How to induce labor at home

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
10 Tips on How to INDUCE LABOR ON YOUR OWN | NATURAL Ways to INDUCE Labor | Birth Doula | Lamaze
Video: 10 Tips on How to INDUCE LABOR ON YOUR OWN | NATURAL Ways to INDUCE Labor | Birth Doula | Lamaze


As a rule, at the 40th week of pregnancy, a woman is already ready for childbirth. If your pregnancy lasts more than 40 weeks, you are likely to experience discomfort, impatience, and a desire to give birth as soon as possible. Before deciding on medical intervention to induce labor, try doing it at home using natural methods.

Attention:the information in this article is for informational purposes only. Before using any methods, consult your doctor.


Method 1 of 6: Eat Specific Foods

  1. 1 Eat pineapples. Pineapple is a fruit that can induce labor. It contains bromelain, which can facilitate and "initiate" labor. This enzyme can help induce labor.
    • Eat fresh pineapples, drink pineapple juice, or make pineapple fruit smoothies.
  2. 2 Eat licorice. Black liquorice can also stimulate labor. Find natural, low-sugar liquorice. You can look for licorice in supplement form. Liquorice can cause intestinal cramps and diarrhea. Intestinal cramps, in turn, can cause uterine cramps.
  3. 3 Eat more fiber. Fiber-rich foods can help you avoid constipation. With constipation, the intestines or rectum fill up, taking up the space the baby needs to move down the birth canal. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables during the last few weeks of your pregnancy. Eating prunes and other dried fruits can also help.
  4. 4 Drink raspberry leaf tea. This tea strengthens and tones the uterus, which can help muscle contraction. Brew a cup of tea with 100 ml of boiling water over one tea bag. Leave it in water for 3 minutes. Let it cool and drink.
    • In summer, make iced raspberry tea and drink as a refreshing drink.

Method 2 of 6: Position Your Body Correctly

  1. 1 Get on all fours. If you are on all fours, the baby will be in a comfortable position. When the baby's head presses against the cervix, it begins to shrink or contract. By standing on all fours for 10 minutes several times a day, you may be able to get the baby's head in the optimal position.
  2. 2 Don't lean back on the couch. You may be very tired at this stage of your pregnancy and just want to relax. But lounging around when you are about to give birth can be counterproductive and prevent the baby from getting into the correct position. It is better to lie on your left side, rolling slightly forward. Cover yourself with pillows to make it more comfortable.
  3. 3 Exercise on the pregnancy ball. A fitball is a large, bouncy ball (also used for exercise) that will help you sit comfortably in late pregnancy. You can use this ball to induce labor. Sit on the ball or jump on it with your legs apart to help the child slide down.

Method 3 of 6: Prepare Your Body for Childbirth

  1. 1 Take a walk. Walking can help the baby move down the birth canal. As soon as the baby's head presses on the cervix, labor is just around the corner. Try to walk for 15-20 minutes. Getting out into the fresh air by itself will also be beneficial.
    • Try to climb a steep hill. This will push your body forward at a certain angle. A 40-45 degree tilt will help the child lower into the correct position.
  2. 2 Have sex. Having sex with a partner can trigger the production of prostaglandins, which are similar to hormones produced by your body. Prostaglandins can induce labor. Sperm after ejaculation in your vagina can soften and dilate your cervix and prepare your body for childbirth.
    • Orgasm stimulates the release of prostaglandins; if you don't want to have sex, you can have an orgasm on your own.
    • Do not have sex if your water has already fallen as it can lead to infection.
  3. 3 Massage your nipples. Stimulating the nipples is another way to induce uterine contractions. Roll your nipples for 2 minutes with your thumbs and forefingers. Take a break for 3 minutes. Continue doing this for 20 minutes. If you do not feel contractions, lengthen the session to 3 minutes, taking a break for 2 minutes.
    • Lubricate your fingers with olive oil to prevent irritation.
  4. 4 Try castor oil. Castor oil can help induce labor as it causes intestinal cramps and stimulates bowel movements. Spasms of the intestines and internal organs can cause uterine contractions. Such methods can cause diarrhea, which can be very uncomfortable.
    • Add 50 grams of castor oil to a glass of juice. Drink it in one gulp.
    • You can also give an enema at home.But this method should only be used once and should be done with extreme caution. An enema will empty your bowels and can lead to dehydration and discomfort.

Method 4 of 6: Relax your body

  1. 1 Take a warm bath. Sitting in a warm bath can help you relax and release muscle tension.
    • Make sure the water is not too hot to avoid reddening the skin. You do not want to injure the child with an excessively high temperature.
  2. 2 Try visualization. Start meditating and visualize the onset of labor. Breathe deeply and imagine that you have contractions. Imagine your uterus expanding. Imagine your baby going down the birth canal.
    • Search online for audio meditation to stimulate labor. They can usually be downloaded in .mp3 format. You can also enter the word "hypnorod" into the search box, which uses similar techniques to guide you through the entire process of natural childbirth.
  3. 3 Weep well. Crying can help you release tension, which will relax your body before labor is due. This period of pregnancy can be very stressful, so give yourself an opportunity to cry.
    • Grab a box of handkerchiefs and play a heartwarming movie to start crying.
  4. 4 Get a massage. A relaxing massage is a great way to relax your body. Make sure your massage therapist knows how to give prenatal massage. During the massage, lie on your left side with a pillow between your knees to support your body.

Method 5 of 6: What to expect from a professional

  1. 1 Know when your doctor will trigger labor. If you are going to give birth at home, a doctor or midwife must still be present. The doctor will not rush to induce labor, unless:
    • the waters have receded, but there are no contractions;
    • two weeks have passed beyond the due date;
    • you have a uterine infection;
    • you have gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, or insufficient amniotic fluid;
    • there is a problem with the placenta or the position of the baby.
  2. 2 The first thing the doctor will do is remove the membrane from the amniotic sac. The doctor will use his gloved fingers to reach the cervix and irritate the amniotic sac membrane until it separates from the uterine wall. The naturally released hormones then usually induce labor.
  3. 3 The doctor can manually call waste water. This process is called amniotomy. The doctor uses a special instrument, like a hook, to open the amniotic sac. Typically, this procedure will cause labor within a few hours.
    • The procedure is quick, but it can cause pain and discomfort.
  4. 4 You may be prescribed a natural hormone called prostaglandin. It is taken orally or injected directly into the vagina. This is how the cervix contracts, leading to childbirth. They do it in a hospital setting.
    • Often this hormone causes severe cramps and somewhat painful sensations.
  5. 5 At the hospital, you may be prescribed intravenous oxytocin. It is prescribed for delayed pregnancy. Oxytocin can help induce labor.
    • Oxytocin leads to more frequent contractions.
  6. 6 Both you and your doctor need to understand the risks. The above methods do not always work. The reason for this is that the body may not be ready for childbirth. If you tried to induce labor, and you did not succeed, it is imperative to get to a medical facility as soon as possible. Consider the following risks and take the necessary precautions:
    • infection (especially if the waters have already departed);
    • tears in the wall of the uterus;
    • happened early premature birth;
    • irregular contractions.

Method 6 of 6: When to Seek Medical Help

  1. 1 Go to the hospital if your water breaks. When labor begins, you need to go to the maternity hospital (hospital) immediately. A sure sign of the onset of labor is the flowing away of the water. When the waters are gone, call the doctor and go to the hospital.
    • When the water is gone, the external environment will begin to affect the child, and he will be at risk of infection. So go straight to the hospital.
    • After the waters leave, you should have contractions, but even if they are not there, you still need to go to the hospital.
  2. 2 See a doctor if you fall or become injured. Physical activity, such as regular walking or bouncing walking, is great for stimulating labor naturally, but it can happen that you get hurt or fall over. If this happens, see your doctor as soon as possible to make sure your baby is okay.
    • A minor injury like a tucked ankle usually doesn't require medical attention, but consult a doctor just in case.
    • If you fall on your stomach, don't panic. Go to the hospital to see a doctor. Remain calm to avoid stressing your child.
  3. 3 Seek emergency medical attention if you have been practicing herbal medicine and have any allergies. Even the mildest of herbs are known to cause severe allergic reactions in some. And since you are pregnant, you need to be especially careful in case of negative reactions to herbal medicine. If you have an allergic reaction, seek immediate medical attention.
    • Even mild symptoms like hives, skin blemishes, or itchy eyes can harm your baby.
    • Serious symptoms of an allergic reaction include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, and wheezing, similar to asthma.
  4. 4 Talk to your doctor if you experience anxiety or depression. You may be anxious or even depressed about the upcoming birth. The doctor will help you cope with the path you have to go, or if necessary, stimulate labor. Don't keep your negative feelings to yourself. Talk to your doctor and tell what is happening to you.
    • Your doctor may refer you to a psychiatrist who can help you deal with these problems.
    • Many women experience depression during pregnancy, so you are not alone.
    • Many symptoms of depression or anxiety will go away when the baby is born.


  • Check with your midwife or doctor before following these methods.
  • Most of the methods described have no scientific evidence.
  • Do not use these techniques if you are less than 40 weeks pregnant. Since none of these methods are completely safe, as they stimulate labor, you should think carefully before resorting to them.