How to ask someone you like out on a date in 5 minutes

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
5 Tips to Help You Ask a Girl Out on a Date
Video: 5 Tips to Help You Ask a Girl Out on a Date


Do you like one person but don't have the guts to ask him out on a date? Are you afraid that you will be refused and, more terrifyingly, they will laugh at you? But the point is, you don't know anything until you try! There are times in life when you need to stop listening to your heart and follow only reason and logic, which is why asking the person you like on a date in five minutes is a great way to feel an adrenaline rush and take a step forward with the hope of hearing a positive answer.


Method 1 of 3: Rehearsal

  1. 1 Practice your speech. Stand in front of a mirror and, looking into your eyes, make the most emotional and passionate speech. Say this as if your loved one is standing in front of you at the moment.

Method 2 of 3: Preparation

  1. 1 Wear nice clothes. First, it will help you impress the person you love. Secondly, if you like the way you look, it will give you confidence. Choose the clothes that fit you best, wash and iron them.

Method 3 of 3: Invite someone you like out on a date

  1. 1 Wait for the right moment. It is desirable that the person is not around this person. Asking for a date in the presence of other people is unreasonable - it will put on you even more pressure, it can also embarrass the person to whom you are speaking - he may become confused and refuse you. Refusal can also sound if your chosen one wants to show off in front of the crowd.
  2. 2 Start a conversation. Walk up to the person you care about and say something nice or funny. Give the person a chance to respond.
  3. 3 Get down to business. Look into his eyes and say the following: “I wonder if you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? I am free, and I would like to meet with you. "
  4. 4 You may want to be more mysterious if you are a girl or if there are other people around you. Do not start this conversation as long as you are alone, because if you are refused, you will feel embarrassed.
  5. 5 If they agree to you, our congratulations! Tell them that you are very happy and arrange a date.
  6. 6 If the person you like replies that he is not interested in this, thank him anyway for the time he gave you. Do not under any circumstances start screaming or crying, do not get hysterical. Show with all your appearance that you are a strong person, that rejection has not unsettled you. Yes, soon of all, something will break off inside you, but no one should notice this. Or maybe the person just wanted to see your reaction and make a decision a little later. If you show that you are a courageous person, that you value your self-esteem, that you respect yourself, the person can change their mind.


  • A little flirting never hurts.
  • When you ask for a date, do not make it a celebration.


  • Don't be arrogant.
  • Don't tell vulgar jokes.
  • Don't overdo it with makeup and accessories, because you don't need to look like a Christmas tree at all!
  • Regardless of what the answer is, stay calm. If they turn you down, tell me that he is cool, and that if he later wants to talk, then you will not mind.