How to make your handwriting girly

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how i improved my handwriting
Video: how i improved my handwriting


There are many different handwritings. This article will show you how to make your handwriting girly.


  1. 1 Start by keeping the lines curved and curved. All of your letters should be made up of rounded lines that connect to form words. Write carefully!
  2. 2 Dots in words, such as the letter 'i' in English, should be small circles. It's the same with the periods at the end of sentences. You can also draw small hearts above the letters instead of dots. But do not draw hearts at the end of sentences, otherwise it will look sloppy.
  3. 3 Your little A should be like a curl. It should be oval with a curl at the top.
  4. 4 The letter `t 'in English should not have a straight line, but a rounded one. It looks girly. Try to keep the letters small. Letters should not merge into one. See the example in the photo, but nevertheless, we advise you to write in smaller letters. Just a little smaller.
  5. 5 Letters should be tilted.
  6. 6 Letters should be slightly elongated and the same height. In any case, the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters should be visible.
  7. 7 You should try to hold the pencil in your hand in different ways. For example, index and middle fingers or index and ring fingers!


  • Try to write neatly and firmly.
  • Handwritten text can look cute and come in many varieties. Try to find your own style.
  • If you write in English, then the apostrophe at the end of English words can be written very neatly: y’s, j’s, and g’s.
  • If you want, instead of dots in letters in English, you can draw hearts or stars.
  • When you write a letter, try to be creative and think through other details and design of the letter itself.
  • Try to write neatly and in small letters.
  • You can draw round letters or use capital letters when signing.
  • If you write in English, try to make the e’s look like an inverted 3.
  • Write in small letters. This way you use all the space on the paper.
  • Try copying someone's beautiful handwriting - it helps!
  • Try to make B's look smooth 6.
  • When writing round letters, for example, C, O, try to keep them the same height and the same size. The same goes for the English letters Y and J.


  • What the girl does should be good. You must write without mistakes. You shouldn't make mistakes in your letter. Write correctly.
  • Always try to be creative in your writing. Your handwriting tells you what kind of person you are.
  • The handwriting must be neat. It's ugly to have a girly messy handwriting.
  • Check the school rules before writing letters like this. Some schools do not allow drawing hearts and stars in notebooks when writing letters.