Using a vaporizer

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Use A Portable Dry Herb Vaporizer (with Eclipse by Cannabasics #62
Video: How To Use A Portable Dry Herb Vaporizer (with Eclipse by Cannabasics #62


A steam evaporator is a mechanical device that turns water into steam and then transfers that steam to the environment. When used properly, these machines can help improve the air quality in a room, clear congestion and moisturize dry nasal passages. While each individual evaporator model may have its own instructions, there are some general procedures that apply to all models.

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Method 1 of 3: Choosing a vaporizer

  1. Talk to your healthcare provider about what you need. Your doctor will discuss any symptoms you have, as well as any environmental concerns in your home. Your doctor will also advise you on the right next steps, such as a vaporizer or humidifier.
    • People who suffer from acute (short-term) respiratory illnesses, such as a cold, flu, or bronchitis, may experience temporary symptom relief when using a vaporizer.
    • People with chronic respiratory illness may find a vaporizer helpful, although your doctor may recommend more specialized devices.
    • Evaporators can also be useful in homes with very dry air or in very cold / dry climates, as they add moisture to the air for better overall comfort.
    • Ask your doctor about possible side effects of using steam, such as increased bacteria growth or other problems with humid air.
  2. Choose a cool mist humidifier instead of a warm steam vaporizer if you are concerned about safety. The two devices work in the same way, but offer slightly different benefits to your health and home environment. You should consider for whom and for what purpose you are purchasing one of these devices.
    • Steam evaporators use heat to convert water into steam, adding moisture to the environment.
    • Cool mist humidifiers release a light mist of cold water into the air and also add moisture.
    • Keep in mind that in general the use of steam evaporators in children's rooms is strongly discouraged.
  3. Evaluate your household needs. By determining which room you place the device in, you can decide which device type and size to buy.
    • If the vaporizer is for a child, make sure you have space in their room to keep the device out of reach.
    • If you are buying the vaporizer to improve the atmosphere in your home in general, choose which room will benefit you and your family the most.
  4. View the different types of steam evaporators. Taking the time to read the information on the packaging and possibly look at the actual vaporizer can help you make a more informed decision about your health and comfort.
    • Consider the amount of space you will need to hold and store the vaporizer. Larger types are difficult to keep out of the reach of children, although smaller appliances may not provide enough steam to be useful.
    • Read the packaging and reviews (if buying online) to get an idea of ​​how easy the vaporizer is to use and clean. If you have a busy schedule or health issues that make heavy cleaning difficult, choose a machine with easier operating instructions.

Method 2 of 3: Using the vaporizer

  1. Read the manufacturer's directions. While the machines may be similar in many ways, care and use requirements may differ. You should also be able to read the instructions on how to disassemble and clean the vaporizer.
  2. Use the vaporizer at night. While you can use a vaporizer at any time, most users prefer to run the device overnight. Because the machines reduce dry or stuffy nasal passages, users can sleep more comfortably.
    • Do not leave the vaporizer on all day, as this will release too much moisture into the air and increase the growth of mold in your home. These problems can lead to further breathing problems.
    • Make sure the humidity in your home never exceeds 50%. Buy a home hygrometer to measure humidity.
  3. Fill the water tank with distilled water. Tap water contains minerals, and some of these minerals can clog the appliance or spread dust and contaminants through the air in your home.
    • Most evaporators have a "fill line" that indicates how high the water level should be. Do not overfill the water tank, as this can easily spill.
    • Some vaporizers will turn off automatically as soon as the reservoir is empty, but you should get into the habit of filling it every time you start using the unit, such as before going to sleep.
  4. Place the vaporizer on a flat surface and a safe distance from human contact. You should keep the vaporizer about four feet away from direct contact with anyone's skin. The hot mist from a steam vaporizer can cause burns if it gets on the skin, especially if it happens over an extended period of time.
    • If you are using the vaporizer in a nursery or in a house with children, set it up somewhere high that the children cannot reach to prevent accidental burns. You also need to make sure that the surface is sturdy enough to withstand vibrations that could dislodge the evaporator.
    • Do not use or place the vaporizer where bedding, curtains, carpets or other fabric materials can get wet. Place towels under the appliance to prevent dripping water or condensation from damaging your furniture.
  5. Plug in the vaporizer and turn it on. Some vaporizers turn on as soon as they are plugged in. Most, however, will have a switch, button, or dial that you have to flip to turn it on.
  6. Ventilate the room between uses. While a warm and humid environment can work wonders for congestion, bacteria and fungi can grow in a room that stays damp for too long.
    • If bacteria or fungi start to grow, you and your family are likely to have more breathing problems.
    • During the day, leave the doors and, if possible, the windows open when the steam evaporator is not in use. If necessary, turn on an electric fan to circulate the air in the room.

Method 3 of 3: Cleaning the evaporator

  1. Read the manufacturer's cleaning instructions. These instructions should outline how often you should clean the device, and also list the chemicals that are safe to clean the device with.
    • To clean most vaporizers, you'll need the following: a cleaning solution, a bottle or vegetable brush, clean water, and a microfiber cloth or kitchen paper.
    • Consider buying rubber gloves to protect your skin while cleaning.
  2. Clean the vaporizer at least every three days. Bacteria grow in a humid environment and if the evaporator is not properly cleaned and dried, bacteria can grow inside the device. If bacteria grow in the evaporator, they will be transferred to the air while the device makes steam.
    • Change the distilled water every day and clean the appliance at least every three days.
    • Clean more often if you use the device both during the day and at night.
    • You may also need to replace the filter regularly. Check the instructions for your device to be sure.
  3. Make or purchase a cleaning solution. A few splashes of antibacterial soap or mild dish soap mixed with hot water is usually sufficient. For something stronger, use 3% hydrogen peroxide.
    • If the specific vaporizer you are using prescribes a cleaning solution to use, follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the recommended type of cleaner.
    • For a particularly deep clean, use a 1% bleach solution: 1 part bleach to 99 parts water.
    • Wear rubber gloves to protect your skin when cleaning with bleach.
  4. Disassemble the vaporizer. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for disassembling the device. Usually you only need to remove the water tank from the device to clean it.
    • Check the reservoir and base for signs of mold growth. If you need to clean the base, make sure not to submerge any mechanical parts; use a wet brush dipped in cleaning solution and dry with a cloth.
    • In some models, the device is not designed to be disassembled.For these steam humidifiers, all you have to do is open the lid of the water tank and clean it while it is still attached to the device.
    • Use only light pressure to disassemble the device. Using too much force can damage the locking components and make the unit unsafe.
  5. Scrub the inside of the reservoir with a soft brush or cloth. A baby bottle brush or vegetable brush should suffice for this, but a clean microfiber cloth will work just as well. Dip the brush or cloth in the cleaning solution and thoroughly scrub the inside of the water tank, then re-dip the cloth in the solution if necessary until the entire tank has been scrubbed clean.
    • For hard-to-reach areas, thoroughly wet a cotton swab with alcohol and use it to clean these areas.
  6. Rinse the inside of the reservoir. You can do this with tap water or distilled water. Pour a little water into the water tank, rinse and drain immediately to remove soap or detergent from the tank.
    • Rinse the reservoir thoroughly and immerse the parts in white vinegar to completely disinfect the device.
    • If necessary, use a toothpick to remove any visible mold from the narrower tubes and valves.
  7. Dry the inside of the reservoir with a clean microfiber cloth or kitchen paper. The tank must be completely dry to avoid contaminating the device with germs or minerals from the water. This is especially important when you put the vaporizer away again.
    • Kitchen towels are the most hygienic option because they are new, unused pieces, unlike towels, which can trap and spread germs.
    • Allow the reservoir to air dry completely and then reattach it to the base.


  • If the steam evaporator is not effective, try a cool mist humidifier. It works on the same principle as a vaporizer and is just as effective, but some find it more comfortable to breathe in the cool mist than the warm moisture produced by a vaporizer.
  • Store your vaporizer properly when not in use. Make sure the device is completely clean and dry before long-term storage to reduce the chance of bacteria or fungus growth on the parts.


  • Do not use the vaporizer if the cord is damaged or frayed. This poses a serious electrical hazard, especially considering that the air around the damaged cord will become moist.
  • Steam evaporators are not recommended for use in families with children. The hot steam and water pose a significant burn hazard.
  • Asthma patients may experience worsening of symptoms in humid air, as well as in an environment with fungal growth. Consult your healthcare provider if you suffer from asthma or related illnesses.