How to deal with a girl who leads you by the nose (for guys)

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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You may be friends with the girl of your dreams, but you want more. Sometimes she acts like she likes you, but it's hard to say for sure. You'd like to ask her out on a date, but she's sending you mixed signals and you're not sure if she's interested in more than friendship. If a girl leads you by the nose, learn to take hints and talk to her to understand the nature of your relationship or find another girlfriend.


Part 1 of 2: Dealing with a Situation

  1. 1 Watch for signs of flirting. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish flirting from politeness and courtesy, because friendliness can easily be mistaken for romantic interest. Some of the hallmarks of flirting are:
    • the girl leans towards you, smiles and touches your hand when you talk;
    • the girl often says compliments, especially your appearance;
    • the girl talks about her loneliness or the desire to meet in your presence;
    • the girl tries to be alone with you regularly;
    • the girl is playing with her hair or trying to get your attention.
  2. 2 Pay close attention to the girl's words. Even if the girl is flirting with you, her words are more important than her actions. This is sometimes difficult to understand, as girls tend to be overly polite and evasive when the guy is not of interest to them.
    • If a girl mentions her boyfriend or says that she is not interested in a relationship right now, then most likely she does not consider you as a partner, even if her body language says otherwise.
  3. 3 Watch for signs of play. There are many hints that will tell you that the girl is not interested in you. She may be intentionally or unintentionally sending mixed signals because she likes your company, but in reality she only needs you for convenience. Perhaps a girl like this:
    • makes vague joint plans, calls or texts you at the last moment;
    • never takes the initiative;
    • tells you little about himself;
    • responds to messages for a long time;
    • talks about her ex-boyfriend in your presence;
    • only spends time with you when you pay for dinner or movie tickets.
  4. 4 Talk to your friends. Before talking to a girl, talk to friends or people you trust to see the situation from the outside. Perhaps you just think too much about the relationship with her and try to give deep meaning to every little thing, which takes a lot of strength and energy. Talk to your friends and find out how others perceive the girl's behavior.
  5. 5 Talk to the girl. Ask directly about flirting or ambiguous behavior. If you are interested in her, then it is important to find out if she likes you. Sometimes guys are afraid to speak directly out of fear of rejection, but otherwise they will not know her true feelings and intentions.
    • Conversations in messages and on the phone can be less intimidating and awkward. However, sometimes it is more difficult to express your feelings clearly in the text, so use simple, clear and direct words. You can say: “I like you and it seemed to me that it was mutual, because you go to the movies with me, often give compliments and say that you want to spend more time with me. But lately, I have ceased to understand the situation. Would you agree to be my girlfriend or not? "
    • In a face-to-face conversation, it will be easier for you to understand the girl's facial expressions and body language. This way you will see a more sincere reaction. However, sometimes girls tend to be overly polite and evasive if the guy is not of interest to them. If the girl is just playing with you or doesn't answer, you won't even be able to make an appointment. Try to be direct and understandable. For example: "I would like to meet with you, how do you look at it?"

Part 2 of 2: What to do next

  1. 1 Give the girl time. When confessing your feelings, it is important to listen to the response and respect the girl's feelings. Please be patient and don't expect an immediate response. Be gentle, but say bluntly that you want to understand the situation and meet with her if she agrees. Don't argue if a girl needs time to think.
    • You might say, “I want to be with you and I hope it’s mutual, but I’ll understand if you need time to think about it. Let's meet next week and talk again? "
    • If the girl is hesitant or doesn't speak directly, then take time to think about whether you really want to date her. Usually, doubts mean no, and the girl is just polite and does not speak directly.
  2. 2 Accept rejection. Did she tell you, "We're just friends"? Don't take this answer to heart. Perhaps her incomprehensible behavior is due to some other events in the girl's life, so you would be better off apart. You deserve someone who is completely open to the relationship with you.
  3. 3 Set boundaries. If a girl just wants to remain friends, and you are ready for this, then you should set personal boundaries for meeting together. Since the girl was flirting or leading you by the nose, you should change your routine so that she does not confuse you again. It is important to understand that it is sometimes difficult to be “just friends” if you have feelings for a girl.
    • Spend more time apart.
    • Unsubscribe from the girl on social networks. You'd be better off not seeing news from her life, especially flirting with other people.
    • Ask the girl to stop if she flirts with you again.
    • Take your time to answer her calls or messages. Stop being a convenient option.
    • Spend time with friends.
  4. 4 Step over your crush. If you want to remain friends, then you need to forget about your feelings after the showdown. It is not easy and may take time, but anything is possible. It's up to you to decide whether to stay friends and keep chatting. If you want to suppress your feelings, then try:
    • talk to your best friend, parent, or trusted person;
    • focus on other interests and friends;
    • meet other girls and people.
  5. 5 Learn from the situation. Always draw conclusions so you don't end up in the same situation with another girl. A person is responsible only for himself and cannot influence others. You deserve a girl who won't lead you by the nose. Do not take her behavior too personally, but remember the feelings that caused her actions. Now you know what to look out for when dealing with girls!


  • Girls can flirt for a variety of reasons - sometimes for attention, and sometimes unconsciously. Learn to read signals.
  • Talk to your friends! They are your main support. Friends will not only help you understand what is really going on, but also lend a shoulder if you fail.
  • Be patient and don't beat yourself up if you refuse. You have gained valuable experience for the future!


  • Never insult or offend a girl because of a refusal, even if she led you by the nose.

What do you need

  • Good friends
  • Emotional resilience
  • Positive attitude