How to be calm

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to stay calm when you know you’ll be stressed | Daniel Levitin
Video: How to stay calm when you know you’ll be stressed | Daniel Levitin


Do you want to be that calm person among friends who never gets worried about little things and just enjoys his life? It may sound daunting, but it really isn't! Read this article to learn how to be calm and take everything from life.


Method 1 of 4: Part 1: Be Peaceful in Society

  1. 1 Don't be dramatic. People don't want this in their social circle, so don't be dramatic. Don't gossip or step into foreign territory. Be content with what you have and the coincidence of circumstances in your life.
  2. 2 Always be polite. Be polite, considerate, and respectful with other people. Calm people down, do not become the cause of worries and do not cause negative emotions. Calm people are polite and treat others well.
  3. 3 Don't worry about the little things. Walk through life striding widely. Pull yourself together and accept everything that comes across your life path. This is largely the defining trait of a calm person.
  4. 4 It should be fun to be with you. Don't be the one who is always bored and who is always doing the same thing. Go and do interesting things, be who people want to hang out with. Talk to people, go to the movies, play games, ride your bike, go hiking - it's all good!
  5. 5 Don't chase fashion! Be unique. A calm person does not feel the need to chase fashion, he just does what he wants and what makes him happy.This calm approach inspires people to be more at ease with you and want to be around you more often.

Method 2 of 4: Part 2: Relax Now

  1. 1 Don't react. Don't start screaming or crying or reacting in any way. Once you start, it can escalate into a more violent reaction. Stop yourself before starting a big argument. From here, you can redirect the situation as you see fit.
  2. 2 Redirect your thoughts. Distract yourself from your instant feelings by redirecting your thoughts. You can do this in a variety of ways. You can count your breath. You can even sing a song (it's probably better to do it mentally than out loud).
  3. 3 Chew gum. Research has shown that we can avoid a significant amount of stress by chewing gum. Chew mint-fresh gum if you're not calm at the moment.
  4. 4 Rate how important it is. Think about how important your problem is in a wider scenario. Are you dying? Is someone else dying? Since you are going to live, find a way to get over it and move on.
  5. 5 Do what your grandmother would do. As we get older, we usually don't worry that things don't turn out the way we want them to because we get used to it. Think about how your grandmother would react to this and do so. She would probably say something funny and move on, which is really the best way if you want to stay sane.
    • Don't be racist or politically incorrect like your grandmother. This will create a completely opposite situation.
  6. 6 Go away. If you cannot cope with the situation, then "pull" yourself out of this situation. There is no point in staying if you lose your composure and make mistakes. Leave the room for a few minutes and then try again as soon as you deal with your primary anger or fear (or whatever you feel).

Method 3 of 4: Part 3: The Calm Approach

  1. 1 Stay away from tragedies. Avoiding tragedy is the best way to stay calm in life. Just say no to all the gossip, gangsters and reality TV enthusiasts. You don't need this in your life. Keep at a distance those people who are dramatizing their lives, and do not dramatize anything about your life.
  2. 2 Panoramic view. When you are discouraged about something, remember to compare your problems to other problems you have or other people have. You might have a broken computer, but at least you have a home, you know? Don't forget what's really important (health, family, etc.) and don't worry about the little things.
  3. 3 Be confident in yourself. When you are confident and comfortable with yourself, it will be much easier for you to be calm. You will know that it’s okay if you make a mistake, that it doesn’t make you unworthy, or something like that. You will know that you can handle whatever craziness you come across in your life.
  4. 4 Find pleasure in life. Do things in life that make you happy. Don't do things that are stressful or not for your own benefit, but for the benefit of others. Doing things that make you happy will make you more calm and relaxed, and this will help you deal better with all your problems.
  5. 5 Ignore other people's opinions. Not caring what others think can save you a lot of stress in your life, such as fights and rumors.
  6. 6 Maintain a sense of humor. You should laugh at the things in your life, especially those things that don't go the way you want them to. Or are you going to live your life grumpy and stressed? When someone behaves insolently with you, do not get angry. Just laugh at this person because he is really stupid and insignificant.

Method 4 of 4: Part 4: Take it easy

  1. 1 Don't be put off. Always resolve issues quickly, rather than procrastinating and leaving them until the last minute. This way you have to worry about fewer problems and it allows you to have a more relaxed approach to life.
  2. 2 Listen to music. Listen to music that will calm you down. Of course, it can be different music for different people, but in general, soothing music will make you more calm than hard rock. Look for music with quiet, soothing sounds. You will feel that the music is soothing when you notice that your heart rate is getting slower.
  3. 3 Play with small children or animals. When you feel too tense and nervous, try playing with cute little children or animals. Especially children have such a happy perception of the world and themselves that their worldview can often change your outlook on life. If you don't have small children in your life, consider volunteering.
  4. 4 Exercise. Physical movement, especially exercise, can have a really big impact on your emotional state. If you feel like you are having trouble relaxing, take a run and see how you feel when you return. You will be surprised!
  5. 5 Watch a funny movie. A funny movie is a great way to relax and unwind. You can watch a cartoon that you loved as a child, or you can watch adult films that make you laugh.
  6. 6 Play the game. Another great way to relax is to play a game. You can play a video game or whatever you want. You can play alone or with other people. Games are a great way to train your brain and forget the problems and stresses of your life. It can be a great way to connect with the people you love who make your life calm.


  • Give it time. If you are not used to such things, then the practice of maintaining a calm mood can take time.
  • Don't worry about what others think of you, just be yourself.


  • Don't overdo it. If you will be too much calm, it can affect your friends, your family, and even school and work.