How to make ganache

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Silky Chocolate Ganache
Video: How to Make Silky Chocolate Ganache


1 Chop the chocolate finely. The better the chocolate you take, the better the ganache will come out. Use a serrated knife to chop the chocolate so finely that you cannot see the pieces. This is the only way you can be sure that it will melt evenly. Place it in a heat-resistant bowl.
  • 2 Boil the cream over medium heat. Boil the cream on the stove over low heat. Remove from heat immediately after boiling.
  • 3 Stir in the cream and chocolate gradually. Add a little cream to the bowl and stir. When all the cream is added, stir until you achieve a smooth consistency. The resulting mass should shine.
    • Now it's time to add liqueur to the ganache to give it some personality.
    • It can benefit from other flavors as well - a teaspoon of vanilla extract, for example, works wonders, and a little peppermint oil will give it a fresh new taste.
  • 4 Let the ganache stand for ten minutes to cool, then serve with cakes, cookies, or whatever you like!
    • Store the leftover ganache in the refrigerator. Whenever you want to bake another batch of cookies or add icing to another cake, simply heat the ganache in a water bath.
  • 5 You are done.
  • Method 2 of 2: How to Make Ganache Variations

    1. 1 Vary the proportions depending on what you want to use the ganache for. It is very easy to make a standard ganache, but making it the perfect ganache for your dish is a whole different story. Here are the proportions you can focus on when preparing ganache:
      • For glazes, especially hard glazes - three parts chocolate to one part cream, mix with a tablespoon of corn syrup
      • For truffles, two parts chocolate to one part cream
      • For the filling for the cake - chocolate and cream in equal proportions
      • For soft icing, one part chocolate and two parts cream
    2. 2 Prepare whipped ganache by chilling it in the refrigerator and then whisking it. Take a simple ganache and chill in the refrigerator so it is cold before whipping. Pour the ganache into a metal or ceramic bowl and beat with an electric mixer as you would whip cream.
    3. 3 Prepare the ganache for drawing patterns on the cake. Let it cool and thicken a little. The ganache is ready when you can spoon it into the pattern jig and keep it in shape.

    What do you need

    • Cutting board
    • Serrated knife
    • Heat resistant bowl