How to Prevent the Spread of a Fungal Infection

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Prevent a Fungal Infection from Spreading -- The Doctors
Video: How to Prevent a Fungal Infection from Spreading -- The Doctors


Fungal infections are common and are quite difficult to treat. The best way to protect yourself from a fungal infection is to prevent it. If you have recurrent fungal infections or have a fungal infection, see your doctor. On the other hand, if you want to protect yourself and the people around you, there are ways to keep a fungal infection from spreading.


Method 1 of 5: Prevent Fungal Infection from spreading

  1. Wash your hands often. Regular hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent a fungal infection from spreading. Because of this, you should wash your hands every time you touch an infected site or after touching objects / surfaces that may be contaminated. For example, you should wash your hands immediately after using the equipment at the gym.

  2. Stay away from public locations. A fungal infection of any kind will be spread through contact. If you have a fungal infection, you should avoid showing up in public to reduce the risk of spreading it to everyone. For example, a person with a fungal infection can spread the disease if they go to the gym or swim in a public swimming pool.
    • Do not go to the gym, public swimming pool or public bath until the fungal infection is cured.

  3. Always wear shoes. You can get a yeast infection if you walk barefoot, so wearing shoes can be a good way to protect yourself. If you have a fungal infection of your feet, walking barefoot can increase the risk of spreading it to everyone.
    • Always remember to wear shoes when going to public, especially in places like public lockers - where people are usually barefoot.

  4. Report to your supervisor if you have a fungal infection. Some occupations require contact with people and if you have a fungal infection, exposure can increase the risk of spreading to people. So if your job requires you to have direct contact with other people, for example as a nurse, you should report to your supervisor about the condition.
  5. Only use personal belongings. Do not share personal belongings with others, whether or not you have a yeast infection. Fungal infections are spread through contact, so sharing them can increase the risk of spreading fungal spores. You should avoid sharing personal belongings (even though it's kind enough) to reduce the risk of infection or infection.
    • Do not share personal items such as clothes, towels, shoes, socks, makeup, deodorants, or any other items you use / wear on your body.
  6. Cover the site of the infection. If you have a yeast infection, cover the site of the infection completely before going to public places. Accidentally touching an infected site to other people / objects can spread the fungus. Therefore, it is best to cover the site of the infection until it has been cured.
    • It is not necessary to leave school out of school if the child has a fungal infection. However, you need to cover up the site of the infection to your child and notify the school.
    • Do not cover the site of infection too tightly and tightly. When treating a fungal infection, it's important to keep the infection dry.

Method 2 of 5: Prevention of Foot fungus

  1. Use towels, shoes and socks (socks) separately. Sharing these utensils can increase your risk of getting or getting fungal foot infections. Therefore, you should use towels, shoes, socks separately and do not borrow or borrow from others.
  2. Change sheets and socks every day. Foot fungus can get on sheets, socks and multiply and spread. To prevent foot-to-foot thrush or a severe yeast infection, change the sheets and socks every day until you heal.
    • Also, change socks when wet socks are sweaty, as wet socks increase the risk of the spread of foot fungus.
  3. Keep your feet dry. Foot fungus thrives in moist environments. Keeping your feet dry will help prevent fungal infections. To keep feet dry and prevent athlete's foot, you can take the following steps:
    • While you are at home and someone you live with is not affected by ringworm or other fungal infections, you can go barefoot to keep your feet dry.
    • Change socks as soon as possible if they are wet and sweaty.
    • Always dry your feet thoroughly after washing them.
  4. Wear suitable footwear. The shoes you wear play an important role in preventing ringworm. Choosing shoes that keep your feet dry and clean can reduce your chances of getting a fungal foot infection. Here are some tips when wearing footwear:
    • Change shoes every day. Change shoes daily to keep them dry between wear. Alternatively, you can sprinkle talc over your shoes to reduce moisture.
    • Find shoes that help your feet breathe. This will help keep your feet dry and reduce the chance of a fungal foot infection.
    • Do not share shoes. Sharing footwear with others increases your risk of getting or getting fungal foot infections.
    • Avoid wearing shoes that are too tight, as this will increase sweat production.
  5. Wear shoes in public. When traveling to a public place, wear appropriate footwear. Walking barefoot in crowded places increases your risk of fungal foot infections and other diseases.
    • Wear sandals or flip-flops when going to the public bath.
    • Always wear shoes when going to the fitness center.
    • Wear water shoes when visiting a public swimming pool.
    • You can walk barefoot at home if there is no one in the house with athlete's foot.
  6. Take care of your feet. The process of preventing athlete's foot involves keeping your feet dry and clean. There are several powders you can apply to keep your feet dry and prevent ringworm from developing.
    • Antifungal powder can help keep your feet dry and prevents foot fungus.
    • Talc powder can be applied to prevent perspiration for always dry feet.

Method 3 of 5: Prevention of Onychomycosis

  1. Protect yourself from onychomycosis when you visit the salon. Reputable beauty salons often use good hygiene practices to protect clients and staff from skin infections, but you are still at risk of infection. The following should be noted when visiting the salon for a manicure:
    • Make sure the salon is licensed by the Department of Health.
    • Ask staff how nail tools are cleaned after each use. Nail tools must be heat sterilized in an autoclave to kill bacteria and germs. Other disinfection methods will not be as effective.
    • Do not apply nail polish if you have a fungal infection. This can pass on nail fungus to your nail technician.
    • Ask the nail technician not to push back or cut the cuticle around the nail. This increases the risk of a fungal nail infection.
    • Wash your hands before doing a manicure and ask staff to do the same. In addition, staff must wear gloves when doing manicures.
    • Ask staff to place sink pads or bring them themselves.
  2. Good personal hygiene. Proper personal hygiene will help prevent fungal nail infections. Therefore, you should wash your hands and feet thoroughly and dry them to prevent the infection of onychomycosis.
    • Keep nails short and dry.
    • Wash hands and feet often.
    • If you have onychomycosis, avoid touching objects around you after you touch your nails to avoid spreading the fungus.
  3. Take care of your feet. Feet are at high risk of fungal nail infections. Shoes and socks provide a warm, moist environment for the fungus to thrive. To prevent toenail fungus, you should:
    • Wear breathable footwear
    • Do not wear socks that cause feet to sweat. Look for socks made of bamboo fiber or polypropylene and avoid socks made of cotton.
    • Change socks regularly.
    • Do not share socks and shoes.
    • Change shoes to each shoe.
    • Wash socks with warm or hot water and bleach.
  4. Nail care. Injured nail beds and nail beds provide favorable conditions for onychomycosis to enter.Taking care of your nails and protecting damaged areas near the nail will help prevent nail fungus infections.
    • Don't bite your nails.
    • Take care of cuts or wounds near the nail.
  5. Limit your use of nail polish. Nail polish or artificial nails can increase the risk of a fungal infection. Nail polish will cause moisture and fungal spores to build up under the nail causing infection. As a result, you should limit your use of nail polish to reduce your risk of infection.
    • Don't use nail polish to cover nail fungus. This will make onychomycosis worse.

Method 4 of 5: Prevention of Yeast Infection

  1. Use protection when speaking. Unlike vaginal sex, oral sex can spread a yeast infection. Women can get a yeast infection after oral sex due to a yeast infection in their saliva.
    • To reduce this risk, you should use a mouth guard or plastic film during sex.
  2. Wear natural underwear and loose pants. Panties and pants that are too tight and made of synthetic fibers can increase the risk of yeast infections. Wear loose, natural-fiber pants. For example, choose underwear that fits well from cotton instead of tight, synthetic fibers.
    • Underwear should be washed with soap and warm water. Washing your underwear with cold water in the sink does not remove or reduce yeast.
    • Do not wear tights. Tight socks also increase your risk of getting a yeast infection.
  3. Change wet underwear and pants. Humidity increases the risk of yeast infections. So if your pants get wet, for example after exercising or swimming, you should change into a new pair of pants / underpants to keep your “genitals” dry.
  4. Wipe the “genital area” from front to back. For women, if you want to prevent yeast infections, it is best to wipe from front to back after using the toilet. This will reduce the chance of spreading the bacteria from the anus to the vagina (which causes a yeast infection).
  5. Stress management. Stress ports can increase your risk of fungal infections, so try to reduce your stress levels. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and using relaxation techniques can help manage stress levels.
    • Some effective stress relief techniques include yoga, deep breathing exercises and meditation.

Method 5 of 5: Prevention of Ringworm

  1. Identify your risk factors. Ringworm is not very common and the greatest risk is when you are around infected people or animals - ringworm can infect both humans and animals. Ringworm is spread by contact, so if you touch a person or an animal that has ringworm, you can become infected. Ringworm is most common among school-aged children because schools and daycare centers are where ringworm outbreaks most often occur.
    • Pick up only pets that you understand well and often take them for ringworm exams.
    • Do not come into contact with wild or stray pets as they often carry many diseases, including ringworm.
    • Examination of ringworm for pets. Ringworm can sometimes manifest as small hairless patches and red skin.
    • Sometimes pets will not show any symptoms so you should always wash your hands thoroughly after touching them.
    • Ask your veterinarian to examine your pet ringworm if you suspect they are infected.
  2. Wash your hair regularly. You can get ringworm on your scalp and it is very difficult to treat. The easiest way to prevent ringworm on your scalp is to wash your hair regularly, for example every other day. Keeping oily skin clean is one way to reduce the risk of ringworm.
    • Wash your hair properly by massaging the shampoo into the scalp.
    • Avoid sharing hats (hats) or hair care products with others.
    • Use a dandruff shampoo if your head is prone to dandruff.
    • Some people can wash their hair every day, while others will experience dry scalp and the risk of ringworm is higher. Therefore, you should be cautious and avoid washing your hair every day if your scalp is too dry.
  3. Bathe regularly and keep your body clean. Ringworm is spread through contact and is very contagious. Bathing with soap and clean water will help eliminate fungal spores from your body (if you have come into contact with them). Staying clean is one way to reduce the risk of ringworm infection.
    • Regularly shower and wash.
    • Wash your hands often.
    • Always dry yourself after taking a shower.
  4. Avoid touching the site of the infection with your hands. Do not scratch or touch the infected site. While it can be difficult to resist scratching the itch, avoid doing so. Scratching can cause ringworm to spread to other parts of the body or even to others. Therefore, you must not scratch to prevent ringworm from spreading.
    • Avoid lending to others personal belongings such as clothing or combs.
    • Always wash your hands after touching an infected site. Touching the site of the infection and then touching others again can cause the fungus to spread.


  • See your doctor if you treat yourself and the fungal infection does not go away.