Let wounds heal faster

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Wound Care | Wound Healing | How To Heal Wounds Faster
Video: Wound Care | Wound Healing | How To Heal Wounds Faster


Everyone will get a wound every now and then. Many cuts will not warrant a visit to a doctor, but to stay healthy and avoid infections, you must do what you can to make sure that cuts heal as quickly and efficiently as possible. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to help wounds heal quickly and allow you to get on with your life.

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Part 1 of 4: Cleaning and dressing the wound

  1. Wash your hands. Before you can take care of your wound, you must first ensure that your hands are clean so that you do not transfer bacteria to the wound. Make sure you follow the correct process of washing your hands to make sure they are as clean as possible.
    • Wet your hands with clean, running water.
    • Pack soap and soap into your hands by rubbing them together. Make sure to soap all parts of your hand, including the backs, between your fingers and your fingernails.
    • Scrub your hands for 20 seconds. Popular tricks for keeping time include humming twice happy Birthday or singing the ABC song.
    • Rinse your hands under clean, running water. Be careful not to touch the faucet with your hands when you turn off the faucet, if you can. Instead, use your forearm or elbow.
    • Dry your hands with a clean, dry towel or let them air dry.
    • If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Apply the amount recommended on the label to your hands and rub them until dry.
  2. Stop the bleeding. If you have a small wound or scratch, the bleeding will be minimal and will stop on its own. If not, you can hold the wound up and apply gentle pressure with sterile gauze until the bleeding stops.
    • If the wound continues to bleed after 10 minutes, seek medical attention. Your wound may be more serious than you initially thought.
    • If the blood flow is abundant or in bursts, you may have a broken artery. This is a medical emergency and you should immediately call the hospital or 112. Places where cut arteries are common are the inner thigh, the inner upper arm and the neck.
    • To apply first aid to a pulsating wound while waiting for the ambulance, apply a pressure bandage. Cover your wound with a roll of bandage or cloth and wrap it tightly around the wound. However, don't wrap it so tightly that you cut off circulation. Seek immediate medical attention.
  3. Clean the wound. To avoid infection, remove as much dirt and bacteria as possible. Do this before applying any dressing to avoid retaining bacteria in the wound.
    • Rinse the wound under clean water. The running water should remove much of the debris that may be in the wound.
    • Wash around the wound with soap. Avoid getting soap in the wound - it can cause irritation and inflammation.
    • If debris remains in the wound after rinsing, remove it with tweezers that have been cleaned with alcohol.
    • See your doctor if there's more dirt in there that you can't get out.
  4. Apply an antibiotic cream or ointment. These products will help keep the wound free from infection and prevent complications that could interfere with the healing process. Brands such as Bacitracin, Neosporin, and Eucerin are available over-the-counter at drugstores and pharmacies for first aid products.
    • Make sure to check the labels of these products before using them to make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.
    • If a rash or irritation develops, discontinue use and contact your doctor.
    • If you don't have an antibacterial or antibiotic cream, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly. This will help create a barrier between the wound and bacteria.
  5. Cover the wound. Leaving your wound uncovered will attract dirt and bacteria and can lead to infection. Use a sterile, non-adhesive bandage or band-aid to cover the wound. Make sure the covering you use covers the wound completely.
    • If a dressing is not readily available, you can cover the wound with a clean tissue or paper towel until you can apply a good dressing.
    • For very superficial wounds that do not bleed very much, you can use liquid plaster. This product helps to cover the wound against infection and is usually water resistant for a few days. Apply this product directly to the skin after cleaning and drying the wound.
  6. Decide if you need medical attention. Superficial cuts probably don't need medical attention unless you get an infection. However, there are some circumstances where you should seek appropriate medical care after cleaning and dressing the wound. If any of the following applies to you or your wound, don't waste time and go to the doctor or hospital.
    • The wound is on a child who is less than a year old. Any wound in a child less than a year old should receive medical attention to ensure that infection or scarring does not occur.
    • The wound is deep. A cut that goes 6 mm or deeper into the skin is considered a deep wound. With a very deep cut you can see fat, muscle or bone exposed. These wounds usually need stitches to heal properly and prevent infection.
    • The wound is long. A cut longer than 1/2 inch will likely require stitches.
    • The wound is very dirty or has debris that cannot be removed. To avoid infection, you should seek medical attention if you cannot completely clean the wound.
    • The wound is on a joint and falls open when the joint moves. This type of wound will also require stitches to close properly.
    • The wound continues to bleed after 10 minutes of direct pressure. This could mean that the cut has touched a vein or artery. You will need medical attention to treat this wound.
    • The wound was caused by an animal. Unless you are aware of the animal's immunization history, you are at risk for rabies. The wound will need to be thoroughly cleansed and you may need a series of rabies vaccinations to prevent the disease.
    • You have diabetes. Diabetics are prone to wound complications from poor blood circulation and nerve performance. Small wounds can become seriously infected or take a long time to heal. If you have diabetes, you should always see a doctor if you have a wound, regardless of its size.
    • More than five years have passed since your last tetanus shot. While doctors recommend getting a tetanus shot every ten years, boosters are often given if you get a deep bite or laceration from an animal bite, or a wound from a rusty piece of metal. To reduce your risk of tetanus, see your doctor if it has been more than five years since you got your last shot.
    • The cut is on your face. Sutures or other treatments can be useful for cosmetic healing.

Part 2 of 4: Taking care of the wound while it heals

  1. Change the bandage regularly. Blood and bacteria from your wound will soil the old dressing and it should be changed at least once a day to prevent infection. Also change the dressing if it gets wet or dirty.
  2. Watch for signs of infection. While it will help against infection if you clean your wound thoroughly and keep it covered, it can still occur. Keep an eye out for these signs and talk to your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms.
    • More pain around the area.
    • Redness, swelling, or warmth around the wound.
    • Pus draining from the wound.
    • A foul odor.
    • A fever of 38 degrees for more than four hours.
  3. If your wound is not healing properly, see your doctor. Wounds usually heal within 3-7 days, some more serious wounds take up to 2 weeks. If it takes too long for your wound to heal, there may be an infection or some other problem. If a week has passed and your wound doesn't seem to be healing, see your doctor.

Part 3 of 4: Helping your wound heal faster

  1. Keep the area hydrated. Antibiotic ointment is not only useful for preventing infections - it also helps lock in moisture in the wound. This is beneficial because dry wounds heal more slowly, so moisture will speed healing. Apply ointment every time you dress the wound. Even after you have stopped covering the wound, apply a dollop of ointment to lock in moisture and aid the healing process.
  2. Avoid picking at or removing crusts. Sometimes crusts form on cuts or scrapes. This will help protect the area while it heals. That's why you shouldn't scratch or try to pull off crusts. This will expose the wound and your body will have to start to heal itself again, slowing down the healing process.
    • Crusts are sometimes accidentally rubbed off, and then the wound starts to bleed again. If this happens, clean and cover the wound like any other wound.
  3. Remove patches slowly. While we have often been told that the best thing to do is to peel off plasters quickly, this can actually slow your wound to heal. Pulling off a band-aid too quickly can rip off scabs and pull wounds open again, taking the healing process one step back. Instead, take the patch off slowly. To make this easier, soak the area in warm water to loosen the patch and make removal less painful.
  4. Avoid using harsh antiseptics on small wounds. Alcohol, peroxide, iodine and harsh soap irritate and inflame the wound, which can slow down the healing process and even cause scarring. For small wounds and scrapes, you only need clean water, a mild soap and antibiotic ointment.
  5. Get plenty of sleep. The body repairs itself during sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, the wound may take much longer to heal. Sleep is also essential for a healthy immune system to prevent infections while your wound heals. Get a full night's sleep to help your wound heal quickly and efficiently.

Part 4 of 4: Helping your wound heal with proper nutrition

  1. Eat 2 or 3 servings of protein per day. Protein is a necessary ingredient for skin and tissue growth. Eating 2 to 3 servings per day will stimulate wound healing. Some good sources of protein are:
    • Meat and poultry
    • Beans
    • Eggs
    • Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt, especially Greek yogurt.
    • Products with soy protein
  2. Increase your fat intake. Fats are needed for cells to form, so you will need enough to allow your wound to heal quickly and efficiently. Make sure the fats you get are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, or good fats. Saturated fats from junk food do not help you heal and can cause other health problems.
    • Sources of good fats that will help you heal are lean meats, vegetable oils such as sunflower or olive oil, and dairy products.
  3. Eat carbohydrates daily. Carbohydrates are important because your body uses them for energy. Without it, your body will break down nutrients such as protein to get its energy. This can slow down the healing process because proteins and fats will be diverted from the healing of your wound. Prevent this by eating cereal, bread, rice and pasta every day.
    • Choose composite carbohydrates rather than simple carbohydrates. Compound carbohydrates are digested more slowly by your body, which means they are less likely to spike your blood sugar. Compound carbohydrate foods, such as whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, and whole oatmeal, also usually contain more fiber and protein.
  4. Get enough vitamins A and C. Both vitamins help heal wounds by stimulating cell growth and fighting inflammation. They also fight infections while the wound is still healing.
    • Sources of vitamin A include sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots, herring, salmon, eggs and dairy products.
    • Sources of vitamin C include oranges, yellow peppers, dark green vegetables and berries.
  5. Include zinc in your diet. Zinc helps make protein and develop collagen, which helps your wound heal. Eat red meat, fortified cereals, and shellfish to get enough zinc in your diet.
  6. Keep drinking enough. Keep your fluid intake high to help improve circulation, which brings essential nutrients to your wound. Water also helps your body flush out toxins, which will help prevent infections.


  • Ask your doctor before making a drastic change in your diet. If you have pre-existing conditions or are on a prescribed diet, you can damage your body if you don't have medical guidance.
  • Call 911 or go to the emergency room if your wound does not stop bleeding after 10 minutes, if there is debris in the wound that you cannot remove, or if the wound is deep or long.