How to hypnotize a person with a look

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 16 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Can I Hypnotize Someone Who Thinks Hypnosis Isn’t Real? | Full Uncut Street Hypnosis
Video: Can I Hypnotize Someone Who Thinks Hypnosis Isn’t Real? | Full Uncut Street Hypnosis


While hypnosis may seem like some kind of magic, it is actually the result of a long study and practice. The most common is hypnosis with the help of the eyes, which open up access to the human psyche. But remember that hypnotizing a person can only be done with their voluntary consent, and it is very important to use this skill responsibly.


Part 1 of 3: Do exercises to focus your gaze

  1. 1 Learn to look the other person in the eye for as long as possible without blinking. Look at your reflection in the mirror and see how long you manage to maintain eye contact without blinking.
    • You can find out what you are capable of by playing a game of peepers with someone.
    • Being able to fully control your eye movements will help you maintain constant eye contact with the person during hypnosis.
  2. 2 Train your ability to focus your gaze. Do this exercise: first look at a close object, such as a pen or pencil, and then at a distant object in the room.
    • Keep a pencil in front of your eyes and focus on it.
    • Move your gaze from your pencil to a distant object, such as a painting on the wall or a doorknob.
    • Focus your eyes on the pencil again. Then focus on the distant subject. Do this exercise regularly to hone your ability to easily readjust your focus.
  3. 3 Develop peripheral vision. This is the ability to see objects and movements with lateral vision without turning the head. To improve this skill:
    • Sit on a bench in a crowded area with the sidewalk visible. You can use a TV or computer, including some lively moment in the movie.
    • Turn your head to the side and look at what is happening.Then turn your head the other way and look at the scene again. Looking from each side, try to see as much as possible.
    • Be sure to practice looking from both the left and right sides.

Part 2 of 3: How to hypnotize with your eyes

  1. 1 Ask the person if they mind. Better to ask directly: "Can I hypnotize you?" Before you start, you need to make sure that the person actually agrees.
    • First, you can try hypnotizing someone who trusts you. For example, your friend or loved one. In this case, there will be more chances that you will get consent to such an experiment.
    • It is important that the person gives voluntary consent. If the person does not want to participate in hypnosis or resists, then you are unlikely to be able to hypnotize him.
  2. 2 Ask the person to sit comfortably. Do not hypnosis while standing, as the person is likely to relax enough to fall over.
  3. 3 Tell the person to focus on the point under your right eye. Also, he should not look away while you are talking to him.
  4. 4 Look closely at the person without blinking. Begin counting from five to one in a soothing, low voice. While counting, tell the person:
    • "Your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier."
    • "Your eyelids are getting heavier, as if a heavy weight is pulling them down."
    • "Soon the eyelids will be so heavy they will close."
    • "The more you try to open your eyes, the heavier, sagging and flabby your eyelids will become and the tighter they will be closed."
    • From five to one, repeat these phrases several times.
  5. 5 Tell the person that you are going to touch their shoulder and they will relax completely. Before touching a person, it is important to warn them about what is about to happen. This will help the person mentally tune in to the command you are giving, so that they can then execute it correctly.
    • Tell the person, "When I touch my shoulder, your body will become sluggish, relaxed, and leaden. Are you ready?"
  6. 6 Touch the person's shoulder and tell them that they can now relax. Do not be afraid if the person suddenly falls or leans back in the chair. This will mean that he is truly completely relaxed and under hypnosis.
  7. 7 Assure the person that they are currently under hypnosis. It is important that the person understands that the relaxed state in which he is found is caused by hypnosis or hypnotic state.
    • In addition, it is important to assure the person that he is not in danger and that he is in good hands. Reassure him so that he doesn't stop trusting you and listening to your commands.
  8. 8 Tell the person that their right arm should now be lethargic and heavy. Tell him to feel her relaxed. Then touch his hand to trigger a reaction.
    • Raise the person's hand and make sure it is relaxed and limp. Put your hand back in place.
    • This will confirm that the person is now in a trance state. It will also mean that the person is ready to listen to you and follow commands.
  9. 9 Prepare the person to follow only your voice. Start counting backwards from five to one. Tell the person that when you count to one, they will only hear the sounds of your voice.
    • When you count to one, click with your fingers so the person can focus on your voice. Talk to the person so that listening to your voice relaxes them even more. Then ask him to listen carefully to every word you say. Just listen to what you have to say.
    • Instruct the person to follow exactly what you say and not be distracted by extraneous sounds.
  10. 10 Check the person's hypnotic state. Now that the person is in a state of hypnosis, you can test your capabilities. In order to find out how much a person obeys you, you can ask him to touch his nose or ear.You can order a person to move an arm or leg on command.
    • Remember, hypnotic control must be treated responsibly and with caution. The person has trusted you, so while he is under hypnosis, do not do anything that could embarrass, offend or offend him.

Part 3 of 3: What is hypnosis

  1. 1 Don't confuse hypnosis with sleep or unconsciousness. Hypnosis is an extremely focused state of consciousness, making a person more susceptible and receptive to suggestion.
    • A person in a hypnotic state is not under the influence of the spells of the hypnotist and does not lose control over himself. He's just more open to suggestion and direction.
    • We are often in a kind of hypnosis or trance state. Remember this when you mentally disconnect during class or completely immerse yourself in the world of dreams. Or when you get so caught up in a movie or TV show that you stop noticing the people around you. These are all examples of trance-like states.
  2. 2 Learn about the benefits of hypnosis. Hypnosis isn't just a fun trick or a way to get your best friend to dance the little ducklings' dance. It is believed that hypnosis actually helps people cope with insomnia, smoking, overeating, and other disorders.
  3. 3 Remember that the ability to hypnotize is a skill that can be developed. There are currently no regulated standards and rules for hypnosis. But hypnotherapists can get certified by taking regular or advanced training in hypnosis and hypnotherapy. However, this is a profession that you can master on your own.
    • The course, confirmed by a certificate, necessarily includes the study of professional ethics and basic hypnosis skills.
    • Look for a certified hypnotherapist to learn more about the health benefits of hypnosis.


  • There are training videos available on the Internet on how hypnosis is performed. To improve your skills, do your own research and learn the techniques of professional hypnotists.


  • Not every person can be hypnotized! Some people are too closed or afraid to try hypnosis. So, before trying to hypnotize a person, it is important to get his consent.