How to behave like a man (for girls)

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
REASONS YOU LOOK FEMININE | Things Guys Do That Make You Look Feminine | ANKIT TV
Video: REASONS YOU LOOK FEMININE | Things Guys Do That Make You Look Feminine | ANKIT TV


There are many differences between men and women, both physical and social and behavioral. While some of these differences are biological (for example, men and women have different body structures), others can be acquired or selected. You can behave like a man by adopting some of the behaviors and attitudes that are usually characteristic of men. There are many reasons why a girl might strive to act like a man, but those reasons are irrelevant, as long as you are happy and true to yourself.


Method 1 of 2: Act like a man

  1. 1 Be confident in yourself. One of the characteristics men have is that they tend to show confidence in themselves under all circumstances, even if this feeling is feigned. To look more confident:
    • stand straight with your head and chin up, and look forward, not under your feet;
    • make eye contact with people;
    • speak slowly and clearly;
    • don't turn around;
    • keep your arms at your sides, not crossed in front of you;
    • at work, do not be afraid to speak up if you have a good idea - practice these self-confidence techniques when communicating with colleagues and leaders.
  2. 2 Get involved in physical activity. Guys generally do not shy away from physical activity and sports, so you can behave like a man by participating in it too. Here are some of the activities traditionally associated with men:
    • fishing;
    • watching sports matches or competitions;
    • riding a motorcycle;
    • hikes and long walks.
  3. 3 Take risks. It seems that men are more willing to take risks when it comes to things like gambling and entertainment. Therefore, in part, to act like a man, you can step out of your comfort zone a little. For example:
    • Do something that you know might anger your parents, such as a good-natured prank on friends and family. The main thing is to be careful not to do anything illegal, otherwise it is fraught with consequences.
    • Do non-life-threatening traumatic activities such as skateboarding or mountain biking, or trying strange new foods.
  4. 4 Be clear about your needs. Don't be afraid to ask for something you want or need, and be specific about your desires. You can do this without a commanding or rude tone, by being polite and using words such as "please" and "thank you." For example:
    • The situation in the restaurant. Do not let another person order for you, and clearly explain your wishes to the service personnel. For example, if you want a dish to be cooked in a certain way, say, “Can I order a veggie burger with mayonnaise, lettuce, and sauce separately? Thanks".
    • The situation when working on a project with other people. If you know there are specific tasks to be completed, don't be afraid to delegate certain roles to your friends, colleagues, or classmates. Most importantly, don't forget to do your fair share of the job as well! For example, you might say something like, “We'll get it done faster if we split the tasks. I will take care of the cooking. Alina, can you handle the guest list? Andrey, can you take on the scenery? Thanks to all!"
    • The situation in the relationship. Being clear about your needs means asking for help when you need it and telling friends and family how they can better support you.For example, if you feel like your significant other isn't helping you around the house enough, say, “I feel like I'm responsible for most of the housework and I need your help. I have made a list and divided the responsibilities between us and I would appreciate it if you could take care of your items. "
  5. 5 Know how to defend your interests. This means that you must be considerate of others while expressing yourself. When we allow others to tell us what to do, this quality is compared to passivity, and when we dictate what to do to others, it is compared to aggressiveness.
    • You can stand your ground, clearly defending your beliefs, feelings and opinions in front of others, while not mentioning that someone else is right or wrong. For example, during a classroom discussion, you might say to a classmate, "I understand your point of view, but I believe that global warming is real and that it is caused by humans because scientific research supports this position."
    • Advocate for your interests in all aspects of life, including work, as well as friendships, family and romantic relationships and relationships with strangers. For example, if a friend does something that you disapprove of, you might say, “We are friends, and I respect you and our friendship. I would be grateful if you did the same, but stop calling me names because it is rude and offensive. "
    • Being able to stand your ground is partly being able to say no when you disagree with something and stand up for what you believe in. If the other person tries to force you to do something that you disagree with, for example, just say, "I believe that everyone has the right to live in this country, so I will not participate in your protest."

Method 2 of 2: Master men's manners

  1. 1 Change your gait. Men and women tend to walk differently due to biological, physiological, and social differences. To walk like a guy:
    • move your hips less and your shoulders more;
    • walk with your legs slightly wider than usual;
    • put your elbows a little to the side;
    • lean your head and chest forward slightly so that your upper body sets your walking pattern.
  2. 2 Learn to shake hands firmly. Greeting with a firm handshake is considered a polite gesture, but many people find it more important for guys than for girls. To make sure you have a firm grip, do not relax your hand when shaking hands. The hand must be strong and involved in the process.
    • Remember to make eye contact when shaking hands, as this is a sign of self-confidence and respect.
    • A firm handshake is important every time you shake hands with another person, including the first time you see them, when you want to greet or say goodbye to them, or when you congratulate them.
  3. 3 Sit differently. Again, due to biological and social differences, men and women tend to sit in different ways, both on the chair and on the couch, on the seat and on the ground.
    • If you want to cross your legs, do not cross one leg over the other. Instead, spread your knees slightly to the sides and cross one ankle over the other.
    • If you don't want to cross your legs, keep your feet flat on the floor and spread your knees and knees slightly.
    • When sitting, place your hands on your knees or armrests.
    • In addition, it is common for men to rest their ankles on their knees when they sit, as an alternative to crossing their legs.