How to look beautiful and confident

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Did you know that only 4% of women between the ages of 18 and 29 consider themselves beautiful? At the same time, 60% of women describe themselves as “ordinary” or “average” in beauty. Unfortunately, this is partly due to the fact that media and pop culture is broadcasting, which makes women believe in the existence of an unrealistic ideal of beauty, which is almost impossible to achieve. And fortunately, in fact, the requirements for beauty cannot be dictated to you, you can determine them yourself. In fact, many women “feel” beautiful due to many other factors: love of loved ones, self-care, having good friends, love relationships, and so on. In truth, beauty is not about how you look, but how you are on the inside.


Part 1 of 3: Show off your beauty

  1. 1 Smile. As the saying goes, “smile and the world will smile back at you”. This is great advice. You will understand that it is much better than it might seem at first glance when you learn that smiling induces positive changes in brain chemistry. Smiling when sad can make you feel better. Even if you don't feel like smiling, try it. Yes, you can start with a forced smile, but it will turn into a real one before you realize it. Also, laughter will not harm you in any way. Laughter increases the level of oxygen in the brain, which in turn stimulates the production of endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals that make a person feel good.
  2. 2 Monitor your health. Maintain your health in optimal condition by following a healthy diet and night sleep schedule with regular physical activity. However, do not beat yourself up if you break the rules for a day or two - you have the right to a break. Keeping track of your health also means managing your stress levels. Reducing the stress level in your life as much as possible will have a positive effect on your health, and you yourself will more often have a good mood.
    • Make time for yourself (exclusively for yourself) every day.
    • Consider doing a massage, pedicure, or something to help you relax on a regular basis.
    • Do not use scales. Sometimes a figure seen on a scale can have a significant emotional effect on a person, while your weight does not necessarily affect your sense of self and what you think of yourself. Don't give yourself another reason to get upset.
  3. 3 Create an inner positive image of yourself. The inner image of yourself is what you imagine yourself to be.Your inner image is shaped over time and depends on your life experience. If most of your life experiences have been positive, then most likely your inner image will also be positive, and vice versa. With negative life experiences and negative self-image, you will be more inclined to question your own abilities. The presence of positive self-esteem leads to the development of the ability to empathize and the emergence of contentment.
    • Sit down and make a list of all your positive qualities and abilities. You may be surprised at how complete you are and how proud you should be of yourself.
    • Try not to compare yourself to other people, be they celebrities, friends, or relatives. You are a separate person, so you should not compare yourself to them.
    • Learn to love yourself for who you are. You are unique and unrepeatable! Regardless of what you have had to go through in your life, it has been a long and difficult journey that you have successfully overcome.
  4. 4 Get a chic haircut. It's amazing how much your hairstyle can affect everything you do! If you have a haircut that you really like, then it will be easier for you to feel satisfied and confident. If you don't like your haircut, it can be frustrating and annoying. The next time you are looking for a haircut, plan ahead to get the best haircut that suits your wants and needs.
    • Ask yourself a series of questions about your hair and then make a decision about choosing a haircut based on your answers.
      • Do you need to be able to pull your hair into a ponytail?
      • How much time can you spend on your hair in the morning?
      • What styling tools (hairdryer, iron, etc.) do you have and know how to use them?
    • Search online for information on hairstyles and look at the pictures. If you find something you want to try for yourself, print it out and take it with you to the hairdresser. This would be a great idea if you want to color your hair. This will save you time explaining what color you want to paint.
    • Give the hairdresser as many details as possible before he starts working. Explain clearly what you want and what needs to be done with your hair.
    • During or after your haircut, ask your hairdresser about how to style it correctly. You may not be able to do the same as a hairdresser, but he can give you some good advice.
  5. 5 Change your wardrobe. A person who looks confident feels the same way. This implies that it is you wear clothes, not she's wearing you. To create a confident look in your clothes, you should choose colors and styles that suit your personality and shape. Dressing needs to be done to express yourself, not other people's style. And more importantly, you need to feel comfortable in your clothes.
    • Emphasize your strengths, do not concentrate solely on hiding your own flaws or what you do not like about yourself.
    • Wear something that sets you apart (be distinctive about your style). For example, always wear stunning earrings or shoes in bold colors. Choose what you like.
    • If you're unsure of where to start, contact a consultant at a major clothing store. He can help you analyze the sea of ​​all kinds of clothing options and find what really suits you.
  6. 6 Watch your posture. Stop slouching! Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Well-balanced muscles provide good posture. Poor posture can also lead to muscle soreness. Good posture has a positive effect on joints and can prevent the development of arthritis.Moreover, to all the physical benefits of good posture, it should be added that it gives a person a confident image, as if he was ready to conquer the whole world!
    • In a standing position, keep your shoulders back and relaxed, pull your stomach in, put your feet hip-width apart, distribute your weight evenly on both legs, let your arms hang naturally at your sides. Do not tilt your head to the side or bend your knees.
    • While sitting, both of your feet should be resting comfortably on the floor, with your knees level with your hips. Sitting on a chair, rest your back on its back, place a pillow or a rolled towel under the lower back (if the chair does not have anatomical lumbar support), slightly raise your face to the ceiling without lifting your chin (the upper back and neck should be one line), relax your shoulders.
    • While sleeping, keep the natural curve of the spine, try not to sleep on your stomach, and it is better to use harder mattresses rather than soft ones. If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees so that your upper leg is level with your back.
    • Lift weights with your knees, not your back. When lifting something heavy, keep your back straight and bend your knees. When standing up with a load, straighten your knees. Do not bend forward to pick up something.

Part 2 of 3: Demonstrating Confidence

  1. 1 Think about what your body language is showing. Sometimes your body language can say more than your words. In most cases, body language is determined by how you feel, not what you want to portray. But you can change that by paying attention to the posture you take during the conversation. There are some techniques you can use to train your body to exude confidence.
    • Don't fuss. Stand in one place, lean on both feet hip-width apart. Stand up straight, do not shift from foot to foot.
    • If you are sitting in a chair, sit back. Do not make fussy movements with your lower body. If you need to cross your legs, do it comfortably and relaxed. Keep your arms relaxed.
    • Look at one point or area. Keep your head still. The head should be kept straight with the bottom of the chin parallel to the ground.
    • Clasp your hands in front or behind you if they are not busy. In this case, the hands should only lightly grab each other. Never hide your hands in your pockets or clench your fists.
    • Do not hurry. Walk in a measured way. Speak also measuredly, do not rush your speech. Confident people are never in a hurry.
    • Pause periodically while walking and talking.
    • Make yourself comfortable and don't start fussing when there is a pause in the conversation or everyone suddenly falls silent.
    • Be convincing. Smile. Look people in the eye. If you shake hands with someone, do so confidently.
  2. 2 Respect and treat others with kindness. To really learn to see inner beauty, you must be able to find it not only within yourself, but also in any other person. Each person has one or more qualities that make them special. When communicating with other people, try to look at them with new eyes and understand what they are (inside). When you begin to notice the inner qualities of other people, it will be easier for you to discover these qualities in yourself.
    • Use your observations as the perfect opportunity to explore the qualities of the people you admire, and try to figure out how you can develop them in yourself. Based on these qualities, choose a role model for your behavior.
    • Don't be afraid to tell other people how you admire them. Nothing gives confidence more than compliments from people who admire you.
  3. 3 Be convincing. Persuasiveness helps you achieve what you necessary from life.It is not a question of controlling other people at all. Persuasiveness implies the ability to say no, express your opinion, ask for a favor, express a compliment, and also the ability to withstand pressure from the outside. Convincing in communication means being able to express yourself honestly and openly, while respecting your interlocutors. Being a persuasive person can be great for boosting your self-esteem, as you will feel great if you can get what you want without making anyone feel upset or irritated.
    • When building a convincing conversation with your interlocutor, remember the following: look at the person in such a way that he does not feel uncomfortable, maintain a normal and respectful tone of voice, do not make distracting hand gestures, and respect other people's personal space.
    • Convey your feelings with phrases with the pronoun "I". Their structure can be represented in four parts: expression of feeling, action, effect and preference ("I feel xxx when xxx, since xxx. I would prefer xxx.") For example: "It annoys me when in letters you tell me what to do , since I see disrespect in this. I would prefer that you ask me to do something, rather than order. ”
  4. 4 Prepare in advance. You cannot change the past and you cannot control the future. But you can prepare for future events by identifying those moments that are under your control and making a plan of action. When drawing up your plan of action, avoid extremes in an attempt to take into account all possible scenarios. You won't be able to prepare for everything, so consider a few of the most realistic options. When making a list of the likely paths of events, prioritize them. Work on the most likely options first. That being said, you don't have to prepare alone. Encourage friends and family to help. Discuss your thoughts with them or practice saying what you are going to say.
    • Preliminary preparation can also include developing the ability to make a refusal. Don't feel obligated to something just because someone asked you to. If you realize that you are not able to fulfill the request, just say no.
    • After successfully getting out of a foreseen situation or pre-planned event, praise yourself for a job well done.

Part 3 of 3: Believing in yourself

  1. 1 Stop self-criticism. Appreciate and respect yourself. You don't have to be a perfectionist. If not everyone likes you, that's fine. If you're not perfect in everything you do, then that's okay too. Your personal self-worth has nothing to do with what you have achieved or not achieved. You are valuable no matter what you do or don’t do. You don't have to be all-or-nothing about life.
    • Change your vocabulary and stop using the word “should”. This word implies a completely optional level of perfectionism and can sometimes lead to unnecessary and useless expectations in other people.
    • Replace self-critical thoughts with encouraging ones. Only use constructive criticism to help you make positive changes.
    • Don't feel the need to take responsibility for everything. Not only will this increase your stress levels and overwhelm you, but it will also deprive other people of the ability to take responsibility for themselves (including for themselves).
    • If something was under your control and you made a mistake, admit your guilt. However, if something was out of your control, do not blame yourself or feel guilty about it.
  2. 2 Start thinking positively. Positive thinking is important not only for you, but also for the people around you. Young people listen to older people, and if you talk negatively about yourself (for example, that you have a fat butt), they can also become self-critical.Many negative comments are made so often that people simply do not notice it. So the next time you feel like saying something negative, replace it with a positive version of the phrase. You will not be able to change overnight, you will have days where it will seem almost impossible for you to stay in a positive way, but you must definitely start small. It is very important to learn to be aware when you start thinking negatively to start fighting it.
    • Take a look at yourself in the mirror at least once a day and compliment yourself.
    • A compliment should not only be said mentally, but also be said aloud. If you like your haircut, tell it!
  3. 3 Never stop learning new things. Use your studies as an opportunity to challenge yourself. Learn something new every day. Take courses that teach you something new and exciting, like painting, cooking, singing, working with clay, and so on. Or go to a technical school or university in a specialty that has always interested you, but you did not have time to learn it. Expand your own horizons. Try to involve a friend in any of your teaching ideas.
    • Know how to take risks. Don't look at every opportunity to learn new things as something that has to be either won, lost, or perfected. Realize right away that it's okay to stumble at some point, but still continue to enjoy it. Until you step out of your own comfort zone and take some risk, you will never know how exciting it is to learn new things without any expectations of yourself.
  4. 4 Move towards your own vision of success. Success in your life does not depend on other people, it depends on what you want. Success does not have to be a predetermined “standard” such as "Apartment, car, dacha"... Your success should be based on realistic goals that you set yourself based on your desires and needs. Success does not have to be complete either; it can consist of multiple goals that can be achieved gradually. Success does not have to represent the only end goal, but it can be represented as a journey towards it. If you did something (for example, tried to knit a scarf), and you did not quite succeed (for example, the scarf turned out to be more like a ball of tangled yarn), there is nothing to worry about! If you were interested in testing yourself, then this is the most important thing.
  5. 5 Learn from mistakes you have made. Regardless of what you do in your life, it is very likely that at some stage you will make a mistake. It happens to everyone. Understand that there is nothing wrong with making a mistake. Some historical mistakes have even been able to change the world (eg Teflon, vulcanized rubber, self-adhesive paper blocks, penicillin). Instead of suffering a mistake, use it for self-study. Think about what you could have done differently. The more mistakes you make, the more you learn and the smarter you become!


  • If you are still getting an education, many schools, colleges and universities have psychologists who can provide a wide range of services to students. These can be consultations, seminars, group sessions and special literature. If you are having difficulty creating an image of a handsome and confident person, try consulting a psychologist who can help you find a solution that is right for your particular situation.

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