How to win at "Monopoly"

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Win at "Risk"
Video: How to Win at "Risk"


In order to win at Monopoly, you need to bust all the opponents before they can do it to you. Whenever you make a decision, it is very important to choose the most effective actions that will allow you to increase your chances of winning. While luck is an important factor in winning Monopoly, fortune can be fickle - it can easily turn against you if you relax for a while. In this article, we'll show you how to strategize the game and make the most of all the opportunities to win.


Part 1 of 4: The Right Way to Play

  1. 1 Remember how the players move around the board. Of course, it is impossible to calculate all the moves, but it will be useful for you to find out what is the probability of being on the property you need, throwing the right number or standing on any cell you need.
    • Taking into account all possible combinations of numbers, 7 most often come out, and less often - 2 and 12.
    • Usually, a full circle on the board takes 5-6 moves. Since 28 of 40 cells are occupied by property, on average you will find yourself on 4 cells with property.
    • Your chance to roll a double on every move is 17%. Usually a double drops out once every 6 moves. In one round on the board, you can probably throw this combination once.
  2. 2 Examine the cells that other players most often and least often fall on. Players are less likely to enter Zhitnaya Street and Nagatinskaya Street, and orange squares (Ryazansky Prospect, Vavilov Street, Rublevskoye Shosse) are most often due to their proximity to the Prison cell. These are the most profitable cells on the entire board.The more property you have in orange squares, the higher your chances of winning.
    • The most popular cage is the Prison. It is followed by "Mayakovsky Square" and "Kazan Railway". A hotel on Mayakovsky Square will give you the maximum income from one cell (after a hotel on Arbat).
  3. 3 Know the possibilities of the cards you can draw. Keep track of which cards are eliminated during the game so you know what else is left. Study the cards before the game to understand what might be in store for you. Each standard set in "Monopoly" includes:
    • Sixteen "Chance" cards... Chances are high that the dropped card will move you to another location, as ten out of sixteen Chance cards prescribe this. In addition, there are two "prize" cards that give you money, two penalties cards that take money from you, one card that takes money from real estate owners, and one card that gives you free jail time.
    • Sixteen Public Treasury cards... Most cards Public treasury - nine out of sixteen - give you money. Three cards Public treasury take money from you. Of the remaining cards, two instruct you to move to another field of the board, one card takes money from property owners and one card gives you a free release from prison.
  4. 4 Play by the classic Monopoly rules. While some people enjoy playing special rule-changing versions of this game, any changes will affect the outcome of the game and may lead to an extension. The best way to win is to play by the classic rules developed by Parker Brothers.
    • For example, do not add bonuses for stopping at free parking and do not exempt players from paying when exchanging.

Part 2 of 4: Buying and Building

  1. 1 Buy as much property as possible. The more property you own, the more rent you can collect and the more money you can take from your rivals. If you buy property in the same color group, your chances of winning will increase.
    • Do not wait until you have more money or until you are on the Arbat or other prestigious cells. Start buying up all vacant properties when you get to them. The more possessions you have, the stronger your position. Monopoly does not involve accumulating money and waiting.
    • You will start making money after you have property, but not before. Don't worry if you spend all your money at once. This will mean that you are playing correctly.
  2. 2 Always aim for monopoly. Don't leave free property to others - buy it yourself. It is advised to always buy property that does not belong to anyone, especially if this is your second or third purchase in this color group. Orange cells are most often used, so these are the most desirable cells on the entire board.
    • You get a monopoly when you buy all property in one color group. The owner of the monopoly is supposed to collect double the rent. The owner of the monopoly can build houses and hotels on their tiles, which also increase the cost of rent. Monopoly ownership is useful for exchanging property in the middle of the game and towards the end.
  3. 3 Buy property that other players need. This property should be bought so that other players cannot create a monopoly. In the future, this will allow you to profitably exchange property. If you see that some player has started to build a monopoly, stop him. Better to buy something now so you don't pay rent on these cages later.
    • Don't buy property in a specific color group if different players already own it. They will prevent each other from building a monopoly, so focus on the property of the other color group.
    • Take advantage of the purchase of a variety of properties.For example, if you own property that another player needs, and he has something that interests you, offer an exchange.
  4. 4 Consider a railroad and utility ownership strategy. Railways are generally more valuable than utilities because they generate little money in the long run. However, railways only make enough money if you own all the railways at once. Some players prefer to buy all the railways, while others consider it unnecessary. Whatever you do, stick to your plan.
    • The odds of making a profit from utilities is 1:38, so it's better to spend your money on building hotels and other projects that will make you more money.
    • Sometimes it is useful to buy a railroad so that another player cannot buy them all and start making money from it.
  5. 5 Move on to building three houses as soon as possible. Once you become a monopolist in any color group, start building houses and do not stop until you have built three houses. In this case, the player begins to earn significantly more money. These super profits will help you win the game.
    • It is important to build houses when you have enough money for possible expenses such as railroad rents, utilities, luxury taxes, and fees charged by the Public Treasury cards. If possible, wait until you have passed all the "dangerous" cells with high tariffs (the last cells before the "Forward" cell).
  6. 6 Try to build houses in such a way as to create a shortage of buildings. If you only have 3-4 cells that generate little income, place 3-4 houses on each cell so that owners of more expensive color groups cannot put houses on their cells. Don't build a hotel if it means returning houses to the bank will allow your opponent to place many houses in expensive cages. This is a very tricky move, and this tactic is effective.

Part 3 of 4: Winning Strategy

  1. 1 Get the most out of your mortgages. Mortgages allow you to get money at important moments in the game. But do not forget that it will take more money to buy the property than you will receive on the mortgage. Remember the following:
    • First of all, you need to mortgage a single property. Do not lay cards from a color group where you have 2 or more property units, unless there is an urgent need to do so.
    • If you need money, mortgage a single property first if it allows you to own a color group with three houses on each square (or hotels in the blue or purple zone).
    • If the property is mortgaged, you cannot collect rent, so try not to mortgage property that other players often fall on or where they pay large sums.
  2. 2 Be careful with the exchange. Learn the preferences of your opponents and use them to your advantage. If you can get the missing card in one color group, it will be very helpful as you can expand your area of ​​influence. At the same time, it is important to monitor what the opponent gets. For example, if he gives you the missing card for the pink zone, and he gets the orange one, such an exchange will not be profitable - you will have to pay a higher rent on the orange squares.
    • When making a deal, consider whether it will bring benefits in the future. Always think about the consequences of a decision in the long term and whether it will help you bankrupt your rivals.
    • The basic rule is that you should only exchange something if you acquire a monopoly or if you have more monopolies than your rivals.
  3. 3 Towards the end of the game, try not to leave the prison ahead of time. In Monopoly, unlike in real life, prison is not always a bad thing.At the beginning of the game, when you have not yet managed to build a monopoly, you must pay to exit so that you can buy property that does not yet belong to anyone. However, towards the end of the game, when all the property will already belong to someone, and most of the cells between the prison and the “Go to Jail” cell will already contain houses and hotels, just roll the dice and hope that you will stay in prison. This can delay the payment of the rent for a while when you get to the cells of other players.
  4. 4 Bust weak players. Monopoly is known for the fact that you can play it for several hours or even days, but the game does not have to take that long. When all the property is sold out, start negotiating and try to persuade the players to a disadvantageous deal for them, which will ruin them and take them out of the game. Return their property to the game so that players in a better position can continue to compete and finish the game.
    • If players who own single cards that other players need do not want to exchange them, quit the game and start over. You can give rent to each other for a very long time, without being able to somehow move forward. If you get to the point where you just walk around the board, giving and collecting money, the game becomes boring. Complete it.

Part 4 of 4: Tricks of the Unscrupulous Player

  1. 1 Be a banker and pocket your rivals' money. If you want to win at any cost, try to be responsible for the money at the beginning of the game. In Monopoly, as in life, the person with access to money is more likely to get ahead.
    • When an opponent makes a purchase, put money in the bank, and some of it in a separate pile for yourself. So that no one will convict you of this, put the bank's money next to yours so that the players will not be able to recognize the theft.
    • Change money from time to time, exchanging twenty for a hundred, and at the same time take one extra hundred for yourself. Other players will most likely not be following you because it doesn’t concern their money.
    • Take more money when you complete a full circle. Each player is paid two hundred after he passes the "Forward" cell. Why not take 500 instead of 200?
  2. 2 Keep your money on the heap. To prevent people from guessing about your machinations, put your money in one big pile, and not in bundles, like in a bank. If you have an opportunity to acquire money, do not miss it. If a few extra bills fall into your pile, who will notice?
    • Do not cheat other players and steal their money. If you take money from the bank - this is one thing, but if you try to give less money than necessary for change, or otherwise deceive a person, this will lead to problems.
  3. 3 Take extra steps on the board. The longer you play, the less people will pay attention to how everyone else takes steps and moves around the board. This will provide you with many opportunities to change your position on the board in your favor.
    • Having thrown the dice, start counting out the cells loudly and knocking the board with the figurine until you get to your cell ("one, two, three, four ..."). Instead of placing the figure on the desired square, move one square forward or backward (choose whichever is more profitable for you). If someone catches you doing this, tell them you counted the cells wrong.
    • When everyone is looking at their cards, move your figurine forward or backward (this will depend on what you want). All players are already absorbed in watching their purchases, strategy, money and their moves, so no one will notice if you move your piece.
  4. 4 Wait for all the players to get very involved with the game before you start cheating. In the first few rounds of the game, opponents will closely monitor everything that happens, but then they will begin to be distracted by their cards and money.This game requires serious mental costs, so spying on those who play dishonestly is associated with increased attention. To get away with it, wait until the game gets harder or until you complete at least 5 laps.
  5. 5 Join forces against strong players. Does your father always win? Before playing, arrange with other players to interfere with your father. Create a team that will prevent him from building monopolies and will in every possible way hinder his victory.
  6. 6 Watch out for other players who may be playing unfairly. In order to get rid of a player, you don't have to cheat yourself. If you play by very strict rules, express your complaints to other players for minor mistakes (for example, for missing cells) and punish them according to the rules. If a player is brazenly cheating on other players (stealing money from the bank or doing something else), exclude him from the game. This will bring you closer to victory.


  • Remember to save and spend money wisely. Remember that the goal of the game is to bankrupt the rest of the players, not to become the richest player.
  • Buy or exchange Mayakovsky Square at the earliest opportunity! Most often, players get to cells "Mayakovsky Square", "Forward", Kazan Railway and "Jail".
  • The more players, the more politics. When one player is on the verge of bankruptcy, he can give all his property and money to another player (often in the form of very expensive exchanges), so if you provide services to each other during the game, friendship will come in handy when one of your friends is practically broke ... If you are participating in a Monopoly competition, this will most likely be prohibited.
  • The only way to transfer money to another player is to use the "Out of Prison" card. Offer it to negotiate with someone who happened to be on the property you need, and you need to transfer money to him. You can also offer it to a player who has become the property of another player and may go broke. Buy his jailbreak card with enough money to pay his rent. Then the next time he becomes your property, he goes bankrupt.
  • Having bought property, built real estate on it and ended up in jail, do not rush to get out of it. So you will protect yourself from possible bankruptcy. Your rivals will give away their money, but you won't.
  • Try to buy more and more real estate as the game progresses, but always leave money that you might need to pay another player if you happen to be on his property.
  • Buy as much real estate as possible early in the game to make it harder for your opponent (s) to build a monopoly.
  • If you don't have enough money for a house, make it a goal to get as many railways as possible. They will make you a lot of money that you can use later.
  • Keep your money in the hundreds. They are easier to spend as real estate generally costs 100 or 200 units.
  • Always try to create a monopoly and don't spend all your money on real estate in the beginning. Otherwise, you will have to pay high taxes or stay on someone's property and go bankrupt.