How to behave around guys

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Behave With The Guy After Sex?
Video: How To Behave With The Guy After Sex?


It's not always clear how to behave around guys. Of course, you should always be yourself, but thinking about what to say or how to interact with guys who only interest you as friends can be stressful. The most important things you need are self-confidence, speaking skills, and a good sense of humor.


Part 1 of 3: How to behave

  1. 1 Look for common ground. The first thing to do in the presence of guys is to find common interests or views in order to have interesting conversations. You don't have to look for deep aspects - it could be your general passion for tennis or your love for small animals. Look at a guy's clothes, backpack, or notebooks for clues and light, casual conversation.
    • It is not necessary to start with this step. If the guy starts talking, then you will quickly find points of contact. This is better than starting a conversation by asking about all of the guy's favorite bands, hobbies, or movies, although you can still come to that.
    • You can also view your guy's Facebook profile to find the information you need in case you feel shy about starting a conversation.
  2. 2 Be yourself, and not by someone else. The advice to “be yourself” may sound very trite, but it’s the best advice. If you really want to please and interest guys, then it's best to just be yourself. Sure, it's perfectly okay to wait for guys to get to know you better or not talk about topics that girls are more interested in, but you don't have to change in order to accommodate guys' expectations.
    • When talking, you don't have to act like the girl your guy likes more than you, or copy the most popular girls in school. Sincerity is much more important than pretense.
    • If you are shy, try to move gradually. Share information about yourself as you get to know the guys.
  3. 3 Choose clothes that are comfortable. You can wear whatever you feel comfortable in. If you like feminine dresses more, then give preference to such things. If you prefer leggings and long T-shirts, skirts and blouses, or jeans and T-shirts, this is also a good choice.The only thing you can do without is things that are too tight or open to please guys. The girl looks most attractive in things in which she is comfortable being herself.
    • You don’t have to limit yourself to one style or image (for example, sporty or too feminine). Feel free to wear brutal leather trousers, and a week later - a delicate woman's dress. It is only important to remain yourself and not experience discomfort.
  4. 4 Be friendly to everyone. You might think that guys will think more of you if they are dismissive of people you consider unworthy or second-class, but in fact, it is better to treat all people kindly, if they do not give good reasons for a different attitude. Whether you're hanging out with a quiet classmate during recess or trying to strike up a conversation with a new guy at school, you should always smile, ask questions, and be friendly. It's nice and comfortable to be around with such people, and the guys will see it.
    • If you are shy enough, then you shouldn't try to suddenly become overly social, but at least try to smile and meet new people.
  5. 5 Show real interest. If you want to have fun with guys, you should show them your romantic or friendly interest. Ask about how their days are going, compliment them, learn to empathize, and maintain eye contact while talking. You do not need to constantly transfer the conversation to yourself and check the messages on the phone when someone calls you. Show your attention and interest.
    • Of course, it can sometimes be difficult to show your interest when you don't have romantic feelings for a guy. Try to be fun and friendly, but make it clear that you are only interested in friendship.
  6. 6 Surprise guys with your confidence. It may seem that all girls are confident in themselves, their appearance and actions, but not you. In fact, you will be surprised how many girls suffer from insecurity and try to hide their fear behind a smile or unfriendly attitude towards people. Be above that. Strive to love your personality, treat people with all kindness, and feel confident in your abilities. The positive attitude and strong energy will surely please the guys.
    • There is no need to talk about how many kilograms you want to lose weight or how you are not satisfied with your height. Focus on what you like about yourself.
    • Of course, sometimes it takes years to truly love yourself, but start taking steps in that direction. Accept the aspects that cannot be changed, and also start changing what is within your power.

Part 2 of 3: What to say

  1. 1 Talk about things that are really interesting to you. You don't have to change for a guy's attention, especially if you have to pretend to be a fan of Star Wars or a group you don't like to do so. Talk about your favorite TV shows, new movies you like, hobbies and hobbies to inspire guys with your enthusiasm. Think of it as talking about everyday things with your girlfriends, aside from talking about the guys you like!
    • The topic of the conversation is not as important as the balance between expressing your thoughts and paying attention to the words of the interlocutor. Try not to dominate the conversation and let people speak up.
    • During the conversation, try not to speak more than half of the total conversation time.
  2. 2 Change the subject in time. Talking about things that are interesting to you is really important, but you should also notice when the guy starts to lose interest. If you've been talking about your horse for 20 minutes and you see the guy shifting from foot to foot, checking messages and looking around for rescuer friends, then try changing the subject or asking a question.
    • Learn to read body language and facial expressions so that you can correctly assess the interest of the other person.When a guy is attentive, he maintains eye contact (if he is not too timid or in love with you head over heels!) And turns his whole body towards the interlocutor.
  3. 3 Compliment. From time to time, you can give guys unobtrusive compliments. You don't have to say that he has the most beautiful eyes in the world or that he has a beautiful athletic body, but you can praise his new shirt, his great basketball game, or just say something kind and casual to express his sympathy. In fact, you don't have to fall in love with a guy to compliment him.
    • You might say, “You are very good at chemistry. How do you do it? " - or: “Your laugh is not to be confused with anything. I think I recognize him even at the end of the corridor. "
  4. 4 Ask questions. If you want to have fun with guys, ask them questions sometimes, but don't turn the conversation into interrogation. Get to know people gradually and show your interest in the things that matter to them. It is not necessary to arrange an interview, but ask at least a couple of questions during the conversation. Examples of topics for questions:
    • favorite music bands;
    • hobby;
    • favorite TV shows, films, actors;
    • plans for the weekend;
    • pets.
  5. 5 Don't be afraid to make fun of yourself. Guys like girls who don't take themselves too seriously. Of course, humiliating yourself or making fun of yourself (calling yourself fat, stupid or not liking some of your qualities) is ugly and inappropriate, but good humor will show you a cheerful and sociable person. To joke does not mean to slander yourself with the aim of drawing attention to your person. Just learn to laugh at yourself and life will become easier.
    • For example, you can say, “I stumbled again, what a surprise,” or, “I wonder how many more pink blouses I need to buy to calm down,” to show that you are not perfect and you know about it.

Part 3 of 3: What not to do

  1. 1 Do not lead the seed in a cutesy and very girly way if it does not suit your character. If you consider yourself a vulnerable girl, love dresses and emphasize your femininity, be yourself. If you’re a tomboy, take pride in your personality and don’t try to giggle flatteringly more than usual, play with your hair, or change towards femininity to please the guys. It's easier for you to impress guys by being yourself and not pretending to be another person.
    • You can combine different qualities. If you are a tomboy girl, but sometimes you like to wear dresses or skirts, then no one forbids you to do so.
  2. 2 Don't ask your friends to talk to guys for you. If you have fallen in love and want to talk to a guy about it, then it is better to do it yourself. Of course, it is much easier and not so scary to ask a friend about it, but if you apply in person, then it will be easier for you to establish communication, and your self-confidence will impress the guy. In the worst case, your feelings will not be mutual, but you can be content with the fact that you had the courage to talk to the guy in person.
    • If you are very shy, then you can give the guy a note or chat on the Internet, since the most important thing is that you contact him directly, and not through other people.
  3. 3 No need to laugh at everything. Another misconception of girls about behavior in the presence of guys is that they feel the need to constantly laugh. Without a doubt, if a guy is really funny, then laugh as much as you like, but don't laugh just to please the person. Also, don't forget to joke back. You hardly want to be perceived as a soundtrack with laughter.
    • Don't be afraid to laugh when the guy is really funny, but you don't have to giggle every minute trying to look cute.
  4. 4 Don't brag. Some people mistakenly think that guys like girls who always talk about the value of their purse, the number of followers on social media, or other superficial things.If you want to impress, it's best to talk about what really matters to you. When your action deserves praise, guys will learn about it from other people who will praise you.
    • Strive to be the best version of yourself and it will surely impress the guys, whether it's your language skills or your indomitable tennis serve.
  5. 5 Don't make fun of other girls. You may think that guys think humiliation of other girls or your fights with them are a fun topic of conversation, but most guys prefer those who are in control, do not complain about their friends and do not feel the need to assert themselves at someone else's expense. Avoiding gossip and complimenting other girls will make it easier for guys to be liked by being kind and judicious.
    • Trying to taunt other people is a sign of self-doubt, so guys will immediately notice this weakness. Better praise other girls. This will show that you are a self-sufficient person.


  • Compliment. This will boost the guy's self-esteem. Unobtrusive sympathy will definitely please him!
  • Remain calm and mature.
  • Treat your guy with respect. If you want to get his attention, be a little more friendly, but don't bore him.
  • Relax and have fun! When a person is having fun, it is easier for him to be himself and not worry about the rest!
  • Remember that the key to any good relationship is sincerity, trust, willingness to compromise, constancy, love, kindness, and openness.
  • Smile and laugh at the guy's jokes often if they seem funny to you. At the same time, your laugh should not be excessive or insincere.
  • Respect your boyfriend's privacy and don't tell anyone his secrets.
  • Be a sociable person and try new things to make it interesting for the guy to invite you to different events.
  • Sometimes you should expect reciprocity and steps towards each other. If the initiative comes only from you, then your behavior may appear intrusive.
  • Don't bother a guy when he spends time in an exclusively male company.
  • Always keep yourself in control. Take slow, deep breaths in and out as needed.
  • Joke and talk nonsense. Smile when the guy reacts to your words.
  • If you are shy, then invite a friend with you, but do not forget to participate in the conversation.
  • Never bother a guy if he is doing something you don't like.


  • Don't smother the guy with your presence. Give him space.
  • Don't believe stereotypes and don't assume that all guys are the same. Like the girls, all the guys are not alike. If one person likes something, then do not think that everyone will like it.
  • Beware of liars, unfaithful guys, and those who force you to act against their will.
  • You don't have to stare at the guy all the time. For many, this is annoying and uncomfortable.
  • Don't kid your boyfriend about your feelings. Doing so will break his heart and lose respect, and in addition, you will lose the respect of his friends.
  • Beware of invitations to participate in things that you and your friends don't usually do. Do not be afraid of the new, but use common sense.
  • Do not forbid him to communicate with other girls. Strong jealousy and possessiveness are bad. Don't say, "Get away from him, he's mine!" Most guys won't like that.
  • Don't make a scene. Guys usually don't like this behavior.
  • Don't leave your girlfriends. Guys love girls who don't betray their friends. In addition, this way you will not occupy all of his time.
  • Don't let your friend speak for you.
  • Don't talk about other guys you think are attractive in front of your boyfriend.
  • There is no need to rush or hesitate. If you hurry, it's easy to scare a guy. If he hesitates, he may lose interest.
  • All your words and actions must be sincere. Don't try to impress or please.The same applies to relationships with girlfriends. Sincerity is the key to a long-term relationship.
  • Don't go overboard with jokes, or it may seem like you're trying too hard.
  • Do not use harsh words or do harsh acts, even in jest.
  • Remember, flirting should be discreet and polite.