dumbbells. Keep the weight on bent arms at the lower ribs, push it up until the arms are fully extended. Hold this position for one second, and then slowly lower your arms to the starting position. Start working with two kilograms and increase the load gradually as your muscles develop to keep the exercise safe for you.
    • Start a new bench press every 3-4 weeks to keep your muscles developing. You can try a variety of exercise options, including the down or up incline press, the neck press, the narrow grip barbell press, the close-grip dumbbell press, and the dumbbell circular arms.
  4. 4 Perform arm swings with a load. Stretching your arms is another great way to develop your pectoral muscles, which can help you lose weight and shed excess fat. Any kind of arm swing, from dumbbell swings to machine swings, can help you remove fat from your chest.
    • Lie on your back or stand with a slight tilt. Pick up two-kilogram dumbbells or gym cables with the same resistance. Keep your hands palms facing each other. Slowly spread your arms out to the sides. Then carefully return them to their original position.
    • Vary the swings you do every 3-4 weeks to keep the pectoral muscles developing. Try swinging up or down, swinging in the machine, and even swinging with one hand.

Part 2 of 3: Cardio Exercise

  1. 1 Change your sedentary lifestyle. While strength training can help you shed excess fat on your chest, you will also need to reduce your overall body weight. To do this, you will need to become more active during the day, as well as do some kind of cardio exercise. Simple changes in your own habits, such as walking up the stairs instead of using the elevator, or walking instead of driving, can help you burn extra calories and fat. Consider carrying a pedometer with you and aim to take at least 10,000 steps a day to start losing weight.
  2. 2 Do cardio almost every day. Combining strength training with cardiovascular exercise and proper nutrition can help you shed excess body fat, including in the chest area. It is reasonable to lose about 0.5-1 kg of weight per week.Do cardio and stay active 5-6 days a week to achieve your weight loss goals and lose chest fat faster.
    • You should be doing at least 150 minutes of moderate activity or at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week. For enlarged breasts to shrink faster, aim for 30 minutes of daily activity. If you are just starting physical activity, break your workouts into several smaller parts, for example, 2-15 minutes each.
    • Choose an activity that you enjoy while challenging your body to exercise. Finding the right activity for yourself takes a lot of trial and error. Think about activities such as walking, jogging, sprinting, swimming, or cycling. You can also exercise on equipment such as an ellipsoid, stepper, or rowing machine. Be aware that team sports, outdoor activities with children, and even jumping rope or trampoline also count towards your weekly workload.
  3. 3 Sign up for the section. Collective fitness classes, yoga and cardio classes that use free weights and other equipment are great ways to strengthen muscles and lose fat throughout the body. They will also motivate you more if you have difficulty doing workouts alone. Sign up for these classes, which are held 3-4 times a week with one day of rest in between. Such activities have an additional advantage, as they teach you how to perform the exercises correctly, which you can use when you do it yourself at home or somewhere else.

Part 3 of 3: Organizing a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. 1 See your doctor to rule out gynecomastia as a possible cause of breast formation. Before embarking on any strength training, you should consult your doctor. This is especially important when a man wants to get rid of overgrown breasts. Your doctor will check to see if you have gynecomastia, a condition where a man's breasts become enlarged as a result of a hormonal disorder. Gynecomastia can also indicate a more serious medical condition such as male breast cancer.
    • Explain to your doctor why you decided to see him. Tell him about when you first noticed breast augmentation, whether you had any pain, whether you gained extra weight. Based on the results of the examination and tests that your doctor may prescribe, you may be diagnosed with gynecomastia, or pseudogynecomastia, which is the result of excess fat deposition, and not hormonal imbalance.
    • Listen to your doctor's advice regarding the treatment of any diagnosed diagnosis. In most cases, a man with moderate gynecomastia and pseudo-gynecomastia is prescribed diet and exercise to get rid of fat deposits in the chest area. Your doctor may schedule a follow-up visit in 3-6 months to make sure you don't have any other possible health problems.
  2. 2 Get enough rest. Rest is just as important to losing fat as exercise. In fact, not getting enough rest can lead to weight gain. Having 1-2 days of rest per week will help to reduce weight and unwanted body fat. You also need to get at least seven hours of regular sleep.
    • You should have at least one day of rest from physical activity every week. This will promote muscle recovery and development.
    • Try to get 8-9 hours of sleep at night (and at least 7 hours). If you're tired in the middle of the day, give yourself 30 minutes to take a nap.
  3. 3 Provide yourself with regular healthy meals. Calories play an important role in how much weight you can lose, so it is very important to ensure that you eat a healthy, balanced diet on a daily basis. Choosing whole, nutritious foods can help you lose weight and gradually reduce breast fat.
    • Eat 500-1000 fewer calories per day than you previously ate. This is a good rule of thumb to follow when you want to lose weight noticeably. At the same time, you should not consume less than 1200 calories per day, otherwise your well-being may deteriorate, and the results will be achieved much later.
  4. 4 Choose a variety of whole foods from all five food groups for your meals. Eat five food groups in your daily diet: fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy products. Vary the foods in each food group for the widest range of nutrients you get. A healthy diet should usually be high in fiber, which will help you refrain from pouncing on food on a bad day.
    • Try whole fruits and vegetables, including strawberries, apples, blackberries, spinach, and sweet potatoes. Eat whole grains such as whole grain pasta and bread, brown rice, whole grain cereals, and oatmeal. For protein sources, eat lean meats, including chicken, fish, and pork, and boiled beans (but not butter or eggs). Eat cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt as dairy products, drink cow's and coconut milk.
  5. 5 Avoid unhealthy foods. Eating fast food provides a lot of convenience for people, but when a person tries to lose weight and reduce fat on their chest, fast food becomes their worst enemy. Fast food and other unhealthy foods are high in fat and calories, which only interferes with weight loss.
    • Avoid starchy foods containing refined carbohydrates such as white bread, regular pasta, white rice, and baked goods. Simply avoiding these foods or replacing them with a healthy, whole grain alternative will help you lose weight.
    • Pay attention to the sugar content of the foods you eat by reading the ingredients on the labels. Sugar can contribute to weight gain. If you notice corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose or maltose in the product, stop using it.
  6. 6 Make dietary changes gradually. In order to lose weight and start maintaining it at a healthy level, you must start eating healthy foods on a consistent basis. In pursuit of weight loss, you can put yourself on a very strict diet. However, this can cause you to quickly return to your old bad eating habits. Making incremental positive changes in your diet will help you develop a healthy eating habit that will stay with you for life and prevent you from re-enlarging your breasts.
    • Start by replacing unhealthy foods with whole foods. For example, eat brown rice instead of white. Place more vegetables on the plate than meat or other main course. Try unsweetened popcorn instead of potato chips. If you feel like crunching on something, try carrots or other chopped vegetables.
    • Allow yourself to break your diet once a week to refrain from other temptations and minimize the risk of reverting to old habits.
  7. 7 Start putting together a food menu for every day. One way to keep track of your calorie intake and provide your body with enough nutrients is to create a nutritional menu. Such a menu will also help you not to go back to the wrong diet.
    • Make a daily meal plan that includes three main meals and two snacks. In this case, all three main meals should consist of different dishes.For example, you might have a cup of low-fat Greek yogurt with fresh berries for breakfast, whole-grain toast with unsweetened jam, and coffee with low-fat milk. For lunch, you can prepare a salad with various vegetables, fried chicken and homemade vinaigrette. For a snack, stock up on vegetable cuts and chickpea pasta or chechil cheese. For dinner, try to eat salmon, some salad, and steamed vegetable mix. For dessert, use apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon.
    • Be sure to pre-study the dishes that are offered in the menu of the cafe you visit. Check out the menu yourself or ask the waiters for help to find out what types of healthy food they can offer you. Pick a couple of healthy meals and add them to your meal plan. Avoid the high-calorie traps of snacks, bread baskets, gravy and fried foods.
  8. 8 Watch for maintaining water balance. If you are eating and exercising properly, it is imperative that you drink enough water every day. Water will help promote weight loss and overall well-being. If you are active, aim for at least three liters of fluid a day.
    • Avoid high-calorie drinks such as soda, juice-based cocktails, sugary coffee, and alcohol. Instead, consume non-nutritive drinks such as diet sodas, tea, plain coffee, and soda.

What do you need

  • The doctor's consultation
  • Proper nutrition
  • Water
  • Pedometer
  • Sport shoes