How to Reduce acne and heal acne scars with lemon juice

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
FADE ACNE SCARS WITH LEMON! Naturally Lighten Skin At Home! *UPDATED!*
Video: FADE ACNE SCARS WITH LEMON! Naturally Lighten Skin At Home! *UPDATED!*


While there are other ways to treat acne, there is probably no less expensive and you can do it yourself at home like using lemon juice. Lemon juice contains L-asorbic acid - a natural astringent that helps to dry out acne, and antibacterial compounds that help fight acne-causing bacteria. Lemon juice is extremely effective if used correctly, but you need to be careful to avoid worsening acne damage and avoid skin sensitivity and sun damage.


Part 1 of 3: Treating acne and acne scars with lemon juice

  1. Wash your face or exfoliate to remove oil, dirt, and sweat. Many people choose to apply lemon juice overnight and combine it with the habit of washing at night. If you don't want to leave the lemon juice overnight, you can apply it right after washing your face in the morning. Make sure your face is dry and moisturized before applying lemon juice.

  2. Use a cotton swab or cotton ball to blot the fresh lemon. Leave for a few seconds for the cotton swab to absorb the lemon juice.

  3. Dab the tip of a cotton swab on the acne and acne scars. You should feel a slight sore on your skin, but no pain. Continue to soak a cotton swab on a piece of fresh lemon and apply it only to acne and acne scars.

  4. Cover unused lemon in a plastic wrap and wait 30 minutes or overnight before rinsing your face. The time it takes for lemon juice to penetrate the skin depends on two factors: whether you use lemon juice to treat acne or acne scars, and how sensitive your skin is:
    • Acne or acne scars? If used to treat scars, you should let the lemon juice soak for a while because the purpose is to lighten the skin, not to heal acne. In that case, you can leave it on for a few hours or overnight. Conversely, if you are using acne treatment, you can let the lemon juice soak in for a shorter time.
    • Sensitive skin or not? People with sensitive skin may find it uncomfortable to leave lemon juice on their skin for a long time. If your skin is too sensitive, red or difficult to control, you should only let the lemon juice soak for a few hours to test it before you want to soak for a longer time.
  5. Wash off the lemon juice on your face. Apply lemon juice every 1 to 3 days for a few weeks for best results. If lemon juice is not working, you should see a dermatologist or consult other sources for quick and natural acne treatment. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Ways should not to try on

  1. Do not rub the whole slice of lemon on your face or apply it all over. Lemon juice is very acidic, so it removes the natural oils and disrupts the natural pH balance of the skin. Not only that, people with sensitive skin will suffer many negative effects when using too much lemon juice. Remember to use it little by little is better.
  2. Do not apply lemon juice to open wounds. If you have severe acne or have open wounds, don't use lemon juice. Although it can fight acne, lemon juice will damage the skin around the pimple and make it worse.
    • You can use lemon juice to treat unopened or uncooked acne. Discontinue use if redness, irritation, or acne worsens.
  3. Do not stay in the sun too long after using lemon juice. Lemon juice makes the skin sensitive to sunlight. Therefore, many people choose to apply lemon juice at night and then wash it after waking up instead of using it in the morning. If you want to use it in the morning, you should protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen, wearing a hat, etc.
  4. Be careful when using lemon juice with other products. If you want to use lemon juice to treat acne and acne scars, you should be careful when combining with other skin care products. For the best skin, you should not use skin care products containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, ...

Part 3 of 3: Try specific recipes with lemon juice

  1. Make a lemon juice, honey and olive oil mask. This simple facial mask combines the power of lemon juice and the hydrating effects of honey, olive oil. Apply the mask for 10-30 minutes, depending on the sensitivity of the skin, then rinse with warm water, finally pat the skin with cool water to tighten pores. Moisturize the skin after applying the mask. How to make the mask as follows:
    • 1 teaspoon (15 ml) of lemon juice
    • 1 teaspoon (15 ml) of honey
    • 1 teaspoon (15 ml) of olive oil

  2. Try diluting lemon juice with water if used for sensitive skin. If you still want to use lemon juice for sensitive skin, you can mix 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of water to reduce the consistency, then use a cotton swab to soak it. Diluted lemon juice to dab on acne or acne scars.
    • If the skin is too sensitive and you want to feel cool on your skin, dip the tip of the cotton swab in lemon juice and place it in the freezer for 10-20 minutes or until the cotton swab is frozen. Skin will feel cool when dabbing the tip of a cotton swab.

  3. Create an exfoliating mask from lemon juice, sugar, or sea salt. Sugar and sea salt are abrasive, and when combined with lemon juice, will help treat acne and brighten your skin. Mix lemon juice with sugar or sea salt to make a paste, then apply to face and neck while exfoliating skin by gently rubbing in circular motions. Wait 8-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Finally, pat the skin with cold water to close the pores. advertisement


  • If applying lemon juice causes red or swollen skin, you can try diluting the lemon juice with water.
  • Apply Vaseline cocoa butter to help prevent scaling-related problems on the skin.