How to know if a girl likes you

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
14 Signs A Girl Likes You | How To Know If A Girl Likes You
Video: 14 Signs A Girl Likes You | How To Know If A Girl Likes You


It is often not easy to understand whether a girl likes a guy. Some girls do not hide it, openly flirting, giggling and blushing whenever they are surrounded by a guy. Others, on the other hand, are very shy and hide their feelings. However, it doesn't matter what type of girl you run into, because there are a number of unmistakable signs that can betray her. If you like a girl and want to know if your feelings are mutual, or just want to understand whether your classmate or a friend from the general social circle likes you, follow the proven methods below.


Method 1 of 3: Notice What She Does

  1. 1 Try to catch her eye on you. This is what will give her away. If you look across the classroom or the audience at a party and catch her eye on you, then maybe she likes you. And if she, noticing that you caught her eye, shyly turns away or smiles weakly at you, then she practically admits that she has fallen in love with you.
    • Watch her just as imperceptibly, otherwise she will think that you are staring at her.
  2. 2 See if she is embarrassed in your company. This is further evidence that she likes you. If she blushes or is embarrassed every time you walk past her or address her, this indicates that she likes you and she is worried about how and what to answer you. If you notice that she is blushing, do not ask her about it again and do not tease, because such behavior can scare and push her away from you.
    • Just make sure she's not the kind of girl who blushes every time any guy talks to her, because she might just be embarrassed to be around guys.
  3. 3 Observe how much she laughs next to you. Most girls in the company of the guys they have sympathy for laugh a lot, because being next to a guy who they like inspires and can turn your head. If the girl next to you giggles and laughs often even when you haven't said anything funny, she probably likes you.She may laugh because she just likes you, but if the girl really thinks that everything you said is very funny, then she has a crush on you.
    • Next time you talk, see if she laughs often. Joke a little and watch her laugh - she may have feelings for you.
  4. 4 Take a closer look at how the girl's friends react when they pass you. They can tell a lot about her feelings without saying a word. Next time, walking down the hallway, see if the girl's friends, upon seeing you, will tease her, nudge her, or just nod their heads in your direction, indicating your presence to the girl. This is a pretty clear sign that the girl has her eye on you.
    • If her friends greet you with a sly smile, this again may indicate that the girl is not indifferent to you.
  5. 5 See if she's looking for an excuse to be with you. If a girl has her eye on you, she will want to spend a lot of time with you. And for this she will look for any reason. For example, she asks you to help her with math, even invites you to watch a movie or a concert. She can do it casually so that you don't guess her true motives.
    • If you have been in the same social circle for a long time, and the girl began to show herself relatively recently, this probably means that she is not indifferent to you.
  6. 6 Notice how much she pays attention to her appearance in your presence. If a girl dresses up more often in your presence, and also preserves more, she may be trying to impress you. If you only spend time with her or in a small company, and she often paints her lips with lipstick or gloss, admiring in the mirror or constantly straightening her clothes, she is most likely trying to please you.
    • If you unexpectedly find her in casual clothes, she's probably dressing up just for you.
    • If you met by chance at a grocery store and she started joking about her nondescript appearance, it’s probably embarrassing that you saw her like that.
  7. 7 Read her body language. A girl's body language can tell you a lot about her feelings. If she constantly looks you in the eyes, moves closer, and turns completely towards you when you are talking to her, this indicates that she likes you. Here are some other things to look out for:
    • If, when talking to you, she curls strands of hair, then she is nervous about the fact that she likes you.
    • If a girl crosses her legs, changing them, she again gets nervous when talking to you.
    • If she looks away and sometimes looks at the floor, then she likes you.
  8. 8 See how she behaves with other guys. It is very important. Sometimes a guy may think that a girl is in love with him when in fact it turns out that she is flirtatious, sociable and playful with many other guys. Some girls really fall in love with guys, and some just prefer a man's company to a woman's. You may misunderstand a girl who is friendly to everyone by thinking that she has a crush on you.
    • Check how the girl behaves with the guys. If she behaves in the same way with everyone, then she's just that kind of person.
    • If she treats you differently, paying more attention to your person - or, conversely, less attention, because she is shy talking with you - perhaps she likes you.

Method 2 of 3: Notice how the girl speaks

  1. 1 See if she teases you. If a girl teases you, this is another signal that she cares about you. Teasing is a form of flirting. In such a playful way, the girl makes you know that she likes you. She may pester you, taunting your clothes, playfully pushing or nudging you, and even making fun of your haircut or new shoes. But do not be offended - this is how she pays attention to you.
    • Compare who she sticks to - all the guys or just you. If she makes fun of everyone, then she's just a joker. But if she only jokes about you, then she makes you stand out.
  2. 2 Notice if she praises you. If a girl compliments you all the time, chances are she really liked you. If she says she loves your new shoes, how you responded to stories, or how cool you played basketball when you just knocked the ball out, then she surely loves you. When a guy likes a girl, she likes every little thing he does, and she is not afraid to tell him about it.
    • She might just be a very nice girl giving compliments here and there. Or he says nice things only to you. Who knows - maybe in the latter case, she belongs to the type of very cute girls. Or maybe not.
    • If she compliments you about a new shirt or haircut, then she is watching your wardrobe and changes in your appearance. And this is a strong signal that she has a crush on you.
  3. 3 Watch to see if she is looking for an excuse to speak to you. If a girl is in love with you, she will look for any reason to start a conversation, unless, of course, she is irrevocably modest. If you don't have mutual friends or other reasons to cross paths, she can just walk up and ask a trivial question about what was asked in math, which, in principle, is easy to find out from other classmates. She may even call or write a message, asking some trivial question in the hope of continuing the conversation.
    • If she likes you, she might try to start a conversation based on your taste, such as sports or her favorite TV show. She might just walk up and ask if you watched yesterday's game or what you think of the final season of your favorite show. Maybe she shares your passions, or maybe she's just looking for a reason to start a conversation.
  4. 4 She may ask if you like someone. In this case, the girl will try to insinuatingly find out if you have sympathy for someone, if you are going to spend the weekend with a friend, if you are in love with someone, which will serve as a direct hint of her feelings for you. If a girl asks a question about whether you are in love with someone, it should be understood as follows: "Do you like me?"
    • There is only one more explanation for this - she can ask such questions because one of her friends is in love with you.
    • If you tell her that you don’t like anyone, she may ask the following: “You don’t like anyone at all? You should like someone ... ”. Here she wants to hear that you are in love with her.
    • Even the fact that she is interested in your personal front proves that she has romantic feelings for you.
  5. 5 Pay attention to what she says about the girls with whom you rotate in the same circles. Does the girl try to humiliate the girls with whom you communicate in any way? Does she say that all your former passions are unworthy of you? If so, the girl hints to you that she is the one and only for you. If she speaks unflatteringly about your girlfriends and any girls with whom you talk at recess, then she is madly jealous of you, because you do not pay enough attention to her.
    • If a girl is jealous, even though you have not even met yet, it is in the order of things. However, make sure that this is not a problem for you if you end up planning to date her.
  6. 6 Be wary if she makes it clear that she wants to date a guy. Perhaps she thinks that she is just hinting, but if she constantly says: "It's great if I had a boyfriend," "I'm so tired of being alone," cinema, ”which means she is asking you to become her boyfriend. If she often subtly hints that she wants to date someone, that someone is you.
    • There is another explanation for this - she wants a relationship with one of your friends.But if she never asks about your friends, then it means that she has a crush on you.
  7. 7 Hear how she speaks about other guys. If she says that this or that guy is not good enough for her, or there are no guys like you, she lets you know that she needs you. In addition, she can also tell who is missing what, focusing on your personal qualities.
    • If she says that she would go on a date with a guy with a great sense of humor, namely your humor she constantly praises, it means that she wants to date you.
    • If she complains to you about other guys, by doing so she lets you know that she likes you more than others.
  8. 8 See how often she calls or texts you. If she constantly calls you or writes messages, you are definitely not indifferent to her. If she sends you a lot of cute emojis, calls you just to say hi, or for homework she can ask anyone, then she's looking for a reason to talk to you.
    • If she writes to you with emoticons or words like "he-he", then she is flirting with you.

Method 3 of 3: Find out exactly if she likes you

  1. 1 Ask your friends. Your buddies should be the primary source of information. Ask them if they saw you with this girl together, and then ask them to answer honestly - if they think she likes you. Perhaps friends from the outside know better, and they will tell you if this girl is in love with you or if she is flirting and flirting with everyone. Ask them to be honest because you have a right to know the truth.
    • Your pals might know who else this girl might like. This information can be helpful before you try to talk to a girl in private.
    • Try to ask in a casual way. And carefully find out the opinion of those guys who can be this girl's buddies. Otherwise, you may light up.
  2. 2 Ask her friends. This is as risky as asking the girl directly. But if you really trust one of her friends and are sure that he will not betray you, feel free to go and ask. Her friend probably knows whether she likes you or not - it's another matter whether he tells you about it.
    • Just do not attach too much importance to questions. Don't expose yourself.
  3. 3 Ask the girl. If you also like this girl and want to know the truth, don't be afraid to ask about it. Just take a time when you are alone in a calm place and ask how she feels about you. If you like her, tell her about it first and add that you would like to know if it is mutual. Speak calmly, looking into your eyes, and give her your full attention so that she understands how important it is to you. But don't exaggerate so as not to scare her away.
    • If she admits it’s mutual, ask her out and see where it all leads.
    • If she has no feelings for you, react calmly. Don't be upset or offended - be impartial and show her what a great guy you are.


  • If you want to confess your sympathy to a girl or ask her if she likes you, do not take school and lunch hours for this. Choose a more secluded place and a suitable time for such questions.
  • Don't act like she's from another planet. And don't neglect it. Otherwise, you will break her heart.
  • Don't be cowardly or she will hate you. Behave yourself properly
  • If you have mutual feelings, but the girl is very shy, take the first step.
  • Be calm when you invite her, but do not overdo it, otherwise the girl will think that you are "stone".