How to lead a wonderful life for a teenage girl

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)
Video: How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)


Chances are, you are a teenage girl, 13-19 years old around you, and you have a desire to be the best you can. To start changing your life for the better, you must remember to inquire about your physical, intellectual and social status. Intelligence, excellent health, good friends will make you happy. Not to mention the need to trust the people around you, which is also very important. Well, does that sound interesting? Read on to find out what you can do.


  1. 1 Keep your body healthy. Being healthy doesn't mean being a skinny girl. Being very thin is harmful and not very attractive to guys.
    • Don't compare yourself to other girls in your school. If you're worried about your weight, see your doctor for the right healthy advice.
    • Don't go for fancy diets like the Hollywood Cookie Diet or anything like that. If it sounds fake, then it is. Plus, you are a teenager: you are growing, and lack of essential nutrients will not make you healthier if you follow some stupid extreme diets!
  2. 2 Train! You cannot be very healthy if you don't do some exercise. It's actually very easy. While you are on the move, at work - you are great! This all keeps you healthy.
    • Find ways to make what you already do more useful. For example, you can try doing squats while watching TV. If you're listening to an iPod, take your dog for a walk while enjoying music.
    • Doctors and healers recommend spending an hour a day on exercise. You can make this process fun too! Invite a friend over to your house, watch Mom's old tai-bo tapes and practice at the same time!
    • You don't have to do everything perfectly, you just have to increase your heart rate and great! However, the best way to burn calories is mostly by running. Do you have a treadmill at home or a fitness center in your city? If you have a treadmill at home, enter your exact weight and age and burn calories easily! Just keep a steady pace and you can make your run more fun by watching TV or listening to the radio.
    • To keep yourself motivated to practice every day, set goals for yourself. For example, reward yourself for doing daily activities for two weeks. Don't do anything that can undo your efforts, like eating hot chocolate ice cream.Go to the mall instead and buy a new shirt or jeans to honor your healthier body!
  3. 3 Watch what you eat. This may seem like the hardest part on the road to wellness, but it is not. One of the most important is to have breakfast every morning.
    • Don't skip breakfast when trying to lose weight. If you do this, your body will simply use the accumulated unhealthy fat as food, leading to weight gain. You will also be more tired and your brain will not be in the best shape.
    • Some good breakfast ideas: Fried eggs, a banana and a glass of milk, oatmeal, whole wheat toast, yogurt or Special K waffles in low fat syrup, or a cereal bar. Om-Nom-nom! This food will keep you going through the rest of the morning until lunchtime.
    • Speaking of lunch, be careful with food from cafeterias. Cookies and chocolate tarts and donuts and fries can all be delicious, but don't tempt yourself. Drinking water or apple juice, or milk and meat salad with tomatoes, eggs, and cheese is a good idea for a meal. If you're still hungry, most schools have a menu to choose from, so you can eat baked chips or take a 100 calorie pack with you.
    • For dinner, you can eat everything that parents prepare, only in smaller portions.
    • While chewing slowly, it misleads your brain into thinking that you are eating more when you are not, so you will be satiated more easily than before.
    • This is always repeated for children - eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Basically, eat as much as you want because it's healthy. Go to the grocery store with your parents one day and choose a variety of foods. Find your favorites! But most importantly, think about what you are eating!
  4. 4 Be healthy mind! Mental health is also the key to being the best teenage girl possible. You don't have to be the smartest in the room, but always try your best! Also, this does not mean you need to get good grades, but you need to have common sense and know what is best for you.
  5. 5 Take care of your appearance. Bathe regularly. Especially as you get older, take a shower every day to look and smell good. Redefine your wardrobe. Instead of wearing loose, oversized, baggy old clothes dotted with holes and stains, take care to present yourself as neat and organized. It doesn't take a lot of effort. Buy a pair of jeans that fit your size and only wear clean shirts. If you're worried about fashion, devote a little more time to finding and buying the cutest, most popular outfits; however, this is not required.
  6. 6 Be friendly. The best way to make friends is to be friendly to everyone you meet. Greet others with a smile and a sweet hello. Ask people how they are doing and open up to them if they are kind enough. If you present yourself as a friendly, willing person, then those around you will feel comfortable and calm with you, which will help you make friends with a lot of people.
  7. 7 Don't quarrel with your parents. You may not want to, but they will be a huge part of your adolescence, so you should live peacefully with your parents. There is no need to rebel or make them unhappy. Instead, listen to them as much as possible, and talk to them when you have problems or worries. After all, your parents have already gone through everything you deal with, and their wisdom can be invaluable. A good relationship with your parents is essential to how much you enjoy being a teenager.
  8. 8 Pay attention to your activities. The most important thing is to always listen to what your teacher has to say.If you are in the clouds or passing notes to a friend while your teacher is trying to explain something, you will miss everything you were supposed to learn and will not understand how to solve a math problem or which pages to read in a book, etc. Or worse, your teacher may challenge you and you won't know what he / she is talking about, which can be very embarrassing.
    • Always do your homework. Yes, it can be boring, but just work hard on it and solve this problem. If you don’t do anything, then you will probably fail the next test, because you will not understand anything. And when you fail the quiz, it will drop your grade, which will show up on your report card and piss off your parents. See how this domino effect is triggered?
    • And all of this will happen because you haven't done your homework. If you don't understand something, ask your parent or teacher. Even during class! You may feel stupid, but chances are there will be someone else in the class with the same question, and your teacher will appreciate what you ask.
    • As a last resort, you can ask a good and reliable friend who will not be around the bush or talk about something else. The best thing about getting higher grades is that you will be proud of yourself, plus your parents will be proud too, which will increase their confidence in you and you will have more freedom.
    • But on the other hand, what happens if you fail the test? The first thing you can do is tear it into a million pieces and throw it in the trash. No need. Your parents will find it anyway, so save it. The next thing you should do is think about what went wrong. Have you made a small mistake? Or you may not have understood the material?
    • Make a list of the questions you want to ask your teacher and he / she will respect you for wanting to be responsible. You can even ask your instructor about the opportunity to rewrite the test, or do something to earn extra points. You may also think when you get a bad grade: "I'm so stupid, the only thing that shines in my life is a cleaning career!" Always remember, one bad grade on an exam will not affect your overall performance, just do more on your next quiz and you will be fine!
  9. 9 Use your common sense! You are human and everyone else should respect that. Don't let anyone judge you when you first meet. If they do, they are not worth your time.
    • Also say no to drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes! It's not cool to use them. If someone suggests this to you, just say, "Sorry [insert name here], but I don't want to spoil my body." If they think that you are poor and gray, then they themselves are! You are awesome because you know how to stand up for yourself and be smart! In addition, drugs and cigarettes can lead to baggy skin, large circles under the eyes, and yellow-brown teeth. And alcohol can make you act like it's not you, not to mention all the bad effects on your body. SUCKS!
    • Minors should also not have sex. If a boy wants to do something that is wrong, but he really cares about you, he will not even ask, and even if he asks, and you say no, he will respect and will not ask again. Sure, you probably want to have sex, but there is a risk of getting an STD or even getting pregnant. And if he says, "If you really love me, then you will do it" - you need to raise the red flag! This is wrong, and do not say "yes"! Do not do this until you are ready! Never do such a thing under pressure. You don't have to do drugs, drink and sleep with everyone around to be cool or respectable.To be modern and gain the respect of others will help the ability to be yourself.
    • Let's conclude that you should treat your body and yourself with kindness!
  10. 10 Be sociable! The most popular girl in the room isn't the one with the thinnest waist or the most beautiful face. And the one who is confident and happy with who she is! It's not difficult at all.
  11. 11 Be brave and believe in yourself. If you are constantly worried about what others will think of you, you will be very nervous to give them everything to think about. Don't worry about other people, as they are self-absorbed and their opinions don't really matter. Instead, do what makes you happy. Relax and have fun with yourself, no matter what everyone else is doing.


  • Don't overdo exercise or starve. This can lead to indigestion, which is very unhealthy and can even lead to death.
  • Being smart does not mean knowing only school subjects! You can understand music, sports, anything where you can have talent!
  • When you eat, look at your plate. Does food have a variety of colors? This is a good sign that you are eating a variety of essential foods from the food pyramid.