How to make your boyfriend take the initiative to break up

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: How to Make him Regret Taking you for Granted? 5 Effective Ways to Implement NOW...


Is your relationship with your boyfriend not going as you wanted? Do you find it hard to open your mouth telling you to stop? Or you can't stand his reaction when you break up? Sometimes it's hard to end a relationship, but your best course of action is to tell him directly that it's going nowhere. Even so, if you still want to find another way, there are a few ways to get him to break up. Follow a few simple steps below, and soon you will be bachelor again.


Method 1 of 2: Change how you treat him

  1. Show off away. If you want to leave your boyfriend, don't answer his phone or text messages. If you do talk, you just have to say that you don't have time. Remember not to call or text your boyfriend first. If you two have a plan, cancel at the last minute. He will realize that you don't want to be with him and will eventually break up with you. You can also try not to talk to him.
    • When you meet your boyfriend, don't talk deeply. Must make the interaction between two people bland and awkward.You may even act depressed or pretend he's bothering you.
    • If he does call you, you can ignore it or say something like "I've been busy lately." If he asks you what you are busy, just ignore it or ignore it.
    • If you want to be more delicate, you can change it gradually. Don't cut it off all of a sudden, but cut down on your interactions with him a little each day. If you text him several times a day in the past, gradually reduce the number of texts. Your boyfriend will eventually realize that you've cut out the time you spend with him.

  2. Confuse him. Whenever you are with your boyfriend, make an excuse to quarrel about things. Whenever he says something, you just screw it up and turn it into an argument. If he does something a little late, say, “I'm always late and I keep waiting all the time. Can you never be on time? " Chances are he will get angry and break up with you.
    • You can also disparage everything your boyfriend does to encourage him to argue with you. When he explains something to you, say, “You're wrong. How stupid". Eventually he will endure and break up with you.

  3. Show ambiguity about the future. Insinuate him that you have no hope for the future between the two of you. If he is planning the appointment, don't agree to anything for sure, or avoid the plan. If he asks you to go see a music or event over the next few months, you can say “Let's see. I wonder if I was busy at that time. ” Eventually your boyfriend will understand that you don't see a future with him.
    • You may also get annoyed when he asks you something. If your boyfriend asks what you're going to do on the weekends, say, “What do you know for? You don't have to know what I do every minute. " If he finds that you can't be with him on the weekends, he will understand for himself that you don't want to bond with him in the future either.
    • If you talk about the future, don't include him in your plan. Say you're looking forward to vacation with your friends or planning to find a job in another city. If you don't include your boyfriend in your plan, he will know that you are not planning anything about him in the future.

  4. Avoid saying "I love you". Every time he says he loves you, don't reply him with the same sentence. If your boyfriend asks, you just hum like "Yes," or "Ah, yes." If you say "I love you", do not speak sincerely or firmly but be hesitant.
  5. Stop using intimate gestures. When you stop engaging in intimate gestures, you are signaling the red flag of your relationship. No matter how close you are, you should start to distance yourself from him. If you're new to cuddling, avoid kissing or cuddling. If you are already sexually active, say you don't like or are not interested. If your boyfriend asks, don't explain anything.
    • You can even stop all physical contact with your boyfriend. If he's going to hold your hand, take a step back or act like he's busy doing something.
  6. Say you need your own space. A good way to stop seeing your boyfriend is to state that you need to be away from him for a while. You will separate from your boyfriend and not deal with him. If your boyfriend later calls or texts you, just ignore all his calls or texts. Gradually your boyfriend will understand what you mean.
  7. Deliberately controlling him. Check out everything your boyfriend does. Tells he's wearing shoes that don't match the pants he's wearing at all. Talk about the foods he should eat instead of the things he usually eats. Nagging about the everyday chores. You may even act disrespectful of your boyfriend, acting like he didn't do anything cool. If he does something for you, say, “I mean well, but it's not right to do so. Must do this. ” Eventually he will get bored of your command and want to put an end to everything with you.
  8. Show selfishness. When you two meet, never let him control the conversation. If your boyfriend starts talking about himself, interrupt and talk about himself. If you let him finish the story, just respond nonchalantly like "Is that so" or "Great" and start talking about yourself. Your boyfriend will feel that you don't care about him at all, or will think that you are too selfish. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Change before others

  1. Change your social media pages. Social media is a place to show off to people about your relationship. If you want your boyfriend to break up, change your social media accounts and act like a single girl. Change your profile picture on Facebook and Twitter from photos taken with your boyfriend to a photo alone. Remove relationship status on Facebook. If you do this long enough, your boyfriend will understand.
    • To be even more effective, change your profile picture with your best photo. He will know that you are signaling to others that you are not serious about him and are willing to date others.
    • Start chatting with other guys on Facebook or Twitter. When he sees your interactions, he will understand that you are starting to want to leave him.
  2. Tell your friends. Next time you go out with your boyfriend, let them know your story. Say that they don't have to be welcoming or welcoming to him. When in the middle of a group of friends, ignore him and turn to chat with your friends. He will feel everyone's coldness and know that something has happened.
  3. Complain about his friends. Every time your boyfriend wants to hang out with his friends, complain about them. When you meet them, you can analyze how wrong they are. If he mentions your friends when he talks to you, criticize them for how bad they are or fight back when he compliments someone. Guys are usually very close, and he will get upset because you look down on his friends.
    • If you know you're going to see your boyfriend's friends, cancel the plan with him. That way, he'll know how much you hate them.
  4. Flirt with other guys. "Listen to" other guys every time you and your boyfriend go out. If you meet a cute guy on the street, tell your boyfriend how hot that guy is. Show a distraction when you talk to him because you're busy with another guy on the street. You can even "mum" with his best friend. Anyway your boyfriend is mad and wants to be over with you.
  5. Start talking about your ex-boyfriend. There's nothing that makes a guy run away faster than listening to you all the time talking about your ex. Mention the old man when you talk to your boyfriend, tell him how much you miss him, and you wonder what he is like now. If your boyfriend compliments what you are wearing, say, “Thank you. My ex likes me wearing this suit. ” Not only does this hurt your boyfriend's ego, but it also makes him realize that you don't like him because you always miss your ex. He may also be worried because it's hard to know inside your heart if the other person is just a friend, and will end up bored not knowing what you really want.
    • Start looking at pictures of you with your ex in your boyfriend's presence. If your social media profile picture is a photo taken with your boyfriend, replace it with a photo taken with your ex. This sends the clear message that you don't want to be his girlfriend anymore.


  • Only try this tactic when there is no other way. It can be counterproductive and you will lose your chance to befriend him later. He may tell others that you are not a nice person, causing others to suspect you as well.
  • If possible, be honest with your boyfriend. This is an easier and less stressful option than playing an acting game.
  • If your boyfriend wants to come and play, say "No, I don't want you to come."He'll know that you don't want him to come home or break up.
  • When you and him hang out with a group of friends, step away from him, or get annoyed when he comes to sit near you. But in any case, honest behavior is less painful and stressful.
  • If you don't like someone, try to be honest with them. You can just say that two people don't get along well, it's best to break up.
  • If you plan to break up, don't wait too long, as it will only hurt you and him more.