Fall asleep on Christmas Eve

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
15 Ways to Fall Asleep on CHRISTMAS EVE
Video: 15 Ways to Fall Asleep on CHRISTMAS EVE


Do you find it difficult to go to sleep on Christmas Eve? Well, you're not alone - it's a difficult night to fall asleep because there is a lot of excitement and enthusiasm. Christmas is coming and you can't stand how long it takes for the time to pass. Here are some suggestions that can help you overcome the excitement and get some much-needed sleep before the big day.

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Part 1 of 4: Distracting yourself and making yourself tired on Christmas Eve

  1. Wake up extra early on the morning of Christmas Eve. If you do this you will be more tired when you want to go to bed.
    • Stay awake as long as you can the night before Christmas Eve. Set your alarm for a very early time like 6am. When you wake up you will be very tired and want to go back to sleep, but resist the urge. If you have to go to sleep on Christmas Eve, you will fall asleep easily because you are so tired.
    • If you have a calendar in your bedroom, turn it to another month and at night pretend it's that other month. Create a playlist on your iPod of songs you liked to listen to during that period to get that feeling even more.
  2. Get plenty of exercise during the day. Do a few jumping jacks, go for a walk or bike ride. If there is too much snow outside to move around, play an active game like Wii Fit.
  3. Make up a long song and try to remember it. This tires your brain and makes you tired.
  4. Help your family, friends and even neighbors prepare for Christmas. Staying busy and being helpful will distract you from the excitement but still leave you feeling engaged and happy.
  5. Track Santa. Santa's progression around the world is always a good way to get you excited for Christmas Eve. Use websites like NORAD Tracks Santa or Google Santa Tracker.

Part 2 of 4: Preparing for bedtime

  1. Treat it like a normal evening. Tell yourself it's not Christmas Eve tonight. Do the same as you always do when you go to bed: brush your teeth, read a book, chat with your friends, etc.
    • Bless yourself, "What am I going to do tomorrow?" - as if it's a normal day: "Oh hey, tomorrow I might do something with my" buddy ", ______".
  2. Play a game with someone. One technique that works well, as strange as it sounds, is to play a quiet game that you can play alone (or with another hyper and excited friend or sibling), such as Mad Libs while in bed. This way you lose some energy and you fall deeply asleep. Santa came faster than you thought!
  3. Move. Although this may seem contradictory, exercise can help calm you down. A few hours before going to bed, check how many pushups, crunches, or jumping jacks you can do in your room. However, only move for thirty minutes; you don't want to stay up late. Exercise is a great way to help you feel physically tired so that your body wants to go to sleep. Even better, it will take your mind off Christmas for a moment.
  4. Take a warm bath. Taking a warm bath will relax your muscles and make it easier to fall asleep. Spray bath toys at imagined targets, submerge into the bubbles and relax your muscles. Try scented bubbles and soaps.
  5. Don't peek at the Christmas tree. This reveals surprises and keeps you very excited and awake! Remember, Santa knows when you are asleep and when you are awake. He won't come when you are peeking.
  6. Drink warm milk. In addition to providing you with nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and L-tryptophan, warm milk can be a comforting and calming drink that lulls you to sleep. You can also try hot herbal tea; it is very soothing and calming to drink. Just make sure it doesn't contain caffeine!
    • Having a plate of cookies ready for Santa is a good time to drink some warm milk.
    • Or you drink hot chocolate when you put on your pajamas. This also helps you to relax and stay warm! Don't drink coffee. The caffeine in it can keep you awake.
  7. Relax. If you're just jumping back and forth and feeling hyperactive, you need to calm down; you only feed the constructive tension that makes it difficult for you to calm down. Read a book. Listen to music. Whatever calms you down and relaxes you.
    • Read a book. It may be about Christmas, but it doesn't really matter. Try to read a textbook, a very boring one of your least favorite subject. Read a boring book to get sleepy; read an exciting book to immerse yourself in it and take away the urge to think about Christmas. Some good books that aren't about Christmas are Harry Potter, Twilight, and some others. They are quite long and can keep you busy for a while.
    • Burn a sweet scented candle in a safe place in your room for a while. The scent will help you relax, especially if you choose a scent like lavender or jasmine. Just make sure to blow it out before falling asleep!

Part 3 of 4: Go to sleep on Christmas Eve

  1. Remind yourself that the more you can relax and feel like you are falling asleep, the sooner it will be Christmas!
  2. Assume a comfortable sleeping position in bed. Roll yourself up as tight as you can - as tight as you can. Hold that position for 30 seconds and relax, trying not to move. You will get tired. This is important every time you try to go to sleep; but relax and close your eyes.
    • Check out a few related wikiHow links in this article for more ideas on how to help you fall asleep.
    • Beat your pillow. When you whip up your pillow you get something more comfortable to lay your head on and it makes it easier to fall asleep.
  3. Get close to pets. If your pet is small enough to fit in your bed (or wherever you sleep), try sleeping with it. It helps you sleep when you have someone else in your room. It will put you to sleep more quickly, although you can squash it if it's a hamster or something else that size.
  4. Make sure you are warm or cold enough depending on where you live. When it's cold, turn on the heating, put on some warm and comfortable clothes or put some extra blankets on your bed. Don't overheat yourself or it will be just as difficult to fall asleep as when you are cold. If it's too hot, turn on the air conditioning, open a window and only sleep under a sheet.
  5. Count sheep or even reindeer. All of those methodical, centering, and calming methods will help you move from an over-excited to a calmer state, which may help you feel drowsy. Try to focus on the sheep as they jump the fence (or anything high). How do they look like? What kind of fence do they jump over? How high do they jump? Focusing on these details will take your mind off the idea of ​​Christmas and help you fall asleep.
  6. Lie in bed and say this in your head: "Relax my toes." (Give them a shake.) "Relax my foot. Relax my ankle. (Just move.) "It may sound very silly, but it really works through the power of suggestion. Go ahead and work all the way to your head. Even making an effort to focus on this is a really good distraction from the tension of the evening. You may not even get to your head before falling asleep!
  7. Listen to slow Christmas music and think of the real reason why you celebrate christmas.
    • Create a playlist on your iPod with "lullabies". Calming music will definitely help you stop thinking about Santa and put you to sleep.
  8. Don't go on the computer, laptop, or iPad late at night when you can't sleep; this will only keep you awake. The light fools your body and makes it think it's not bedtime yet.
    • If you're watching TV before bed, try to dim or turn off all other lights so the room is darker. This way you get your body ready for sleep.
  9. Watch a movie. If you're still struggling to sleep, watch a movie The Polar Express, Eleven, Home Alone 1, 2, 3, and 4, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, A Charlie Brown Christmas, A Christmas Carol, It's A Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, The Santa Clause: 1, 2 and 3, Frosty the Snowman, and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

Part 4 of 4: Waking up on Christmas morning

  1. Set a time to get up. Make sure the whole family agrees. That way everyone is ready to get up when that time (for example 7 a.m.) arrives. If you're up earlier, eat something, take a shower, and get ready to at least look good in a movie.
    • If you know you're going to be filmed in the morning, get your best pajamas ready. You don't want everyone to remember that you wore an old baggy shirt and shorts for Christmas, do you? Don't forget to brush your hair in the morning before running downstairs!
  2. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  • If you really want to, you wake up about half an hour before the rest of your room and look at the gifts and the tree. It may not sound like it, but it may actually calm you down. However, don't look too closely at the gifts! That will ruin Christmas for you.
  • Stop moving about 2 hours before going to sleep.
  • If you like to keep a light on in your room when you sleep, dim it so that it is easier to fall asleep.
  • The sooner you fall asleep, the sooner it will be Christmas, so make sure you fall asleep otherwise it will take ages to get to Christmas.
  • Stay long the night before Christmas Eve. It will tire you on Christmas Eve if you stay up all day.
  • Think about how cozy the next day will be and you will dream away.


  • Go to bed at the same time as on a normal night. If you normally go to bed at 10 a.m. and on Christmas Eve at 11 a.m., it won't feel like a normal night.
  • Don't drink caffeine for at least six hours before going to bed. If you go to bed at 10, you stop drinking caffeine after 4 hours.
  • Don't keep looking at the clock, because that makes it seem like Christmas Eve is going on indefinitely.
  • Do not unwrap gifts. Save the excitement so you can share it with the rest.
  • Do not leave your room; it only makes you more curious.