Defending yourself against an attacker

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Defend against a Larger Attacker
Video: How to Defend against a Larger Attacker


The best way to fend off an attacker is to hit or scratch him / her in his or her vulnerable areas, such as the eyes, nose, or groin. In addition, protect your head, stomach and groin from blows with your arms or objects in your environment. If possible, avoid the confrontation by projecting trust, telling the person to back off, or to walk away.

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Method 1 of 3: Dealing with a potential attacker

  1. Talk yourself out of a fight to avoid physical violence. If the potential aggressor starts talking roughly to you, say calming things to stretch the situation. Ideally, you calm the aggressor, or at least gain enough time to leave the place.
    • For example, say, "I can see you are upset, but I don't want confrontation. Why don't we both just walk away? "" You make me feel threatened, so don't come near me. I'm going to pick up my phone to call the police! "Or," Take it easy. We don't have to fight. I'm already leaving. "
    • Even if the aggressor raises his voice or says insulting things, don't yell at it. Stay calm and try to stretch the situation so you can leave.
  2. If you get the chance, try to escape losing the attacker. When someone approaches you aggressively, try to get away by diving into your vehicle, walking into a business, or joining the crowd. If you have a chance to run and escape a possible attack without fighting, do so. Throw away a wallet or look in a certain direction and then run in the opposite direction to escape.
    • Or, if an attacker asks for your wallet, credit cards, jacket, or shoes, hand over those items. It's not worth losing your life just to keep some money.
  3. Shout at the aggressor to avoid an attack. In almost all cases, attackers look for victims they can easily - and quietly - subdue. Most will avoid loud situations that could lure other people (or even the police) to the place. If someone approaches you and may attack you, shout "Back!"
    • Keep shouting as he / she approaches. Shout something like, "Get out!" Or, "Leave me alone!"
    • If you have a cell phone with you, you can grab it and shout, "I'll call 911 now if you don't back off!"

    Get in a defensive position in case the aggressor attacks you. If you can't escape or avoid the situation, prepare for the first blow. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your non-dominant leg in front and facing out. Keep your weight centered on both feet. Sink a little so your center of gravity is low and raise your hands to protect your face.

    • This attitude makes it more difficult to fight and gives you more control when you have to defend yourself. Keeping your body compact will prevent you from tipping over and make it easier to maintain your balance during the blows.
  4. Project confidence and awareness so that you are not an easy target. Robbers and other violent criminals try to hunt for easy targets: people who are not very aware of their surroundings and who can easily be ambushed. Instead of walking with your head down and staring at your phone, stand up straight, walk briskly and keep your shoulders back and your chin up. Avoid eye contact with anyone you think may be following you, but look around so that you are aware of the environment.
    • If a potential attacker thinks you could be a difficult target, he / she will leave you alone.

Method 2 of 3: Flash back to your attacker

  1. Bump or scratch your attacker in the eye. Make a fist of your dominant hand and hit your attacker in the eye. If you have keys, put them in his / her eye. As another option, scratch his / her eyes with your nails. This can scare and temporarily blind your attacker so that you can escape.

    Do not forget that you don't want to blind your aggressor, but only want to cause some damage so you can get away.

  2. Hit the attacker on the nose with a fist or open hand. Strike the nose with a closed fist or push your open palm up against the base of his / her nose. You can also use your elbow to hit your attacker in the nose if they are within half a meter. Hold your momentum as you hit so that your punch has more effect.
    • The nose is a delicate, sensitive area that is easy to injure. If you hit your attacker on the nose, he / she will feel tremendous pain, which will give you time to get out of the way quickly.
  3. Lettuce the aggressor in his Adam's apple or at the base of the throat. Clench your hand into a fist or turn your hand sideways. Next, target the soft spot between the attacker's collarbone and the base of the neck. Strike as hard as you can to temporarily stop his / her breathing.
    • Be aware that a hard blow to the Adam's apple could collapse and kill a person's airways. Unless you are literally fighting for your life, don't hit the attacker with all your strength on the Adam's apple.
  4. Spray the attacker in the face with a legal spray, if you have one. Open your aerosol and aim it at your attacker's face. Spray on the face and try to get it in the eyes. As soon as the attacker responds to the spray, turn around and run as quickly as possible.
    • Typically, the effects of the spray fade after about 15 to 45 minutes.
    • Some people have a very high pain threshold, so the attacker may continue to follow you. If he / she attacks again, hit the eyes or nose.
  5. If you are being attacked by a man, kick your attacker in the groin. Aim for the center of the groin, directly at the center of the attacker's legs. Then lift your leg up behind you and swing as hard as you can into his groin. This will have to take out the attacker for a few minutes while you walk away.
    • Keep in mind that your attacker will likely expect a kick in the groin and can turn quickly or block your kick.
    • If you're being attacked by a woman, kicking her in the groin isn't necessarily a bad idea, but it won't be as effective as against a man.

    Variation: If you are very close to your attacker, use your knee to punch his / her crotch.

  6. Stump the knees with your feet or elbow to reduce the mobility of the attacker. Kick the front of the knees to cause a serious injury or the sides of them to knock him / her down. Keep kicking until he / she falls or walks away. This causes a lot of pain and limits the ability to chase you.
    • If the attacker has already knocked you to the ground, don't give up! Slap your elbows on the sides of his / her knees.
    • It will be more difficult for the attacker to grip your feet if you kick the knees, as they are located low.
  7. Escape while the attacker is down. Run away as soon as the attacker falls or pauses the attack. Go to a safe place and call emergency services for assistance. Explain what happened and then report it to the police.
    • Never try to "end" a fight or hold the attacker. If you see that your opponent is in pain (for example, from a blow to the throat, eyes, or groin), don't wait to see if he / she is okay. Run away and get to safety: in your car, in a building, or in a crowd of people where the attacker cannot find you.

Method 3 of 3: Block hits and defend yourself

  1. Headbutt your attacker if he / she grabs you from behind. If you feel someone grab you from behind, tilt your head back hard so that the back of your skull hits him / her in the nose. Slap your head back as hard as you can. The pain of the headbutt should cause the attacker to let go of you.
    • If that doesn't work, bend your knees to drop your weight. This should cause the attacker to lose control. When your arm is loose, pull it out of the attacker's grasp and swing your elbow up toward the face. Hit the attacker on the nose with your elbow so that he / she lets you go.
  2. Push your forehead against your attacker's nose if they are attacking from the front. If an attacker catches you before you can escape, try not to panic. Instead, punch your head against the center of his / her face. Do your best to push your forehead into their nose, which should cause enough pain and allow the attacker to release you.
    • Try not to hit his / her forehead as this will be more painful for you. The nose will be soft, so you are less likely to injure yourself on the headbutt.
    • If you are unable to headbutt, hit his / her armpit. The impact of the blow should cause the attacker to let go of you.
  3. Protect your groin, throat, stomach, and eyes with your hands and arms. A severe blow to any of these sensitive areas can make you helpless, so you must cover them during the attack. Do your best to place your hands and arms in front of your sensitive areas to protect them from impact. You will likely have to move your arms and hands during the attack to block blows. Also, rotate your shoulders or lift your legs to fend off knocks and blows, if you can.
    • If you land on the floor and the attacker kicks or hits you, roll yourself into a ball and cover your head.
    • The attacker will likely target your sensitive areas first.
  4. Return to your defensive position after hitting the attacker. Don't give the attacker a chance to grab your arm or make you unbalanced after you hit him. As soon as you hit the attacker, return to the defensive stance with your knees slightly bent and your hands up. Raise your dominant hand in front of your cheek and hold your other hand in front of your temple. If you are hit hard in the cheek or temple you may pass out. It is very important to protect these parts of your face.
    • Try to keep making as much noise as possible while fighting. This can scare the attacker or attract other people to the site. Shout things like, "Leave me alone!" Or "Stay away from me!"
  5. Knock the attacker out of your area with an improvised weapon. Stick your keys in the attacker's eyes or hit his / her face with a bag or purse. Or, if there are loose sticks or metal poles nearby, hit the attacker back with them. You could even throw mud or sand in their eyes to temporarily blind the attacker.
    • Of course, these items aren't ideal weapons to use in combat, but they can certainly make the difference between a few stitches and a serious hospital stay.
    • Many people also carry legal defense spray, which is a great option to use against your attacker if you are under attack.
  6. Seek medical attention if you were injured in the attack. Once you are safe - be it in a busy public place or in the privacy of your home - take a good look at yourself and make sure you are not hurt. If you find yourself injured, see your doctor or the emergency room. If you only have minor scratches or bruises, you may just need to apply a band-aid and do a few other first aid tasks.
    • Hospitals often have staff trained to deal with threats and attackers as they attempt to continue fighting.


  • Never turn your back on your attacker, even to walk to your car. This gives the attacker a chance to attack while you turn around. Instead, walk backwards or to the side for safety and keep your face towards the attacker.
  • If the attacker is holding you, try to kick his / her feet. While this won't cause too much pain, it can provide just enough distraction so you can wring yourself loose and run away.


  • On the other hand, if you are kidnapped or robbed, fight back as aggressively as possible. Don't worry about causing damage to the attacker.
  • Some of the attacks described above can cause serious damage. For example, pricking someone's eyes can cause serious eye damage. A sharp blow to the Adam's apple can be fatal. If you're fighting or struggling with friends in a schoolyard, you don't want to seriously harm the other person.