How to play the game "Ghost in the graveyard"

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Scary Story {Updating}
Video: A Scary Story {Updating}


1 Find friends to play with. The more people you can collect, the better.
  • 2 Mark the courtyard of a house to play with. You will need a main base that everyone can stand on or that everyone can touch at the same time, such as a large tree, a porch, or a backyard.
  • 3 Choose one person to play the role of the "ghost". You can do it however you like: pick a number, see if there is a volunteer, play rock, paper, scissors, and so on.
  • 4 Everyone except the ghost must stand at the base while the ghost runs away to hide.
  • 5 In chorus say "Hour ... two ... three ..." and so on, until twelve. Then shout “Midnight! I hope we don't see a ghost today! " or “Star, star! Show the ghost! "
  • 6 Leave the base and start looking for the ghost. The ghost's job is to jump out, surprise and tag the player. If someone meets a ghost, then you need to shout: "Ghost in the cemetery!" And try to escape. When a ghost catches someone, that person becomes a ghost in their place. Thus, the game will not be so scary for the youngest ones, who do not like to run far from the base.
  • 7 Let everyone caught by the ghost hide with him. The rest go to the base and shout again: "An hour ... two ... three ...".
  • 8 Keep playing until you catch everyone. The last person to be caught becomes the main ghost in the next game.
  • Method 2 of 3: Method 2

    1. 1 Collect 8 friends.
    2. 2 Select your home base. It should be a small place where only a few people can be at the same time.
    3. 3 Ask the lowest person to be a ghost. The ghost can only hide on one side of the house.
    4. 4 Start the game. The rest of the players must take 7 steps in the direction where, in their opinion, the ghost is. If the ghost is not there, then he jumps out and marks the rest.
    5. 5 Sneak if you've been tagged. Players caught by the ghost must sneak into the spot where the ghost jumped out.
    6. 6 The pursuit. If the player caught by the ghost is seen, then he begins to chase the one who noticed him.
    7. 7 Keep playing this way until there are two players left. The two surviving players go to hide. The rest go out to look for them. As before, they can only look in one direction, but the two surviving members are hiding in the corners.
    8. 8 When the surviving players think it's safe to go to the base, the rest of the players attack them. The one who is not caught wins.

    Method 3 of 3: Method 3

    1. 1 Select your home base. It can be a playground, a tree, wherever a group of players can gather.
    2. 2 Select Ghost and Storyteller.
    3. 3 The ghost and the Storyteller must find a place where the ghost will be hiding.
    4. 4 After the ghost has lurked, the narrator walks back to everyone else and tells them, “Come on!". Everyone follows the narrator.
    5. 5 The narrator tells a scary story as he paces the playing field. As a rule, he moves to the side where the ghost is hiding. History should intimidate everyone.
    6. 6 The ghost jumps out and tries to grab two people who do not have time to reach the base. The two captured people will have to choose which of them will become the Ghost and which will become the Storyteller.
    7. 7 If no one is caught, then start from the first point.


    • Another version of the game: "1,2,3,4,5,6,7, Let go of the one whom heaven forgot, 8,9,10, Now run and hide or take the side of the devil, 11, It's time to resurrect forgotten souls ... Midnight comes, it's not too late to kill the ghost and save yourself! " The last one found wins.
    • Everyone takes flashlights, and two ghosts run to hide. The rest are divided into groups and diverge in different directions. Ghosts will either jump on you, hide, or scare you. If they did this, then you need to shout: "Ghost in the cemetery!", And run to the base as soon as possible.
    • Another version of the game is to, as before, determine the base and go in search of the ghost that is hiding. The person who found the ghost should scream, and the rest should run to the base, hiding from the ghost.
    • In one version of the game, there may be several ghosts. This should be done when there are a lot of players.
    • Try to see how far the other participants can run away from the base without being caught by the ghost. Players must go in line, and if you are caught, then you also become a ghost, while the players are far from the base.
    • In another version of the game, players hold hands while looking for a ghost. When the ghost is found, everyone lets go of their hands and runs back to the base.
    • The ghost lays down on the field, where there is enough room for the players to surround him. Then they circle over the ghost, repeating “Ghost in the graveyard, hour! Ghost in the cemetery, two ... Ghost in the cemetery, midnight! The ghost is free! ”And they run away from the ghost, who jumps up and tries to grab someone. The first person he / she catches becomes a ghost in the next game.
    • Be sure to wait until dark to start playing.
    • You can choose any place to play, such as a lawn.
    • You can make the ghost hide at the base, and the players wait for him on the field. To make the game fun, players can bring "gifts" to the ghost by telling the story of what happened to them while they were still alive. Gifts can be things, toys, or other random objects that are around the house and that may be useful to the ghost in the afterlife.
    • In some variations of the game, the ghost counts to twelve and then everyone else shouts “Midnight!”, But this has a significant drawback as the ghost will be easy to find.
    • The ghost can be called "The Witch" or "The Murderer".
    • In one of the variations of the game, one or two ghosts are chosen. The rest are hiding. After the ghost has counted to twelve, he turns on the flashlight and goes to look for the others. If you are found, then you should run to avoid being caught. If you are caught, then you need to return to the base, and if there are two ghosts, then you should wait until the second person is caught.If within 10 minutes the ghost does not catch anyone, then he must shout: "To the base!". The one who is caught on the way to the base will be a ghost, or the same person remains in the role of a ghost.


    • Be careful not to crash into obstacles. Before starting the game, you need to remove all unnecessary items from the lawn to avoid trouble in the future.
    • You might want to outline the boundaries of the play area before you start. This will help avoid future disputes.
    • Do not play this game in a real graveyard. There is a risk of damaging the gravestones and injuring yourself. In addition, it is disrespectful towards those who have gone to another world.
    • Try not to shout too loudly, as other people may sleep.
    • Ask your parents for permission, especially if it's already dark.
    • This game can be dangerous for elderly people with weak hearts or for children who may become very scared. It can be extremely scary when a ghost attacks.