How to start a conversation with a girl

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How To Start A Conversation With A Girl You’re Into
Video: How To Start A Conversation With A Girl You’re Into


Do you want to meet a girl who works in your office and looks like Angelina Jolie? Or with a blonde beauty at a party that your friends have invited you to? Follow our advice in this article and you can start a conversation with a girl in any situation.


Method 1 of 4: Flirting

  1. 1 Compliment her. Be sincere and polite. Tell her that she has a beautiful smile, that you like the smell of her perfume. Make her feel special. But do not overdo it with compliments, otherwise she will think that you are insincere.
    • Tell her: "You have a wonderful smile!"
    • Or: "A very beautiful dress - red suits you."
  2. 2 Use a pickup phrase. A good pickup line will make the girl laugh and will definitely grab her attention. Don't say bad or vulgar phrases. The most important thing is to pronounce them confidently, so don't be shy!
    • If you are a romantic, then tell her something like: “Hi, I'm Andrey. I thought we should at least talk before we get married. "
    • If you like easy quirks, then tell her: "I can not think of anyone else with whom I would rather survive when all people on Earth turn into zombies."
    • For a little flattery, say, “My buddies had a bet with me that I couldn't speak to the prettiest girl in the bar. Do you want to buy yourself a cocktail with their money? "
  3. 3 Give non-verbal cues. Non-verbal signals are your body language: postures, facial expressions, gestures. Use them to add a romantic touch to your words.
    • Keep your body open. Maintain eye contact and smile!
    • When you tell her a story, sometimes touch her hand or forearm.
    • Avoid "negative" gestures: don't cross your arms, don't frown, don't look down.

Method 2 of 4: Random Acquaintance

  1. 1 Introduce yourself. Walk up to the girl you want to meet, smile and say hello to her. Then introduce yourself and ask her name. A sincere, polite greeting is always better than the bad hackneyed phrases guys say when they meet.
    • In any situation, just try to say: “Hi, my name is Oleg. What is your name?"
    • If you are in a bar, then you can offer the girl a drink. Say, for example: “Hi, my name is Oleg. Can I buy you something? "
  2. 2 Ask how she's doing. To start a conversation with a girl, you can ask how she is doing or how her day is going. Be polite to make a good impression on the girl.
    • Simple question: "How are you?" - will never let you down. Listen carefully to her response.
    • Ask her, “How is your day? What interesting things happened today? " These questions will force her to give you an answer that, hopefully, will not be in one word. And you will have a chance to show her that you are a wonderful listener.
  3. 3 Discuss the weather. You can always make a harmless note about the weather. Like, "What a sunny / windy / rainy day today." Here is a topic for starting a conversation. Once she answers you, you can start discussing something more interesting.
    • Start your discussion of the weather with a question, not a statement. Ask something like, "It's a beautiful day today, isn't it?" - or: "It would rather rain, right?" This will give her the opportunity to answer you.
    • If you don't want to start the conversation by discussing the weather, then choose another safe topic. For example, comment on where you are. If you are a bar, then you could say something like, "Wow, well, it's overcrowded today, right?"
  4. 4 Use themes that are common to you. Find what you have in common to start a conversation.Ask questions that will engage her in conversation with you.
    • If you are studying together, then ask her what she thinks of the new teacher of sopromat. Or start the conversation by asking, “Have you seen the coursework topics for the next semester? Do you know what you are going to write about? "
    • If you work together in the same office, then ask her what project she is currently busy with.
  5. 5 Discuss pop culture. Discussing popular culture is a great way to learn about another person's personal interests. By finding out what kind of movies or music a girl likes, you can get a better idea of ​​her. With this information, you can plan a wonderful date.
    • If you are discussing TV shows, then continue your acquaintance by asking her, for example: “Do you like standup on TNT? Who is your favorite comedian? "
    • If you are discussing music, ask her, “Have you heard the new Daft Punk album? So what do you think? "
    • If you are discussing films, then ask: “Have you watched the last Tarantino film? I heard that he is just wonderful, but what do you think? "
  6. 6 Mention an upcoming event. Mentioning an upcoming event, such as a music festival or exam, will help you continue the conversation with the girl.
    • If you are both taking the same exam, then tell her, for example, “I'm so scared of the HSE exam next week. I don't understand anything about her! And how are you?"
    • If you have a conversation about music, then you might mention the upcoming festival. Ask her something like, “Are you going to Learn to Swim this year? I went with friends last time and we all were great! What bands are you hoping to see? "
    • If a holiday is coming up, you could say something like, “Next week is Halloween. There will be a costume party at the club and I will be in a werewolf costume. What would you dress up with? "

Method 3 of 4: Chatting

  1. 1 Mention a mutual friend. Mentioning a mutual friend or acquaintance in a conversation can help you bond with the girl more personally, even if you don't know her well. She will feel more at ease around you, and you will no longer be a complete stranger to her. At the same time, you will have something (or someone) to talk about.
    • Try saying, for example: “I heard that you are friends with Ivanov. How long have you known each other? "
    • Or: “Oh, so you know Sidorov? We've known him since kindergarten! Cheerful guy, isn't he? "
  2. 2 Find a similar life experience. If you both have done something similar, such as tending stray animals at a shelter or working as cell phone salesmen, be sure to talk about it.
    • If you both grew up in the countryside, you could tell the girl, “It can't be! I also! The worst thing was getting up early in the morning. My grandfather would raise me at 5 am every day to help him! Did they torture you in the same way? "
    • If both of you did your internship at school, you might say, “I think I’m going to make a bad teacher. How did you deal with the children? "
  3. 3 Ask interesting questions. Asking the girl unusual questions that will make her think about the answer, you will direct the conversation in an interesting direction, allow the girl to express her thoughts, and at the same time show yourself as a guy with whom you can have fun.
    • Ask her, "If you could be an animal, what kind of animal would you be?"
    • Or something like, "What five places on Earth would you like to visit before you die?"
    • Or: "What would you do if you had a million rubles?"
  4. 4 Find common interests. Common interests are the basis of good conversation, and discussing them will help make her start to like you. It doesn't matter what your common interest is - reading, jogging, rowing or climbing - what matters is that you share it.
    • If during the conversation you find that you like to run in the morning, then ask her what her favorite routes are.
    • If you both love reading, then ask her who her favorite writer is, or what she thinks about a recent adaptation of a famous novel.
    • Ask her how she first became interested in this interest, and then compare the stories.
  5. 5 Ask her a personal question. If the conversation is going well and both of you are engrossed in it, then it's probably time to ask more personal questions. Remember, the goal is to show that you are interested in her and want to get to know her better. But do not ask her questions that you yourself would not like to answer.
    • Don't ask her what she fears most or what her biggest secret is. Ask her about plans for the future, or where she sees herself in ten years. And let her decide for herself whether to answer you seriously or not.
    • Try asking her about family. Start with something simple: "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
    • If you want to know if she has anyone, just ask her, "Are you dating someone now?"

Method 4 of 4: General Rules of Conduct

  1. 1 Exude confidence. The foundation of successful flirting is self-confidence. Women really like men who are comfortable in their own skin, who are happy and confident.
    • Refresh your wardrobe. When a person knows that he looks good, then, accordingly, he feels more confident. So hide your baggy jeans away and invest in clothes that make you look and feel like 007.
    • Speak clearly and confidently. This does not mean that you need to shout down people and interrupt them all the time. Just try to speak a little louder than usual. Avoid parasitic words such as short, damn, well.
  2. 2 Listen carefully. Try not to dominate the conversation. Ask many questions and listen carefully to what is being said. Show your girlfriend that you are interested.
  3. 3 But also participate in the conversation. Tell the girl something about yourself that will make her like you better. Answer her questions, but don't talk. Your goal is to get her interested, not boggle her to death with stories about yourself.
  4. 4 Maintain eye contact. Make eye contact when you talk to her. Firstly, it will think that you can be trusted, and secondly, it will find you more attractive. It's easier to do this when you are confident and comfortable. But don't stare at her all the time. Look away during pauses in conversation.
  5. 5 Smile. By smiling, we look more attractive and tell the world that we are happy and do not shy away from communicating with other people. Girls like guys like that, so smile as often as possible.
  6. 6 Try not to ask questions that can be answered with one yes or no. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to carry on the conversation. Try asking open-ended questions that require long, thoughtful answers. Closed-ended questions can only be asked at the very beginning of the conversation, so as not to put undue pressure on the girl. Getting to know someone is awkward in and of itself, and it can get even more awkward when you start with open-ended questions. Start by asking questions like, "Are you here for the first time?" - or simple: "How are you?" This allows you to establish initial contact, and only then you can ask more open questions.
  7. 7 Don't touch on controversial topics. Discussing controversial topics in conversation can make the girl feel uncomfortable or even angry. Avoid topics about politics or religion during your first conversation, otherwise your relationship will end before it even begins.


  • Show the girl that you are interested in her, but don't be too zealous. If someone else is fighting for her attention, then be prepared to leave so as not to look from the outside as if you have no choice.
  • If you see that a girl is interested in you, then take the plunge and ask her to give you her phone number.Text her the next day saying you had a great time with her.
  • Send her an SMS within the first two hours, in which write the following: “We had a great talk today. Let's meet some other time? "
  • Comment on what connects you. If you are on the bus together, say something about the driver or traffic outside the window. If you're in line for coffee, joke about the long line or ask what she plans to order.
  • If you know her well enough, try asking her out politely.
  • Don't overcomplicate. You don't need to share your innermost immediately. Have fun and be yourself.
  • Do not be afraid of a possible rejection. If your girlfriend feels the way you do, your relationship shouldn't be awkward. Refusal will stop embarrassing you if you stop being afraid of it.


  • It may happen that the girl you like just doesn't want to talk to you. Say something polite to her and walk away from her. You will find yourself a girl much better than this one.