How to take a girl away

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 21 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to take a girl’s phone away 🤣👌#shorts #comedy
Video: how to take a girl’s phone away 🤣👌#shorts #comedy


Met an amazing girl, and then found out that she is already in a relationship with someone? Unfortunately, this is often the case. Yes, you are at a disadvantage, but that does not mean that you have no chance. Play by the rules and you can take the girl away from her boyfriend.


Method 1 of 2: Be Confident

  1. 1 Build trust. To do this, spend time with her whenever possible. The point is that you should treat her just like you would any other friend. Listen to her problems, try to get to know her better, and spend time with friendships, such as going to the cafe and watching movies.
    • Do not rush to become her boyfriend, otherwise she will look at you as an obsessive suitor who only wants to use her for her own pleasure.
    • Stay independent. Once you become annoying, the most you can count on is the role of a friend, but not a boyfriend.
  2. 2 Create positive memories. If she experiences positive emotions around you, she will think of you. Be attentive to her, go for a walk together and do what both of you enjoy. If she loves bowling and her boyfriend doesn't, join her. Do not judge, but also do not encourage her relationship, and do not speak negatively about her partner.
    • In other words, find the weaknesses in her relationship and fill in the gaps her boyfriend leaves. Listen carefully to her complaints.
    • Finding something in common is a great way to strengthen your bond. If she wants to try skydiving and you want to go on a safari, tie the two together as a desire to travel.
    • If she wants to spend a lot of time with you, this is a sign that she is not satisfied with her relationship.
  3. 3 Perceive her the way she wants it. Yes, flirting can be appropriate, but you should also treat her as a person and not as an object of relationship. To do this, listen to her and support her. For example, if she wants to be a photographer, be positive about her work. Remember: there are many guys who may be interested in her appearance and interfere with the realization of her dreams, perhaps her partner also belongs to them.
  4. 4 Keep in touch with other girls. Obsession will definitely put her off. Show that you are confident and do not need her. This is very useful for girls who send mixed signals. For example, if you study together and her flirting turns into coldness during school, hang out with other girls. Make them laugh. Jealousy can motivate her to take action.
    • After chatting with other girls, invite her to spend time together, for example, at lunch in a week. If she barely accepts the invitation, she's probably not interested enough to go with you.

Method 2 of 2: Communicate Effectively

  1. 1 Build communication. Create a shared story. It may take time, but a girl is unlikely to leave her boyfriend for someone she has known not so long ago. The happier she is in her relationship with her boyfriend, the more patience you need to be. Talk to her in a way that shows your confidence, calmness, and determination.
    • To do this, develop your own self-esteem. Practice good hygiene, exercise, eat well, and practice communicating in front of a mirror or with other people.
    • Approach her with confidence. Speak clearly and maintain clear eye contact.
    • Get straight to the point when you start a conversation that interests her. For example, if she is reading a book, ask her about it, concentrate on the conversation until it starts to exhaust itself, and then move on to other topics.
  2. 2 Discuss different things. It's easy to start babbling about your work or friends. This is a mistake, as it is boring and everyone is discussing the same thing with friends. You'd better get her interested. Memorize a few fun facts and stories and share them in small quantities.
    • A common communication technique is to ask a person deep questions that provoke more common answers than a simple yes or no. For example: “As a bank teller, you must meet a lot of interesting people. Tell me about your favorite client. "
  3. 3 Promote yourself. To do this, find out what her ideal guy is. Ask her, “If you could be with anyone in the world, what would that person look like? How would he behave? How would you feel? " Make this character as alive as possible, and then compare her boyfriend to that ideal.
    • For example, if she says, "I want to date someone who will listen to me," say, "Your boyfriend seems so busy, but I'm sure he's trying his best."
    • Never insult her boyfriend or jump to conclusions about his flaws right in front of her.
  4. 4 Don't act like you're her second boyfriend. The girl you like may have hundreds of fans telling her how beautiful she is. Do not sit next to her, showering her with compliments; Don't do things her boyfriend doesn't usually do, such as listening to her relationship problems or buying her food. This will turn you into a friend or a source of money and attention until she gets back to her partner.
    • Use your loneliness. Stay mysterious, intriguing, and independent instead of expressing intent to take her boyfriend's place.
  5. 5 Flirt with her. A good way to express your desire is to do it without saying a word. Keep in mind that you need to make her want to be with you without mentioning it. Be charming and patient in appearance. Periodically lightly touch her hands, wrist, or shoulder if she doesn't mind. Over time, find opportunities for additional contact, such as showing her how to throw a bowling ball or helping her up on a hike.
    • Don't tell her your intentions. Otherwise, she will see you as a threat to her relationship, which will make her uncomfortable to communicate with you. Plus, she might think you used her.
    • There may be some psychological discomfort as you try to be part of her emotions, but you should never make her feel threatened. Stop touching her if she asks you to stop.
    • You shouldn't make demands either. Don't try to force her to choose between you and her boyfriend.
  6. 6 Kiss her without permission. After some time of friendship, you can try to show physical sympathy. Use your common sense to know when the right time is right. If you've gotten attracted to her through flirting, intimacy, and a positive pastime, choose a place and time when you're alone. If she rejects you, don't force things.
    • Instead of continuing to express strong feelings, it might be more helpful to leave her with that kiss and let her think about it.
    • This is a risky step, but it can be necessary to create emotional confusion if you get bogged down in the friend zone. If it scares her off, stop chasing her.


  • Be by her side when her boyfriend can't, but don't play the role of just a vest to cry on.
  • Be discerning. Don't hurt her when appropriate. She will appreciate your courage.
  • Be careful around her boyfriend. When standing up to defend a girl, never insult or beat him.
  • Don't be angry with her boyfriend. Chances are, he hasn't done anything bad to you. If you act nasty towards him, you will seem immature and jealous.
  • Be prepared to wait.Building trust and strong romantic emotions can take a while.
  • Let her break up with her boyfriend naturally. Cheating is wrong, and if she does it to him, she can do it to you.
  • Don't bombard her with messages and calls - this is a sign of despair.


  • You shouldn't offer her to break up with her boyfriend, otherwise your plan will be revealed, and the girl will think that you were manipulating her, and this, most likely, will ruin your chances of a relationship with her.
  • Girls who quickly dump guys or refuse to part ways with them altogether can hurt you. If the girl was not in a bad relationship and cheated on you, she will probably do the same in the future, only you will suffer this time.
  • Expect to lose her to someone else who does the same tricks as you. Trust her while the benefits are on your side.
  • If you act as a boyfriend or friend, such as hearing about her relationship problems or going shopping with her, you will be nothing more than a buddy.
  • Be wary of girls who take advantage of you or fool you. Always stay in control of your life.