How not to get depressed from loneliness

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to get rid of loneliness and become happy | Olivia Remes | TEDxNewcastle
Video: How to get rid of loneliness and become happy | Olivia Remes | TEDxNewcastle


Most of us, if not all, feel lonely at some point in our lives. Some of us get really depressed and do bad things that can overwhelm our lives. Here are some tips for dealing with depression caused by loneliness.


  1. 1 See a psychologist if your condition is very bad.
  2. 2 Remember that the absence of a boyfriend or girlfriend does not make you a second-rate person.
  3. 3 You have to wait for the right person and not get depressed because there is no boyfriend or girlfriend around.
  4. 4 Don't let feelings of inferiority get the best of you, you should know that all people are equal, but their conditions of life are different.
  5. 5 Talk to yourself: always try to talk to yourself and find out why you are feeling lonely.
  6. 6 Try to figure out what negative consequences this feeling has on you.
  7. 7 Read: reading good and positive books always helps. Read as much as you can, because reading is not only calming, but also helps you keep your mind fresh and active.
  8. 8 Join a club.
  9. 9 Start a correspondence.
  10. 10 Make friends with old people, they can really help. They have seen a lot in their lifetime and can be great friends.
  11. 11 Get a dog or some other animal. They will make you great company and good friends.
  12. 12 Go for an easy walk or go to a place that calms you down.
  13. 13 Always think positively, you should know that you yourself can be your own best friend.
  14. 14 There is a whole world inside you. Try to explore this world and find happiness within you. Because only you yourself can completely control yourself like no one else.
  15. 15 Learn something new like language, game, sports, etc.etc.
  16. 16 If you see a person who interests you, then talk to him. You never know what can come of it and you can also get some kind of social practice.


  • If you get worse, see your doctor, it could be a sign of depression.
  • Learn to explore your own mind.
  • Get a pet.
  • Make friends with older people.
  • Learn a new language.


  • Stay away from cynical and negative people.
  • If you feel that your depression is getting worse, then you need to seek qualified medical help, this will really help.
  • Never sit alone, try to get out and face reality.
  • Before starting a new language, finish with the old one.

What do you need

  • Pet
  • Book