How to hug a girl shorter than you

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Hug a Short Person
Video: How to Hug a Short Person


It is difficult for any tall person to hug someone who is much shorter. If a tall guy wants to hug a petite girl, it often leads to awkwardness or embarrassment. Fortunately, there are a few simple tricks that can help you get rid of the embarrassment of hugging forever.


Part 1 of 3: How to Hug a Girl with Both Hands

  1. 1 Get close to the girl you want to hug. Since you will be hugging face to face, it will be easy for you to see how much taller you are. It is important to make sure that her head does not burrow into your waist or lower.
    • You will have to bend a little so that the girl's head is at the level of your shoulder or at least your chest.
  2. 2 Bend slightly at the waist with your arms extended forward. As already mentioned, bend over so that your chest is at the level of the girl's head. Stretch out your arms to the girl, and let her decide how she likes next - to put her head on your chest or in the bend of your neck.
    • Put your hands together on the girl's back, as with any hug. Do not wrap your arms around her neck.
    • Keep your head straight, no need to turn it to the side, so as not to bump into the girl face to face and breathe in her face when you cuddle.
  3. 3 Do not straighten up while hugging the girl. One of the mistakes with such hugs is to bend only first to wrap your arms around the girl, and then straighten up. Instead, it is best to stay in a slightly tilted position. If you try to straighten up while hugging the girl, it will only be an awkward movement.
  4. 4 Release the girl after a few seconds. The length of the hug depends on the closeness of the relationship with the girl you are hugging. When you hug face to face, you will need to stop hugging first because you are taller. Since you are, as it were, "grabbing" the girl with your hugs, you will need to be the first to remove your arms, straighten up and step back a little.

Part 2 of 3: How to Hug a Girl from the Side with One Hand

  1. 1 Approach the girl from the side from which you are going to hug her. Usually hugged from the side from which they are standing. Most likely, you are already standing or walking side by side, so the question of which side to hug the girl from has already been resolved. To hug a girl, you first need to get closer to her.
    • As soon as you are near, raise the hand with which you are going to hug the girl to the side (this should be the hand closest to the girl). Start placing your arm horizontally in preparation for the hug.
    • Don't put your hand on the girl's shoulders until your sides are touching her.
    • Perhaps one of the main advantages of such hugs is the ability to avoid the awkward moment when the girl's head rests directly on your waist or below, which, of course, will embarrass both her and you. Hugging a girl with one arm is not a problem, but if the girl is very short, you should probably still bend over.
  2. 2 Wrap your arm around the girl, placing your palm on her shoulder. When you are close to each other, wrap your hand around the girl, placing your palm on the girl's shoulder farthest from you. Don't put your hand on her neck.
    • Place your hand on top of the girl's arm - if your arms cross during a hug, it can be awkward.
    • If you decide to bend over, it's best to do it from your knees. If you bend at the waist, the girl will feel uncomfortable hugging you back.
    • Regardless of the difference in height, place your palm only on the girl's waist or shoulder. Don't put your hand on her chest or head / neck. In the first case, unnecessary awkwardness will arise, and in the second, the girl will be simply uncomfortable.
  3. 3 Hug the girl for a moment, then release her. The length of the hug depends on how close the people are. If you are not in a romantic relationship with your girlfriend, you should not hug her for more than three seconds.
    • If you are taller than a girl, do not rush to stop hugging to avoid uncomfortable incidents. First, relax your hand and take it off the girl's shoulders. Let her step aside and then you can do the same.

Part 3 of 3: How to avoid mistakes

  1. 1 Don't emphasize awkwardness. You don't need to apologize for being tall, and the girl you hug shouldn't apologize for being short. There is no need to say "I think I should bend over" or "Sorry, I'm so small." Both of you are already perfectly aware of your difference in height.
    • However, sometimes you can honestly ask a question while maintaining a playful attitude. It won't hurt anyone if you ask, "How do you invite us to hug?"
  2. 2 Don't just stand next to the girl. Many guys unnecessarily complicate the situation and wonder whether it would be better to let the girl hug them herself, and then look there, where it is more convenient to attach her arms. This is not entirely true for the person you want to hug. So take the initiative.
    • As mentioned above, be sure to bend over if you hug the girl face to face. If you hug her from the side, raise your arm slightly.
    • It's okay if you let the shorter girl choose a comfortable hug position herself. But you will need to make the opposite movement and hug her too.
  3. 3 Don't touch the girl's neck and head. Whether you are hugging a girl from the side or from the front, your arms may well be at the level of her head. When people of approximately the same height hug, they simply stretch their arms forward, and instinctively you can do the same with a significant difference in height. You yourself understand: if someone grabbed your head, such hugs are unlikely to give you pleasure.
  4. 4 You should not lift a girl if she does not ask for it. If you are not hugging your regular partner, but just an acquaintance or girlfriend, do not think that she would like to be lifted into the air just because you are tall, and she is small. Some people think that if there is a big difference in height, this gesture will be funny, but this way you can cause the girl inconvenience and even offend her.