How to deal with pet death

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Deal With The Loss Of A Pet
Video: How To Deal With The Loss Of A Pet


For pet owners, the death of a pet is more than just the loss of a pet, it is also the loss of a friend and companion. It is very difficult to recover from the death of a cat, dog, or any other pet you have and care for. You will most likely go through stages of grief and have to rely on the support of family and friends to move on. You might also want to pay tribute to your pet to cope with emotions and honor your dear deceased pet.


Method 1 of 3: Go through the stages of grief

  1. 1 Keep in mind that each person grieves in their own way. Grief is a deep process that often builds up gradually. Every person experiences grief in different ways, and there is no set deadline for grief, so you may feel better after a few weeks, months, or even a year. Be patient and allow yourself to mourn your pet, as this is very important in order to come to terms with his death.
    • You may try to ignore the pain, but this is likely to make the situation worse. Rather than holding back your feelings and emotions, it can be more beneficial to allow yourself to go through the stages of grief and heal over time. You may go through several stages of grief, or just a couple of them, but be that as it may, it is important to get through them, and not hide emotions or suppress feelings of sadness and loneliness.
  2. 2 Try to avoid feeling guilty about the death of your pet. One of the initial stages of grief is the feeling of guilt and responsibility for the death of a pet. Do not be tormented by thoughts "what if" and "oh, if only ...". This will only aggravate your condition and make it harder for you to put your pain in the past.
    • Take time to remind yourself that you are not responsible for your pet's death and that it was out of your control to leave. If you believe in a higher power, pray for your pet and speak out to your higher intelligence to deal with your guilt.

    Adam Dorsay, PsyD

    Licensed Psychologist and TEDx Speaker Dr. Adam Dorsey is a licensed psychologist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is one of the founders of Project Reciprocity, an international program at Facebook, and a consultant to the Digital Ocean security team. He specializes in working with successful adult clients, helping them solve relationship problems, cope with stress and anxiety and make their lives happier. In 2016, he gave a TEDx talk about men and emotions that became very popular. Received an MSc in Counseling Psychology from Santa Clara University and a Degree in Clinical Psychology in 2008.

    Adam Dorsay, PsyD
    Licensed Psychologist and TEDx Speaker

    Try to refer to the good things your pet has brought into your life. For example, if your dog died, think about how many people came into your life because of this animal. Memories are a good way to honor your pet.

  3. 3 Deal with feelings of denial. Another initial stage of grief is denial, where you may feel like your pet is still alive. It may be difficult for you to return home and not find a pet waiting for you, or not cook dinner for him every night as usual. Instead of telling yourself that your pet might still be alive somewhere, it's important to be honest and honest about the reality of the situation. Denying the death of your pet will make it harder to deal with it and leave it in the past.
  4. 4 Release your anger in healthy ways. A key emotion in the grieving process is anger, which can be directed at the driver of the car that hit your pet, the disease that killed it, or the veterinarian who "failed" to save your pet's life. Even if you feel justified in anger, holding on to anger can lead to feelings of resentment and rage, which in the long run will only make you feel worse. Anger can also get in the way of dealing with grief. Because of it, you will cling to your grief, instead of letting it go and starting to heal.
    • Releasing your anger in a healthy way, such as relying on the support of family and friends, or focusing on taking care of yourself by doing things that lift your mood (long walks in the open air, doing a creative project, or hanging out with close friends). Think about what activities can help you release your anger in a useful and healthy way, rather than in a destructive and painful way.
  5. 5 Allow yourself to be sad, but fight depression. Depression is a natural sign of grief, which can cause feelings of powerlessness in the face of emotions. While it is helpful and important to allow yourself to feel sad over the death of your pet, depression can lead to feelings of exhaustion, loneliness, and isolation.
    • Fight depression: Rely on friends and family, do your favorite activities, and pay tribute to your pet. Focus on trying to deal with the sadness so it doesn't turn into depression.

Method 2 of 3: Rely on the support of others

  1. 1 Share your feelings and emotions with family members and friends. Instead of keeping grief to yourself, don't be afraid to share your feelings with close family and friends. If a friend invites you to visit, agree, even if you're not in the mood to chat.If you just sit with an empathetic friend and talk about commonplace things, you will feel less lonely and isolated. Reach out to family members and try to see them more often - they can offer you comfort and kind words that will help you fondly remember your pet and deal with grief.
    • Be aware that some people may not understand how serious your loss is. They can say: “It’s a big deal for me too! It's just a pet! " Relatives or friends may not be able to understand how the death of an animal can be compared to the death of a person, and they will not show the empathy that you expect from them. Try not to take this to heart, as most likely they do not have a pet of their own and therefore cannot understand your connection with the deceased pet.

    Adam Dorsay, PsyD

    Licensed Psychologist and TEDx Speaker Dr. Adam Dorsey is a licensed psychologist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is one of the founders of Project Reciprocity, an international program at Facebook, and a consultant to the Digital Ocean security team. He specializes in working with successful adult clients, helping them solve relationship problems, cope with stress and anxiety and make their lives happier. In 2016, he gave a TEDx talk about men and emotions that became very popular. Received an MSc in Counseling Psychology from Santa Clara University and a Degree in Clinical Psychology in 2008.

    Adam Dorsay, PsyD
    Licensed Psychologist and TEDx Speaker

    Remember how important your relationship with your pet was. At times, people who have lost a pet are reluctant to share their pain with others because they are embarrassed to suffer greatly from the loss. It is better to ask yourself what good meeting with your pet has brought to your life, and remember everything that your pet has done for you.

  2. 2 Reach out to friends who have also experienced pet deaths. Look for family members or friends who will sympathize with your grief and understand what it feels like to lose your pet. Spend time together talking about your favorites and sharing memories of them. You will gain rapport and connection with other pet owners who have also experienced loss and grief.
    • You can also reach out to other people who are able to understand what is pet death through support groups and message boards on the Internet. Support from other pet owners can be key to dealing with grief.
  3. 3 Practice self-care by interacting with people and surrounding yourself with things to do. Taking care of yourself is very important in times of discouragement, and it can help you feel better physically and mentally. Take care of your emotional needs by hanging out with others and doing your favorite things to stay busy and not dwell on your grief. You can enroll in courses and learn a new hobby like painting, drawing or running. Or you can join a fitness group and exercise regularly to boost your mood and fight depression.
    • You can also practice self-care by doing your favorite things alone, pampering yourself with a massage, taking a long bath, and spending time alone with yourself reading or doing something soothing and relaxing. Try not to spend too much time alone when dealing with the loss of your pet, as this can lead to isolation and loneliness. Maintain a balance between social life and loneliness to properly take care of your physical and emotional needs during this difficult time.
  4. 4 Talk to a psychologist if necessary. Sometimes grief can be too much and you may find that even after spending time with family and friends, you are still sad and depressed.If your grief makes you feel powerless and unable to live your life as usual, seek help from a psychologist or therapist. Try to search for contacts of specialists on the Internet. You can also ask friends or family for recommendations. Perhaps these people themselves visited a psychologist and were satisfied with the results.

Method 3 of 3: Pay tribute to your pet

  1. 1 Organize a funeral or memorial service for your pet. A funeral or memorial service ritual can be a useful way to grieve and work through your emotions. It can be a small service in honor of your pet, or a more grandiose event. While some people may find a pet funeral inappropriate, do what you see fit as a pet owner and take the necessary steps to release your grief. SPECIALIST'S ADVICE

    Adam Dorsay, PsyD

    Licensed Psychologist and TEDx Speaker Dr. Adam Dorsey is a licensed psychologist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is one of the founders of Project Reciprocity, an international program at Facebook, and a consultant to the Digital Ocean security team. He specializes in working with successful adult clients, helping them solve relationship problems, cope with stress and anxiety and make their lives happier. In 2016, he gave a TEDx talk about men and emotions that became very popular. Received an MSc in Counseling Psychology from Santa Clara University and a Degree in Clinical Psychology in 2008.

    Adam Dorsay, PsyD
    Licensed Psychologist and TEDx Speaker

    Pets are often our teachers. Adam Dorsey, a licensed psychologist, says: “Most people don't know how to grieve. In fact, we are not talking about death, because in many social circles it is considered indecent. Our pets directly teach us what death is and how to deal with it. Sometimes we are ready for death and burial. Ultimately, our pets teach us how to grieve and how to appreciate the preciousness of life. "

  2. 2 Create a physical reminder for your pet. You can plant a tree in memory of him, make a photo album with his images, or install a tombstone. Having a physical display of a departed animal will help you honor your pet and move on in your grief.
  3. 3 Make a donation in memory of your pet. You might want to pay tribute to your companion by donating money or time to animal charity on their behalf. This will allow you to pay back the community and help other pet owners take care of their pets. It will also pay tribute to your pet, with an emphasis on caring and supporting others - a positive legacy that you can be proud of.
  4. 4 Take care of your other pets. It may be difficult for you to focus on the needs of other pets after your pet dies, but try to provide everyone else with proper care. Your other pets are likely to mourn the loss of their sibling too, especially if they all lived together in close proximity. Focusing on the needs of your other pets will help you move on and cope with your loss. You can also honor the deceased pet by ensuring that all other pets are loved and cared for.
  5. 5 Consider getting a new pet. Another way to deal with grief and pay tribute to your pet is to have a new pet. Instead of seeing your new pet as a replacement for your departed pet, think of it as a new chapter in your life. A new pet will give you the opportunity to give love and care to the animal and move on after your pet dies.
    • Some pet owners think they cannot get a new pet because that would be treason to the deceased pet. It may take a while before you start thinking about a new friend, but a new pet can be a healthy way to get through grief and feel better — you’ll return to your home with a little friend eagerly awaiting you again.