How to befriend a guy you like

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Become Friends with a Guy
Video: How to Become Friends with a Guy


Making friends with a guy you like is not an easy task. If you have tender feelings for him, chances are it will be difficult for you to hide your emotions. However, please be patient. Having made friends with a young man, later you can count on more. Also, do your best to have a good relationship with his friends. When you can achieve this, tell the young man about your feelings. Don't hide your feelings. If you are truly true friends, he will listen to you carefully and will be grateful to you for being in his life, regardless of whether he has deeper feelings for you.


Part 1 of 3: Become Friends with a Guy You Don't Know Yet

  1. 1 Talk to his friends. Young people are sometimes reluctant to communicate with girls, because they are afraid that their friends might laugh at them.So first, make friends with the people he spends most of his time with. This will help you earn their trust. See if you can become part of his company.
    • Try to be sincere. Most people are able to recognize when you are showing false interest in order to get what you want.
  2. 2 Organize a club. This could be a club for those interested in books, cars or movies. Invite others to join your club, or limit yourself to just a young man you like. If your friendship is just starting, be careful that your boyfriend does not get the feeling that you are asking him to date.
    • Meetings at your club can happen once a week or a month. Your goal should be to strengthen friendships, but the guy shouldn't be under pressure from you.
  3. 3 Find a new hobby. Don't sit around. Your life should not revolve only around your friendship with this young man. Plus, a new hobby can be a great topic of conversation, whether the guy shares your interests or not.
    • Sign up for a master class or courses. Study what you've always wanted to learn and you won't get bored.
  4. 4 Volunteer. Helping the community will give you a sense of fulfillment and self-need. People who selflessly work for the benefit of others are respected. Your example may motivate the young person to volunteer as well.
    • Find out if your school or university is affiliated with a volunteer organization or movement.
    • Volunteer where you are interested. This will help the guy learn more about what you like.
    • You can help out at an animal shelter, retirement home, or a poor canteen.
  5. 5 Get into sports. It's no secret that boys love to play sports. You don't have to root for the same teams or be into the same sports as the guy you like. If he sees that you are interested in sports and everything related to it, you will certainly attract his attention.
    • Young people love to get together and watch matches on TV, discussing their favorite players. Find interesting information about the sport you enjoy and focus on it. You don't need to know every detail, but the sport you choose should keep you engaged.
  6. 6 Allow yourself to burp when needed. It can amuse the young person you like. Plus, it will give you an idea of ​​how far you can go with it. Don't be shy. This behavior is acceptable to many young people.
    • Play a game with him that is popular with young people, such as burping louder.
    • The myth that girls don't burp or fart, and that they can't be funny, smart, or behave indecently, has long been outdated. Therefore, you can allow yourself this behavior in his presence. He must understand that you are not some strange creature, but an ordinary person. This will make you feel comfortable with each other.
  7. 7 Organize an informal conversation over a glass of alcoholic beverage. If you have already reached the age when you can drink alcohol, you can chat with a young man in an informal setting. Invite your friends and ask the young man to invite his own. It is unlikely that he will consider your meeting for a date.
    • If you are traveling by car, each time agree who in the company will not drink in order to take on the role of the driver.
  8. 8 Reconsider your attitude towards young people. Don't think that guys and girls can't just be friends. Don't fall for gender stereotypes. Treat your young person like a person who has his own idea of ​​what a true friendship should be. You may have different ideas about life, but you should have fun communicating with each other.
    • Find out about the guy's interests, and if any of them coincide with yours, tell me about it! For example, you both may enjoy reading comics or cooking.
  9. 9 Note that the young person may treat you as a potential romantic partner. Studies show that many young people would be willing to go into a romantic relationship with their girlfriend if given the opportunity. So don't be discouraged if you don't get enough attention from your friend. Time can change a lot.
    • A girl may not immediately attract the attention of a young man, but over time, when he finds out how smart and cheerful she is, she can become attractive to him.
  10. 10 Avoid peer pressure. Peers can put pressure on you to take your friendships to the next level. If you are not ready for this, you do not have to follow their advice. Express your opinion openly. Tell your friends that you don't like it when they pressure you.
    • A young man may face ridicule from his friends, who are not ready to admit the fact that it is possible to have a platonic relationship with a girl. Such friendship is not considered by them as masculine, since the guy should be vulnerable with you and open up to you.

Part 2 of 3: Suppress Feelings

  1. 1 Hide your real emotions. If a young man begins to tell you about his romantic relationship with a girl, listen to him and provide the necessary support. First of all, you are his girlfriend. Do not lose hope that a romantic relationship is possible between you. Learn to be happy for your close friend.
    • For example, if he's talking about a girl he likes, don't insult or taunt her. It will not make you look your best.
  2. 2 Don't lose your composure. It is very good that you have a desire. However, if you are only guided by feelings and emotions, it can lead to trouble. You need to understand how your friend feels about you before you open your heart to him. Otherwise, you may lose a close friend.
    • Don't ask him to be your boyfriend right away. First get to know him better and understand if he likes you.
  3. 3 Be prepared for awkward moments. In many movies and TV programs, the development of romantic relationships between friends is often accompanied by an awkward situation or a ridiculous mistake. Something similar can happen to you if you express your feelings sharply. Trust that your feelings will outlast any trouble. If you are feeling romantic, be prepared for embarrassing moments, especially if you are the only one who is feeling.
    • Awkwardness is completely normal, especially if one of you is shy or inexperienced. Be patient, calm, and understanding. Don't despair ahead of time.
  4. 4 Do not limit yourself to communication only with each other. You don't want others to get the wrong idea about your relationship. If you spend all your free time together, others may ask you if you are a couple. Therefore, limit the time you two spend in public. Chat with friends.
    • Going to the movies together is okay for friends, but eating dinner together gives others a reason to assume that you are a couple.
  5. 5 Be prepared to be blunt on the part of the young person. Young people often do not choose the right words when expressing their opinions. For example, if you ask him what you look like, he might say something that you shouldn't take too personally.
    • Follow his lead. If he is straightforward with you, you can express your opinion in this way. The young man you like should know that you can be trusted.
  6. 6 Avoid physical affection. Resist the temptation to hug the young man or rest your head on his shoulder.If you feel that it is difficult for you to control yourself, it is better to find an opportunity to leave. Maintain a reasonable distance. Remember, the young man is your friend, not the guy you are dating. Wait until you are completely confident in your feelings.
    • For example, don't try to be sensual until you know how he feels about you. Even if he likes you too, you need to make sure that physical closeness does not make him uncomfortable.
  7. 7 Don't ask for or give dating advice. Guys usually don't discuss the details of their personal lives. So don't expect him to want to talk to you about this topic. Don't talk about your romantic relationship. If he has feelings for you, you can embarrass him. Choose friendlier topics of conversation.
    • If you discuss your romantic relationship with him, he will think that you only treat him as a friend. If he is dating someone, you may speak negatively about his girlfriend. Don't take away from him the chance to have a romantic relationship. Don't make him choose between you and his girlfriend.
  8. 8 Don't act like you're his girlfriend. Don't flirt with him. If you don't like his behavior, be honest about it. Praise him if he acts like a real friend. If he does not behave the way a friend should behave, tell him about it.
    • If you act like his girlfriend, it can annoy him. He may find you annoying or possessive, and as a result, he will begin to avoid you.
    • Even if he flirts with you in return, don't jump to conclusions. If you are not sure if you are a couple or not, ask him and treat the answer with respect.
  9. 9 Do not take advantage of the fact that he is in a difficult situation. If he is going through trouble, such as a breakup or the death of a loved one, do not try to take advantage of this situation to take your relationship to the next level. He may be angry with you or feel that you have taken advantage of the situation to your advantage.
    • Unlike a girl, a young man can be very flattered that a close friend has tender feelings for him. The girl, in turn, can be upset and sad because of the lost trust.
  10. 10 Don't compare yourself to others. Don't compare yourself to the girl he likes or is dating. This can be frustrating. Don't act like a jealous girl if you're just friends.
    • Don't change just to win the love of a young person. You cannot make him fall in love with you. Be yourself.
  11. 11 Don't come up with something that doesn't exist. Don't try to convince yourself that there isn't. He may tell you that he loves you, but only as a friend. He may also say that he sees you as a potential romantic partner, but not now, but in the future.
    • If he already has a girlfriend, remember that it is impossible to combine the incompatible. If you are considering him as a potential romantic partner, make sure he is not in a serious relationship.

Part 3 of 3: Take the first step

  1. 1 Pay attention to the signs that show his attitude towards you. Did he introduce you to all of his friends? Does he talk about other girls in your presence? Does he invite you to spend time together? Can your meetings be regarded as dating? By a number of signs, you can determine his attitude towards you.
    • Does he often talk about his loneliness? You may notice that he touches you more often than usual. He may start acting like your boyfriend and ask questions to find out how you feel about him.
  2. 2 Make sure you both understand what you want. What may seem obvious to you may not be completely clear to him. You need to be clear about your friendship and whether to take your relationship to the next level.
    • Don't worry if you realize that this is not a good idea.Don't lose your friendship by trying to take your relationship to the next level.
  3. 3 Tell him how you feel. If you don't want him to treat you the way he treats his male friends, be honest with him about your feelings. Be honest with him. Open communication is the foundation of a strong relationship.
    • Expect your relationship to end if the young man finds out the truth. If you are honest with yourself, you will be reasonable in your expectations.
  4. 4 Tell him if you are considering the other person as a potential romantic partner. You cannot protect him or your feelings. By talking about his love life, you can encourage him to talk about the feelings he has for you. Avoid ambiguity when you talk about your personal life.
    • Be honest about your sex life. As your relationship moves to the next level, you will need to take care of protecting yourself from sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. 5 Be honest. Laugh at the situation if the young man doesn't reciprocate. The longer you hide your feelings, the more difficult it will be for you to maintain friendships. Don't start a friendship or romantic relationship with a lie.
    • Respect his answer. Don't try to force him to change his attitude towards you. The more pressure you put on him, the more likely you are to push him away.
  6. 6 Be prepared for the consequences. If you want to talk about your feelings, think about what his reaction might be. After the confession, any reaction can be expected. The young man may be flattered, embarrassed, angry, or surprised by what you say.
    • Again, respect his answer. If he gets angry, it most likely means that you would not have succeeded.
    • If he's flattered or surprised, that's not a bad sign. Give him time to digest the news and do not insist that he reciprocate you.
  7. 7 Be patient. If he doesn't reciprocate, leave the situation. If he is a true friend, he will support you, listen and take into account what is said. He won't hurt you. And if, nevertheless, he laughs at your feelings, then this is not the person with whom you should develop friendly relations. Real friends don't do that.
    • If he refuses you, you may have to step aside for a while and give him more freedom. Keep being friends with him, but don't try to be his girlfriend, especially if he doesn't want to.


  • Find a common interest and talk to him about it. Guys often like to talk about sports.
  • Stay close to him.
  • Communicate with his friends as you would with yours. Be friendly and open.
  • Have the courage to speak up and be yourself.
  • Don't brag so as not to embarrass yourself.


  • Never change for another person. If a person does not love you for who you are, it is unlikely that something will change if you change.
  • Do not discuss topics such as sex if the young person is shy.