How to improve skin color

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How We Get Our Skin Color | HHMI BioInteractive Video
Video: How We Get Our Skin Color | HHMI BioInteractive Video


Skin improvement is what many people try to do every day. Sometimes they hire specialists, sometimes they try to find off-market products themselves. However, everyone wants to do it, and we are here to explain how to improve skin color in thirty days.


  1. 1 Appreciate the porridge skin. Is she fat? Red? Dry? This is really important, as not every product can help your skin type deal with certain problems.
  2. 2 Review all options. It's not exactly the price, but rather the ingredients that work best for you.
  3. 3 Regardless of your skin type, try moisturizers that suit your complexion. Moisturizers clog pores - it's a myth! If you have oily skin, using moisturizers will result in less oil being released and thus solve your problem. We also recommend all natural products.
  4. 4 Fight redness with masks. There are many masks that reduce redness and even cosmetics can help you! There are some natural remedies that are inexpensive but very effective. They are easy to use and handle problems well! Some even come in pretty little sets.
  5. 5 Make sure you wash your face twice a day! Once in the morning and once in the evening.It works for everyone as it removes dead skin cells, unclogs pores and makes skin glow! However, do not wash your skin too often, as this can lead to the release of a lot of oil and make the skin worse.
  6. 6 Don't be too nervous. Stress leads to the release of hormones and your face will suffer from it. Try to avoid stress as much as possible.
  7. 7 Use mud masks! Mud masks are a great solution, but sometimes expensive. You don't have to go to the spa to get them, you can buy them in stores and make them yourself at home. They will provide your skin with the minerals and nutrients it needs! If you make masks too often, they can hurt, but if you do them once a week, they work wonders!


  • Drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Don't switch from one skin care product to another. To make improvements, you have to let the funds run for, say, a couple of weeks. After that, if you DO NOT see any improvement AT ALL, you can safely change your skin care products. If it doesn't work the way it should, don't use it! It will not help, it will only disfigure your skin. Makeup is fine if you want to take a break, although skin cleaners and masks should not be applied every other day unless instructed to do so.
  • REMEMBER, each type of skin requires special products, otherwise they will not work. If you see that after a week it only got worse, use another remedy, etc.
  • If there are still problems and you do not see any improvement after thirty days, it would be a good idea to visit your doctor about this.
  • Do not skip the application of funds.


  • All natural cosmetics and face cleaners / masks are VERY good, however some people need more than just natural products. Don't worry if natural products don't contain the ingredients you need.
  • Everyone has a different skin type, so keep this in mind when grooming.